Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
System Electronic Navigational Chart (SENC) | 系统电子海图
| In ECDIS, means a database, in the manufacturer’s internal ECDIS format, resulting from the lossless transformation of the entire ENC conten... more | ECDIS中采用制造商内部格式的数据库,由全部ENC内容及其改正数据通过无损转换得到。这是ECDIS 为显示海图和实现其它导航功能而实际访问的数据库,它等效于改正至最新的纸质海图。SENC 还包含航海人员添加和从其它渠道获取的信息。 |
System Raster Navigational Chart Database (SRNC) | 系统栅格海图数据库
| In ECDIS, means a database resulting from the transformation of the RNC by the RCDS to include updates to the RNC by appropriate means. | ECDIS中一种被光栅海图显示系统转换的栅格航海图数据库形式,并以适当方式包含栅格航海图的更新。 |
textual HO information | HO原文信息 | In ECDIS information presently contained in separate publications (e.g. SAILING DIRECTIONS) which may be incorporated in the ENC, and also t... more | 在ECDIS中,包含在单独出版物(例如航行指南)中的信息,这些信息也许合并在ENC中,采用特定物标的属性形式表达。 |
time varying object | 时变物标 | In ECDIS, an OBJECT which has one or more ATTRIBUTES, the value or values of which vary with time. | 在电子海图显示与信息系统中,一个物标具有一个或多个随时间变化的属性。 |
true-motion display | NULL | In ECDIS, a DISPLAY in which OWN SHIP and each target moves with its own true motion, while the position of all charted information remains ... more | NULL |
underscale | 欠比例尺
| In ECDIS, the condition where data displayed are not the largest scale NAVIGATIONAL PURPOSE data available for that area. | 在电子海图显示与信息系统中,数据显示未采用该区域最大航海目的比例尺的情形。 |
update information | 更新信息
| In ECDIS, the data which are needed to update the TARGET DATA automatically. Update information comprises one or more UPDATE RECORDS. | 在电子海图显示与信息系统中,需要自动更新目标数据的信息。更新信息包括一个或多个更新记录。 |
update mechanism | 更新机制
| In ECDIS, the defined sequence of update operations necessary to update the TARGET DATA by applying the UPDATE INFORMATION to the content of... more | 在电子海图显示与信息系统中,定义更新操作步骤的顺序,对于更新目标数据内容来说是必要的,以便无需人工交互即可进行更新。 |
warning | 警告
| In ECDIS, an ALARM or INDICATION. | 在电子海图显示与信息系统中,一个警告或警示。 |
water stabilization | 水稳
| In ECDIS, the reference system relative to the water based on course- and speed-through-water sensors. | 在电子海图显示与信息系统中,关于水流水速传感器的参考系统。 |
Worldwide Electronic Navigational Chart Data Base (WEND) | NULL | In ECDIS, a common, worldwide network of ENC datasets, based on IHO standards, designed specifically to meet the needs of international mari... more | NULL |
zoom | 图像(电子)放大
| In ECDIS, a method of enlarging (zoom in) or reducing (zoom out) graphics displayed on a SCREEN. | 1.一种图形显示器放大图像的方法,该功能通常由屏幕硬件实现,它或者可将被选择的窗口放大而覆盖整个屏幕,或者重复按某键可连续放大图像内容,保持图像中心与屏幕中心一致。
bag | NULL | Finite, unordered collection of related items (objects or values) that may be repeated. | NULL |
IMSO | 国际移动卫星组织 | International Mobile Satellite Organization. | 国际移动卫星组织。 |
SOLAS | 国际海上人命安全公约 | International convention on “Safety Of Life At Sea”. | 国际海上人命安全公约。 |
Survey vessel (ship) or platform | 测量船,测量平台 | A vessel or platform (e.g. aircraft) specially equipped for carrying out TOPOGRAPHIC, HYDROGRAPHIC and/or OCEANOGRAPHIC SURVEY. | 为完成地形测量、海道测量和(或)海洋测量而专门装备的舰船或平台(如飞机)。 |