Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
mouse | 鼠标
| In computer systems, a pointing device operated by moving on a flat surface. See also CURSOR, JOYSTICK. | 在计算机系统中,指通过平面上的移动而实现操作的指向装置。亦可参见cursor(光标),joystick(操纵杆)。 |
mouth | 河口,口
| The place of discharge of a STREAM into the OCEAN or ENTRANCE to a BAY from the OCEAN. | 河流流入海洋的地方或海洋通向海湾的进口处。 |
mud | 泥
| Pelagic or terrigenous detrital material consisting mostly of silt and clay-sized particles (less than 0.06 millimetre) but often containin... more | 远海或陆地的碎屑物质,主要由淤泥和粘土颗粒(小于0.06毫米)组成,但常含有不同数量的沙和(或)有机物质。任何确切尺寸分类还未确定的粘性细颗粒沉积物的通用术语。 |
mud: red | 红泥
| A reddish-brown terrigenous deep-sea MUD which accumulates on the SEAFLOOR in the neighbourhood of deserts and off the MOUTHS of great RIV... more | 一种堆积在沙漠附近和大河口外海床上的来自陆地的红褐色深海泥;含有多达25%的碳酸钙。 |
mud snapper | 采泥器
| See SNAPPER. | 固定在测深锤底部钻孔内的小型抓斗采样器。 |
multi-beam echo sounder | 多波束测深仪
| A type of SWATH(E) SOUNDING SYSTEM in which the equipment emits a timed PULSE of sound that is narrow in the fore-aft direction and wide in... more | 参见Multi Beam Echo Sounder(多波束测深仪)。 |
multiple echo(es) | 多重回波
| See ECHO. | 在回波测深中,继首次回波后所收到的其他回波,源自声波在海底与海面间的多重反射。这些反射通常会显示在普通指示器的度盘或曲线记录器的回波图上,有时会把这种回波误认为是首次回波。 |
multiple lens camera | 多镜头摄影机
| See CAMERA. | 有两个或两个以上光轴按固定角度系统化安置的镜头,能够在所有暗箱内同时曝光以拍摄广阔范围的摄影机。 |
multiple lens photograph | 多镜头像片
| See PHOTOGRAPH. | 用多镜头摄影机拍摄的像片。 |
multiple sea sampler | 多筒采水器
| An instrument which comprises six WATER BOTTLES arranged so that they trip and take WATER SAMPLES at different selected DEPTHS from a vessel... more | 由6个采水器配置而成的仪器,可于行船上采集多个指定深度的水样。 |
multiple tide staff | 水尺组
| See TIDE STAFF. | 一连串放置于斜坡海岸上的水尺,其上的垂直刻度组成了以同一基准面为参照的连续标度。 |
multiplex | 多倍投影测图仪
| In PHOTOGRAMMETRY, an instrument for making a TOPOGRAPHIC MAP from AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS. A three-dimensional optical model of the TERRAIN to... more | 在摄影测量学中,指根据航摄像片制作地形图的仪器。该仪器利用互补色原理,通过对一组重叠像片的直接光学投影,制成地形图的小型光学立体模型。 |
multispectral imagery | 多光谱图像
| Images obtained simultaneously in a number of discrete bands in the electromagnetic spectrum. | 同时利用多个离散的电磁频谱段获得的影像。 |
multispectral scanner | 多光谱扫描仪
| A remote-sensing device which is capable of recording data in the ultraviolet and visible portions of the electromagnetic spectrum, as well... more | 能够记录紫外线、电磁波谱可见光部分以及红外线的遥感装置。 |
nadir | 天底
| That point on the CELESTIAL SPHERE directly beneath the observer, and directly opposite to the ZENITH. | 在观测者正下方的天球上的点,与Zenith(天顶)相对。 |
nadir: ground | 地面天底点
,地底点 | The point on the GROUND vertically beneath the PERSPECTIVE CENTRE of the camera lens. | 摄(像)影透镜中心正下方垂直于地面上的点。 |
nadir: map | 图幅天底点
| The map position for the GROUND NADIR. | 地面天底点在地图上所处的位置。 |
nadir: photograph | 像底点
| In PHOTOGRAMMETRY, the point at which a vertical line through the PERSPECTIVE CENTRE of the camera lens pierces the plane of the PHOTOGRAPH.... more | 在摄影测量学中,指铅垂线通过照相机透镜的透视中心穿向像片平面的那一点。亦称nadir point(天底点)或plumb point(像底点)。 |
nadir point | 天底点
| See NADIR: PHOTOGRAPH. | 参见photograph nadir(像底点)。 |
nadir radial | 底点辐射线
| See RADIAL. | 自天底点发出的射线。参见photograph nadir(像底点)。 |