Eng ID | Term | Definition |
3321 | modulation | VARIATION of some characteristic of a WAVE, called the CARRIER WAVE, in accordance with instantaneous values of another WAVE, called the MOD... more |
3322 | modulation: amplitude | The process of changing the amplitude of a carrier wave in accordance with the variations of a modulating wave. |
3323 | modulation: frequency | Angle modulation of a sine-wave carrier in which the instantaneous frequency of the modulated wave differs from the carrier frequency by an ... more |
3324 | modulation: pulse | The process of forming very short bursts of a CARRIER WAVE, separated by relatively long periods during which no CARRIER WAVE is transmitte... more |
3325 | modulation: sideband | A particular kind of amplitude modulation in which one of the two frequency bands on both sides of the carrier (and possibly the carrier its... more |
3326 | modulation: space | The combining of SIGNALS in space to form a SIGNAL of desired characteristics. |
3327 | moire | Undesirable patterns occurring when REPRODUCTIONS are made from halftone PROOFS or steel ENGRAVINGS, caused by conflict between the RULING ... more |
3328 | moiré effect | The effect created by transmitting light through two separate, overlapping families of parallel lines. See also INOGEN LIGHT. |
3329 | mole | A massive structure of masonry or large stones serving as a PIER or BREAKWATER, or both. Unit of quantity of matter in the SI system. |
3330 | moment | The tendency or degree of tendency to produce motion about an AXIS. Numerically it is the quantity obtained by multiplying the force, SPEED... more |
3331 | moment of inertia | The quantity obtained by multiplying the mass of each small part of a body by the square of its distance from an AXIS, and adding all the r... more |
3332 | momentum | Quantity of motion. That property of a particle which is given by the product of its mass with its VELOCITY. |
3333 | monitoring | Checking of the operation and performance of an electronic system through reception of its SIGNALS. |
3334 | monochromatic | (adj.). Of, or having one colour. Of, or producing light of one WAVE LENGTH. |
3335 | monsoon | WIND of the general circulation of the ATMOSPHERE, typified by the seasonal persistence of a given wind direction and by a pronounced chang... more |
3336 | montage | A series of related pieces of copy appearing as one to tell a complete story. |
3337 | month | A measure of TIME based on the motion of the MOON in its ORBIT. |
3338 | month: anomalistic | The interval of time between two successive passages of the MOON in its ORBIT through PERIGEE. The length of the anomalistic month is 27.55... more |
3339 | month: dracontic | See MONTH: NODICAL. |
3340 | month: lunar | See MONTH: SYNODICAL. |