Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
archipelagic baseline(s) | 群岛基线
| See BASELINE. | 连接群岛最外围岛、礁的直线基线。 |
archipelagic sea lane | 群岛海道
| Sea lanes designated by an ARCHIPELAGIC STATE for the passage of ships and aircraft. | 群岛国为船只和飞机通行规定的海上航道。 |
archipelagic state | 群岛国
| A State constituted wholly by one or more archipelagos, eventually including other islands. | 完全由一个或多个群岛组成的国家。 |
archipelagic waters | 群岛水域
| The waters enclosed by ARCHIPELAGIC BASELINES. | 被群岛基线包围的水域。 |
archipelago | 群岛
,列岛 | A group of ISLANDS. | 聚集的岛屿。 |
arc of triangulation | 三角锁
| See TRIANGULATION: ARC OF. | 一种有限宽度的三角系统,沿某一总体方向延伸。也称三角链(chain of triangulation)。 |
arc of visibility | 可见弧
| The arc of a LIGHT SECTOR designated by its limiting BEARINGS in which a LIGHT is visible as viewed from a vessel. | 以限定方位标定灯光扇区的弧,在该区域内从船上可看见灯光。 |
Arctic circle | 北极圈
| The GEOGRAPHICAL PARALLEL having a north latitude equal to the complement of the DECLINATION of the SUMMER SOLSTICE (latitude = 66° 33' N a... more | 北纬纬度等于夏至点赤纬余角的地理纬圈(约为北纬66°33′)。 |
arc to chord correction | 大圆改正
| The quantity used by seamen to correct a GREAT CIRCLE BEARING of a point B from a point A to a MERCATOR BEARING, and usually referred to as ... more | 航海人员把从A点到B点的大圆方位换算为墨卡托方位所使用的改正值,通常称半收敛差。在墨卡托投影中这个改正值等于椭球体上过这两点的子午线收敛角的一半。也称作转换角(convergence of the meridians)。参见convergence of the meridians... more |
area | 区(域
); | In United Nations Law of the Sea terminology the sea-bed and ocean floor and subsoil thereof, beyond the limits of national jurisdiction. | 1.在联合国海洋法公约术语中,指超出国家权限范围的海床、洋底及其底土。
2.在ECDIS中,指表示位置的某一对象的二维几何图元。 |
area clearance | 扫海深度
| The effective depth, within specified limits, obtained by a WIRE DRAG SURVEY. | 在特定的范围内,通过扫海测量获取的有效深度。 |
area to be avoided | 避航区
| A routing measure comprising an area within defined limits in which either navigation is particularly hazardous or it is exceptionally impor... more | 一种为避免发生航行危险或伤亡事故的定线航行措施,规定所有船舶或某类船舶航行应避开该区域。 |
area survey | 区域测量
| A method of BOTTOM RELIEF SURVEY consisting of surveying overlapping strips which allow soundings to be obtained with a specified accuracy a... more | 一种包括重叠带测量的海底地形测量方法,它能按指定精度获取测量区域内任一点的水深。 |
argillaceous | 泥质的,粘土的
| (adj.). Applied to all ROCKS or SEDIMENTS composed partly or completely of CLAY. | 指部分或完全由黏土组成的岩石或沉积物。 |
arming | 测锤脂 | Tallow or other substance placed in the recess at the lower end of a SOUNDING LEAD for obtaining a sample of the BOTTOM. See BOTTOM SAMPLE. | 在测深锤下端凹部放置的油脂或其它物质,用于海底底质取样。参见See bottom sample(底质取样)。 |
arm of the sea | 海湾
,峡湾,港湾 | A narrow portion of the SEA projecting from the main body. The expression is often shortened to 'arm'. | 伸进陆地的狭窄海域。该词有时简写为“arm”。 |
ARPA | 自动雷达标绘仪
array(s) | 矩阵,阵列
| The order in which equipment (antenna, oceanographic equipment) or mathematical quantities are ordered. | 仪器设备(天线,海洋设备)或数值的排列顺序。 |
articulated beacon | 活节式立标
| A vertical pipe structure that oscillates around a universal coupling connected to a sinker. The structure is kept upright by the buoyancy o... more | 可绕万向连接器摆动的垂直管状结构。万向节装置连接在沉石上,柱体靠水下浮动箱的浮力保持垂直。这种立标主要用于狭窄水道,其精度比一般浮标高。 |
articulated light | 活节式灯标
| See ARTICULATED BEACON. | 参见articulated beacon(活节式立标)。 |