Term Istilah indonesia Definition Definisi Bahasa Indonesia
zodiacal light
cahaya zodiak
White or yellowish light which spreads out, in the night sky, more or less along the ZODIAC from the HORIZON on the side on which the SUN is hid­den. ... more
White or yellowish light which spreads out, in the night sky, more or less along the ZODIAC from the HORIZON on the side on which the SUN is hid­den. It is observed when the sky is sufficient­ly dark and the ATMOSPHERE sufficiently clear.
Cahaya putih atau kekuningan yang menyebar, pada langit malam, kurang lebih di sepanjang ZODIAK dari HORIZON pada sisi dimana MATAHARI tersembunyi. Di... more
Cahaya putih atau kekuningan yang menyebar, pada langit malam, kurang lebih di sepanjang ZODIAK dari HORIZON pada sisi dimana MATAHARI tersembunyi. Diamati ketika langit cukup gelap dan ATMOSFIR cukup jelas.
An area in all parts of which the same TIME is kept. In general, each zone is 15° of LONGITUDE in width, with the GREENWICH MERIDIAN (0° LONGITUDE) de... more
An area in all parts of which the same TIME is kept. In general, each zone is 15° of LONGITUDE in width, with the GREENWICH MERIDIAN (0° LONGITUDE) designated as the central MERIDIAN of zone 0 and the remaining zones centered on a MERIDIAN whose LONGITUDE is exactly divis­ible by 15°. Zones are used in connec­tion with ZONE, STANDARD, and DAYLIGHT SAVING TIMES. Also calledtime zone.
Sebuah area di seluruh bagian dimana WAKTU yang sama berada. Umumnya, setiap zona adalah 150 dari GARIS LINTANG dalam lebarnya, dengan MERIDIAN GREENW... more
Sebuah area di seluruh bagian dimana WAKTU yang sama berada. Umumnya, setiap zona adalah 150 dari GARIS LINTANG dalam lebarnya, dengan MERIDIAN GREENWICH (00GARIS BUJUR) ditujukan sebagai MERIDIAN tengah dari zona 0 dan zona-zona yang tersisa dipusatkan pada sebuah MERIDIAN yang GARIS BUJUR secara tepat terbagi 150. Zona-zona digunakan sehubungan dengan ZONA, STANDAR, dan WAKTU MUSIM PANAS. Disebut juga dengan zona waktu.
zone: equiphase
zona: melengkapi
That region in space within which the difference in PHASE of two radio signals is indistinguishable.
Daerah di ruang angkasa dimana perbedaan dalam FASE dari dua sinyal radio tidak dapat dibedakan.
zone: equisignal
zone: sama
That region in space within which the difference in AMPLITUDE of two radio signals (usually emitted by a single STATION) is indistinguishable.
Daerah di ruang angkasa dimana perbedaan dalam AMPLITUDO dari dua sinyal radio (biasanya dipancarkan oleh satu STASIUN tunggal) tidak dapat dibedakan.
zone meridian
meridian zona
The CENTRAL MERIDIAN of each zone of a grid system.
MERIDIAN TENGAH dari setiap zona dari sebuah sistem kisi-kisi.
zone of silence
zona keheningan
zone time
waktu zona
Lihat WAKTU.
A method of enlarging graphics on a graphical display, usually a function provided by the hardware of the screen. Either a selected WINDOW may be enla... more
A method of enlarging graphics on a graphical display, usually a function provided by the hardware of the screen. Either a selected WINDOW may be enlarged to cover the entire screen or by repeatedly pressing a key, a stepwise or continuous enlargement of the screen contents can be invoked, keeping the graphics centered at the screen's centre.
Sebuah metode memperbesar grafik pada sebuah tampilan grafik, biasanya sebuah fungsi yang diberikan oleh perangkat keras layar. Baik sebuah JENDELA ya... more
Sebuah metode memperbesar grafik pada sebuah tampilan grafik, biasanya sebuah fungsi yang diberikan oleh perangkat keras layar. Baik sebuah JENDELA yang dipilih dapat diperbesar untuk menutupi seluruh layar atau dengan menekan sebuah kunci terus-menerus, sebuah perbesaran secara bertahap atau terus-menerus dari konten layar dapat dilakukan, membuat grafik tetap berada di tengah pada titik tengah layar.
Zulu time
waktu Zulu
In ECDIS, a device or system which alerts by audible means, or audible and visual means, a condition requiring attention.
all other information
In ECDIS, used to describe information additional to the STANDARD DISPLAY. Also called “ON-DEMAND INFORMATION”.
application profile
In ECDIS, used in reference to data structure. An application profile is defined for a specific purpose, such as the transfer of ENC DATA.
In ECDIS, the 2-dimensional GEOMETRIC PRIMITIVE of an OBJECT that specifies location.
In ECDIS, a characteristic of an OBJECT, usually of a charted feature. It is implemented by a defined ATTRIBUTE LABEL/CODE, acronym, definition and a... more
In ECDIS, a characteristic of an OBJECT, usually of a charted feature. It is implemented by a defined ATTRIBUTE LABEL/CODE, acronym, definition and applicable values. In the DATA STRUCTURE, the attribute is defined by its LABEL/CODE. Attributes are either qualitative or quantitative.
attribute value
nilai atribut
In ECDIS, a defined characteristic of an ATTRIBUTE LABEL/CODE.
automatic updating
In ECDIS, either the SEMI-AUTOMATIC or the FULLY AUTOMATIC means of updating the ENC/SENC.
base data
basis data
In ECDIS, the S-57 conforming data at the data producer’s site that does not contain any UPDATE RECORDS. Once this data is exchanged, it becomes TARG... more
In ECDIS, the S-57 conforming data at the data producer’s site that does not contain any UPDATE RECORDS. Once this data is exchanged, it becomes TARGET DATA at the APPLIER’s site.
cartographic object
In ECDIS, a FEATURE OBJECT which contains information about the cartographic representation (including text of real world ENTITIES).
chain node
In ECDIS, the data structure in which the geometry is described in terms of EDGES, ISOLATED NODES and CONNECTED NODES. Edges and connected nodes are ... more
In ECDIS, the data structure in which the geometry is described in terms of EDGES, ISOLATED NODES and CONNECTED NODES. Edges and connected nodes are topologically linked. NODES are explicitly coded in the DATA STRUCTURE.
chart amendment patch