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Eng ID Term Definition
track made good
track plotter
A PLOTTER used to plot the track or course of a craft.
trade winds
Persistent WINDS, mainly in the lower ATMOSPHERE, which blow over vast regions from a subtropi­cal ANTICYCLONE toward the equatorial regions... more
Persistent WINDS, mainly in the lower ATMOSPHERE, which blow over vast regions from a subtropi­cal ANTICYCLONE toward the equatorial regions. The predominant directions of the trade winds are from NE in the northern hemisphere and from SE in the southern hemisphere.
traffic lane
An area within defined limits in which one-way traffic is established. Natural obstacles, including those forming separation zones, may cons... more
An area within defined limits in which one-way traffic is established. Natural obstacles, including those forming separation zones, may consti­tute a boundary.
traffic separation line
traffic separation zone
traffic separation scheme
A ROUTEING measure aimed at the separation of opposing streams of traffic by appropriate means and by the establishment of TRAFFIC LANES.
training wall
A wall, BANK, or JETTY, often submer­ged, built to direct or confine the FLOW of a RIVER or TIDAL CURRENT.
The curved path of something hurtling through space. In METEOROLOGY, curve traced by the successive positi­ons of a moving particle of air. ... more
The curved path of something hurtling through space. In METEOROLOGY, curve traced by the successive positi­ons of a moving particle of air. Curve traced by the successive positions of the centre of a selected synop­tic system, such as a DEPRESSION. In OCEANOGRAPHY, the path followed by moving water particles. In electronics the path followed by electrons emana­ting from the cathode as in an electron tube.
A combination transmitter and receiver in a single housing, with some components being used by both parts. See TRANSPONDER.
Any device for converting energy from one form to another (electrical, mechanical, or acoustic).
transducer: magnetostriction
A TRANSDUCER that depends for its operation on the interac­tion between the magne­tiza­tion and the deformation of a material having magneto... more
A TRANSDUCER that depends for its operation on the interac­tion between the magne­tiza­tion and the deformation of a material having magnetostric­tive properties.
In PHOTO­GRAMMETRY, the process of projecting a PHOTOGRAPH (mathematically, graphically, or photographically) from its plane onto another pl... more
In PHOTO­GRAMMETRY, the process of projecting a PHOTOGRAPH (mathematically, graphically, or photographically) from its plane onto another plane by translation, rotation, and/or scale change. The projection is made onto a plane deter­mined by the angular rela­tions of the camera axes and not necessa­rily onto a horizontal plane. See also RECTIFICATION.
transforming printer
A specially designed projection printer of fixed geometry used for transforming the oblique components of a coupled camera installation, a M... more
A specially designed projection printer of fixed geometry used for transforming the oblique components of a coupled camera installation, a MULTIPLE-LENS CAMERA, or a panoramic camera onto a plane perpendicular to the axis of the system.
transhipment or lightening area
An area designated for transfer of cargo from one vessel to another sometimes in order to reduce a vessel’s DRAUGHT. Also called cargo trans... more
An area designated for transfer of cargo from one vessel to another sometimes in order to reduce a vessel’s DRAUGHT. Also called cargo transfer area or cargo transhipment area.
transient magnetism
transient thermocline
In ASTRONOMY, the apparent passage of a STAR or other CELESTIAL BODY across a defined line of the CELESTIAL SPHERE, as a MERIDIAN, PRIME VER... more
In ASTRONOMY, the apparent passage of a STAR or other CELESTIAL BODY across a defined line of the CELESTIAL SPHERE, as a MERIDIAN, PRIME VERTICAL, or ALMUCANTAR. When no line is specified, a transit across the MERIDIAN is usually intended. See MERIDIAN TRANSIT. The apparent passage of a STAR or other CELESTIAL BODY across a line in the RETICLE of a TELESCOPE, or some LINE OF SIGHT. The apparent passage of a smaller CELESTIAL BODY across the disk of a larger CELES­TIAL BODY. A surveying instrument composed of a HORIZONTAL CIRCLE graduated in circular measure and an ALIDADE with a TELESCOPE which can be reversed in its supports without being lifted therefrom. Also, the act of making such a reversal. A THEODOLITE having a TELESCO­PE that can be transited in its supports is a transit, and is sometimes termed a transit theodolite. All modern THEODOLITES are transits. An astronomical instrument having a TELESCOPE which can be so adjusted in position that the LINE OF SIGHT may be made to define a VERTICAL CIRCLE. A transit used in astronomical work is usually termed either an astro­nomic­(al) transit or a transit instrument. In NAVIGATION, the position of two distant, fixed objects when they are in line to an observer; the line passing through them and the observer being a LINE OF POSITION. See also RANGE.
transit: broken telescope
A precise astronomic TRANSIT or THEODOLITE in which the light passing through the OBJECTIVE LENS is reflected through a right angle by a pri... more
A precise astronomic TRANSIT or THEODOLITE in which the light passing through the OBJECTIVE LENS is reflected through a right angle by a prism placed in the HORIZONTAL AXIS. This hollow axis is continued beyond the supports, and the EYEPIECE is fitted at one end.
transit: local
The apparent passage of a CELESTIAL BODY across the MERIDIAN of the observer. See also MERIDIAN TRANSIT.