Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
wireless | 无线的,无线电
| See RADIO. | 没有导线的电磁波通信。无线电接收机。 |
wire sounding | 绞索测深,用测深器测深
| See SOUNDING. | 用测深器测深。当测深索放出时,测量船或小艇必须停止。 |
witness mark | 参考点,练测点;示位标
| A MARK placed at a known distance and direction from a property corner, BASE TERMINAL, or survey STATION, to aid in its recovery and identi... more | 已知其到某地界、基线端点或测站间距离和方位的标石,以便以后寻找及辨认。 |
Wollaston current meter | 沃拉斯顿验流计
| A CURRENT METER similar but much larger and heavier than the EKMAN CURRENT METER. It is equipped with recording mechanisms and is suitable ... more | 与艾克曼流速计相似,但体积更大重量更重。该流速计配备了记录装置,适合于测量流速高达6节的水流。它设计用于锚泊的船舶上。 |
word | 字
| An addressable subdivision of storage memory of a computer system. Usually an integer number of BYTES (e.g. 4 bytes = 32 bit) indicating the... more | 计算机系统存储器中的一种可寻址空间划分,通常以字节(bytes)的整数倍数位(如4字节=32位)表示存储器中数字信息的标准长度。 |
working chart | 工作图
| See CHART. | 在海道测量中,用来大致拟定测量计划的一种工作文件(海图或计划)。 |
working pendulum | 工作摆
| See PENDULUM. | 一种用于测定重力强度的摆。 |
World Geodetic System | 世界大地坐标系
| A global geodesic reference system developed by the USA for satellite position fixing and recommended by IHO for hydrographic and cartograph... more | 美国为卫星定位开发的全球大地参考系统,并由国际海道测量组织(IHO)推荐用于海洋测量及海图制图。 |
World Meteorological Organization (WMO) | 世界气象组织
| Promotes international cooperation in the field of meteorology. | 英文缩写WMO,指旨在促进气象领域国际合作的国际组织。 |
World Wide Navigational Warning Service (WWNWS) | 全球航行警告服务
| A service established for the purpose of coordinating the transmissions of radionavigational warnings in geographical areas using coastal an... more | 为协调无线电航行警告发布业务而建立的一种服务体系,这种航行警告按地理分区并使用沿岸或卫星通信手段发射。 |
wrack | 墨角藻;漂积海草
| See ROCKWEED. | 一种褐藻类海洋植被,枝叉多而坚韧,由一个称作夹钳的组织附着在潮间带的岩石上,亦称 fucus。 |
wreck | 残骸,沉船
| The ruined remains of a stranded or sunken vessel which has been rendered useless. See also DANGEROUS WRECK, and DERELICT. | 船舶搁浅或沉没损坏后遗留下的部分。 |
wreckage | 失事无主货,沉船残骸
| Goods or parts of a wrecked vessel washed ashore or afloat; remains of a WRECK. | 搁浅或在海上漂移的失事船舶的一部分或货物。 |
wreck buoy | 沉船浮标
| A BUOY marking the location of a WRECK. | 一种标明沉船位置的浮标。 |
w/t station | 无线电发射台
| See RADIO STATION. | 装备有无线电波发射设备的场所。这种台站有固定的、移动的,也有的装备有无线电接收机。英国术语亦称为w/t station。 |
x-axis | x轴
| A horizontal axis in a system of RECTANGULAR COORDINATES; that line on which distances to the right or left (east or west) of the reference ... more | 直角坐标系中的水平轴;在其上可以标出至参考线右或左的距离。特指地图、海图或其它图中的X轴。 |
x-coordinates | x坐标
| See COORDINATES: PLANE RECTANGULAR. | 一种在水平面内描述点位的坐标系统。它以任意原点为基准,用彼此垂直的两距离来确定点位。过原点相互垂直的两条基准线称为“坐标轴”;平行于真南北(或任意指定)坐标轴的距离称为“纵坐标”或“Y坐标”;平行于真东西(或任意指定)坐标轴的距离称为“横坐标”或“X坐标”。一般自坐标原点向北,向... more |
xerography | 静电印刷
| A process of electrostatic printing which employs a special selenium-coated PLATE, useable many times over. | 一种使用特制的镀硒版进行静电印刷的技术,通常可反复使用多次。 |
x-parallax | x-视差,横视差
| See PARALLAX: ABSOLUTE STEREOSCOPIC. | 在摄影测量学中,假定有一对具有相同主距的航摄照片,在水平面上,与空中基线平行的情况下所测出的,这两个影像至其相应的像底点的距离的代数差。亦称horizontal parallax,linear parallax,x-parallax。 |
x-rays | x-射线,伦琴射线
| Electromagnetic RADIATION of the same nature as visible radiation but of an extremely short WAVE LENGTH less than 10-2 micrometers. X-rays a... more | 与可见光辐射具有相同性质的电磁辐射,但是波长极短(小于10-2微米)。X射线被用于雷达技术。 |