Term Istilah indonesia Definition Definisi Bahasa Indonesia
International Commission for the Scientific Exploration of the Mediterranean Sea (ICSEM)
International Commission for the Scientific Exploration of the Mediterranean Sea (ICSEM)
Serves as liaison for research in Mediterranean laboratories; promotes international activities on behalf of countries borde­ring the Mediterranean.
Berperan sebagai pembantu penelitian pada lab Mediterania; mendorong aktivitas internasional yang mewakili Negara perbatasan Mediterania.
International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES)
International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES)
Promotes research and investigations for the study of the sea, particularly programs related to living resources.
Mendorong penelitian dan investigasi untuk studi tentang laut, terutama program yang berkaitan dengan sumber daya makhluk hidup.
International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU)
International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU)
Coordinates and facilitates activities of Internatio­nal Scientific Unions in the field of exact and natu­ral sciences; maintains relations with the s... more
Coordinates and facilitates activities of Internatio­nal Scientific Unions in the field of exact and natu­ral sciences; maintains relations with the speciali­zed and related agencies of the UN.
Berkoordinasi dan memfasilitasi aktivitas International Scientific Union dalam bidang ilmu eksak dan IPA; mempertahankan hubungan dengan speciali zed ... more
Berkoordinasi dan memfasilitasi aktivitas International Scientific Union dalam bidang ilmu eksak dan IPA; mempertahankan hubungan dengan speciali zed dan badan PBB terkait.
International Cooperative Investigations of the Tropical Atlantic (ICITA)
International Cooperative Investigations of the Tropical Atlantic (ICITA)
An international expedition coordinated by the IOC.
Ekspedisi internasional yang dikoordinasikan oleh IOC.
international date line
international date line
Lihat Garis Tanggal
International Ellipsoid of Reference
Elipsoid Referensi Internasional
A reference ellipsoid having the follow­ing approximate dimen­sions: semimajor axis 6378388.0 METRES; semiminor axis 63569­11.9 METRES; and the flatte... more
A reference ellipsoid having the follow­ing approximate dimen­sions: semimajor axis 6378388.0 METRES; semiminor axis 63569­11.9 METRES; and the flattening or ellipti­city 1/297. See also HAYFORD'S SPHEROID and FLATTE­NING OF THE EARTH.
Ellipsoid referensi dengan dimensi berikut ini: sumbu semimajor 6378388.0 METER; sumbu semiminor 6356911.9 METER; dan kedataran atau elipsitas 1/297. ... more
Ellipsoid referensi dengan dimensi berikut ini: sumbu semimajor 6378388.0 METER; sumbu semiminor 6356911.9 METER; dan kedataran atau elipsitas 1/297. Lihat BOLA HAYFORD'S SPHEROID dan KEDATARAN BUMI.
International Federation of Surveyors (FIG)
International Federation of Surveyors (FIG)
Brings together the leading national associations to exchange views of general interest to the profession and orga­nizes the liaison between the vario... more
Brings together the leading national associations to exchange views of general interest to the profession and orga­nizes the liaison between the various affiliated associations.
Mengumpukan asosiasi national terkemuka untuk bertukar pandangan umum tentang profesi dan mengorganisasi asosiasi beragam afiliasi.
International Geological Congress (IGC)
International Geological Congress (IGC)
Congresses held by IUGS.
Kongres yang diselenggarakan oleh IUGS.
International Geographical Union (IGU)
International Geographical Union (IGU)
Founded in 1922 to promote the study of geographical problems, IGU initiates and coordinates research and provides for scientific discussion and publi... more
Founded in 1922 to promote the study of geographical problems, IGU initiates and coordinates research and provides for scientific discussion and publication.
Dibentuk pada tahun 1922 untuk mendorong stui tentang geografi, IGU memulai dan mengkoordinasi penelitian dan diskusi serta publikasi ilmiah.
International Geophysical Year (IGY)
International Geophysical Year (IGY)
By international agreement, a period during which greatly increased OBSERVATION of world-wide geophysical PHENOMENA is undertaken through the cooperat... more
By international agreement, a period during which greatly increased OBSERVATION of world-wide geophysical PHENOMENA is undertaken through the cooperation effort of participating nations.
Melalui kesepakatan internasional, periode PENGAMATAN untuk FENOMENA geofisika dunia yang dilaksanakan melalui kerjasama Negara-negara yang berpartisi... more
Melalui kesepakatan internasional, periode PENGAMATAN untuk FENOMENA geofisika dunia yang dilaksanakan melalui kerjasama Negara-negara yang berpartisipasi.
International Hydrographic Bureau (IHB)
International Hydrographic Bureau (IHB)
Founded in 1921 in the Principality of Monaco, to establish a close and permanent association among the hydrogra­phic offices of its Member States; si... more
Founded in 1921 in the Principality of Monaco, to establish a close and permanent association among the hydrogra­phic offices of its Member States; since 1970 the headquar­ters of the INTERNATIONAL HYDROGRAPHIC ORGANIZATION.
Dibentuk pada tahun 1921 dalam Principality of Monaco, untuk membentuk kerjasaman yang dekat dan permanen antara kantor hidrografi; sejak tahun 1970 k... more
Dibentuk pada tahun 1921 dalam Principality of Monaco, untuk membentuk kerjasaman yang dekat dan permanen antara kantor hidrografi; sejak tahun 1970 kantor pusat ORGANISASI HIDROGRAFI INTERNASIONAL.
International Hydrographic Organization (IHO)
International Hydrographic Organization (IHO)
Coordi­nates the activities of national hydrographic offices; promotes standards and provides advice to developing countries in the fields of hydrogra... more
Coordi­nates the activities of national hydrographic offices; promotes standards and provides advice to developing countries in the fields of hydrographic surveying and production of nautical charts and publications.
Mengkoordinasi kegiatan kantor hidrografi nasional; mendorong standard an memberikan masukan ke Negara berkembang dalam bidang survey hidrografi dan p... more
Mengkoordinasi kegiatan kantor hidrografi nasional; mendorong standard an memberikan masukan ke Negara berkembang dalam bidang survey hidrografi dan produksi bagan kelautan dan publikasi.
International Ice Patrol (IIP)
International Ice Patrol (IIP)
Activities of the International Ice Patrol include collecting and analy­zing data concerning iceberg detection and movement. The Patrol's mission is t... more
Activities of the International Ice Patrol include collecting and analy­zing data concerning iceberg detection and movement. The Patrol's mission is to provide the latest informa­tion on iceberg positions and computer prediction of the extent of the iceberg danger zone to North Atlan­tic Mariners. Areas of study include iceberg detec­tion, drift and deterioration, surface object drift, and currents in the Grand Banks Region.
Aktivitasnya meliputi mengumpulkan dan menganalisis data yang berkaitan dengan deteksi dan gerakan gunung es. Misinya adalah untuk memberikan informas... more
Aktivitasnya meliputi mengumpulkan dan menganalisis data yang berkaitan dengan deteksi dan gerakan gunung es. Misinya adalah untuk memberikan informasi terkini tentang posisi gunung es dan prediksi komputer tentang zona bahaya gunung es kepada Pelaut Atlantik Utara. Area studinya meliputi deteksi gunung es, tumpukan dan deteriorasi, tumpukan objek permukaan, dan arus di Wilayah Grand Banks.
International Indian Ocean Expedition (IIOE or IOE)
International Indian Ocean Expedition (IIOE or IOE)
An international expedition between 1959 and 1965 under the general coordination of the IOC.
Ekspedisi internasional antara tahun 1959 sampai 1965 di bawah koordinasi umum IOC.
International Map of the World (IMW)
International Map of the World (IMW)
The Map of the World on the SCALE of 1/1 000 000 which was planned under the auspices of the Interna­tional Geographical Union and carried out by very... more
The Map of the World on the SCALE of 1/1 000 000 which was planned under the auspices of the Interna­tional Geographical Union and carried out by very many of the countries of the world.
Peta dunia dengan SKALA 1/1 000 000 yang dirancang di bawah Uni Geografi Internasional dan dilakukan oleh banyak Negara di dunia.
International Maritime Organization (IMO)
International Maritime Organization (IMO)
A specialized agency of the United Nations whose primary role is to develop and maintain a comprehensive regulatory framework for shipping. Its remit... more
A specialized agency of the United Nations whose primary role is to develop and maintain a comprehensive regulatory framework for shipping. Its remit includes safety, environmental concerns, legal matters, technical co-operation, maritime security and the efficiency of shipping. IMO was formerly called the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization (IMCO).
Sebelumnya disebut IMCO, IMO adalah badan khusus PBB yang bertanggung jawab untuk keamanan maritim dan efisiensi navigasi.
International nautical mile
Mil bahari internasional
A unit of length equal to 1,852 METRES. This value was approved by the International Hydrographic Conference of 1929 and has been adopted by nearly al... more
A unit of length equal to 1,852 METRES. This value was approved by the International Hydrographic Conference of 1929 and has been adopted by nearly all maritime states.
Unit panjang setara dengan 1,852 METER. Nilai ini telah disetujui oleh Konferensi Hidrografi Internasional di tahun 1929 dan diadopsi oleh hampir selu... more
Unit panjang setara dengan 1,852 METER. Nilai ini telah disetujui oleh Konferensi Hidrografi Internasional di tahun 1929 dan diadopsi oleh hampir seluruh Negara maritim.
International Scientific Radio Union (ISRU)
International Scientific Radio Union (ISRU)
Promotes and organizes international cooperative research in radio science.
Mendukung dan mengorganisir penelitian internasional dalam ilmu radio.
International Shipping
International Shipping
Shipping engaged on INTERNATIONAL VOYAGES.
Memelihara dan memperluas kerjasama internasional untuk peningkatan dan penggunaan telekomunikasi yang rasional.
International Telecommunications Union (ITU)
International Telecommunications Union (ITU)
Main­tains and extends international cooperation for the improve­ment and rational use of telecommunications.
Memelihara dan memperluas kerjasama internasional untuk peningkatan dan penggunaan telekomunikasi yang rasional.