Term | Istilah indonesia | Definition | Definisi Bahasa Indonesia |
swash mark | Tanda swash | The thin wavy line of fine SAND, mica scales, bits of SEAWEED, etc., left by the UPRUSH when it recedes from its upward limit of movement on the BEACH... more | Garis bergelombang tipis dari PASIR halus, skala mika, RUMPUT LAUT, dan sebagainya, ditinggalkan oleh DEBURAN saat surut dari batas atas pergerakan PA... more |
swashway | swashway | See SWASH. | Lihat SWASH |
swath(e) | petak | The strip or lane on the ground or SEAFLOOR scanned by the SWATH(E) SOUNDING SYSTEM when the SURVEY platform proceeds along its COURSE. | Bidang atau jalur di tanah yang dipindai oleh perum multibeam saat kapal survei melintasi jalurnya |
swath(e) sounding system | Sistem pemeruman petak | A multi-beam system which is capable of obtaining a lane of soundings from a single ship's track. | Sistem multibeam yang mampu memperoleh jalur pemeruman dari jalur tunggal kapal |
swath(e) system | NULL | Any of a number of systems which are capable of obtaining a strip or lane of ELEVATIONs or SOUNDINGs from a single SURVEY PLATFORMS’s TRACK. In HYDRO... more | NULL |
sway | goyangan | The side-to-side bodily motion of a ship, independent of ROLLING, caused by uniform pressure being exerted all along one side of the hull. | Gerakan kapal dari sisi ke sisi, BERGULUNG, disebabkan oleh tekanan sama yang digunakan sepanjang sisi lambung kapal |
sweep | mengecek | (v.t. & i.). To tow a line or object below the surface, to determine the least depth in an area or to insure that a given area is free from navigation... more | (kkt. & kki.). Untuk menarik garis atau obyek di bawah permukaan, untuk menentukan kedalaman terendah di suatu area atau untuk menjamin bahwa area ter... more |
sweeping | pengecekan | The process of towing a line or object below the surface, to determine whether an area is free from isolated submerged dangers to vessels and to deter... more | Proses menarik garis atau obyek di bawah permukaan, untuk menentukan apakah suatu area bebas dari bahaya bawah laut bagi kapal dan untuk menentukan po... more |
swell | Gelombang besar | Ocean waves which have travelled out of their generating area. Swell characteristically exhibits a more regular and longer PERIOD and has flatter CRES... more | Ombak lautan yang telah keluar dari areanya. Ciri-ciri gelombang besar memiliki PERIODE yang lebih reguler dan lama serta PUNCAK yang lebih datar dari... more |
swept area | NULL | An area that has been determined to be clear of navigational dangers to a specified DEPTH | NULL |
swing | swing | In PHOTOGRAMMETRY, a rotation of a PHOTOGRAPH in its own plane about its camera axis. | Dalam FOTOGAMETRI, perputaraN FOTO di bidangnya sekitar sumbu kamera. |
swinger | swinger | See FIX: CIRCULAR. | Lihat PENENTUAN POSISI: LINGKARAN |
swinging buoy | swinging buoy | See COMPASS ADJUSTMENT BUOY. | Lihat COMPASS ADJUSTMENT BUOY |
swinging ship | Lingkaran putar | The process of placing a vessel on various HEADINGS and comparing MAGNETIC COMPASS readings with the corresponding magnetic DIRECTIONS, to determine... more | Proses meletakkan kapal di berbagai HEADING dan membandingkan pembacaan KOMPAS MAGNETIK dengan ARAH magnetik yang sesuai, untuk menentukan DEVIASI. In... more |
swirl error | swirl error | See ERROR. | Lihat KESALAHAN |
symbol | simbol | A CHARACTER, letter, or similar graphic representation used on a CHART, MAP, HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEY SHEET, or DIAGRAM to represent some object, quantit... more | KARAKTER, surat, atau representasi grafis serupa yang digunakan pada PETA LAUT, PETA, EMBAR SURVEI HIDROGRAFI, atau DIAGRAM untuk menunjukkan obyek, k... more |
synodical month | Bulan sinode | See MONTH. | Lihat BULAN |
synodic (or synodical) period | Periode sinodik | The interval of time between any planetary configuration of a CELESTIAL BODY, with respect to the SUN, and the next successive same configuration of t... more | Intercal waktu antara konfigurasi planet dari BENDA LANGIT, berkenaan dengan MATAHARI, dan konfigurasi benda yang sama, seperti dari KONJUNGSI INFERIO... more |
synoptic analysis | Analisis sinoptik | Sea WEATHER ANALYSIS. | Lihat ANALISIS CUACA |
synoptic chart (or map) | Peta sinoptik | See CHART (or MAP): WEATHER. | Lihat PETA: CUACA |