
A floating object moored to the BOTTOM in a particular (charted) place, as an AID TO NAVIGATION or for other specific purposes. Navigational buoys may be classified according to: (a) their shape, appearance, or construction, such as barrel, CAN, cask, CONICAL, cylindrical, DAN, KEG, NUN, PILLAR, SPAR, spherical, or TOPMARK BUOY; (b) their colour, such as black, chequered, green, red buoy; (c) their location, such as BIFURCATION, FAIRWAY, JUNCTION, MID-CHANNEL, MIDDLE-GROUND, or TURNING BUOY; (d) the various kinds of hazards or dangers to NAVIGA­TI­ON which they mark, such as BAR, ISOLATED DANGER, FISH TRAP, OBSTRUCTION, SPOIL GROUND, TELEGRAPH or WRECK BUOY; (e) their particular purpose or use, such as ANCHOR, ANCHORAGE, COMPASS ADJUSTMENT, DREDGING, FAREWELL (or landfall), MARKER, QUARANTINE, STATION (or watch), or WARPING BUOY.