Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
ocean weather station | 海洋气象站 | STATION aboard a suitably equipped and staffed ship which tries to maintain a fixed maritime location and which observes and reports for in... more | 易于装在船上的观测站,其目的是保持观测站位置固定。其功能是观测和报告用于国际交换的特定要素的观测值。 |
octant | 八分仪
| A double-reflecting instrument for measuring angles. It is similar to a SEXTANT but has an arc of only 45°. | 双反射镜测角仪器。与六分仪类似,但其测角弧仅为45°。 |
ocular micrometer | 目镜测微器
| See MICROMETER. | 游丝在望远镜主焦面内移动的动丝测微器。亦称eyepiecemicrometer(目镜测微计)。 |
odograph | 计程仪
| A mechanical instrument containing a distance-measuring element which is moved or turned by an amount proportional to the actual distance t... more | 一种机械仪器,包括移动或转动量与实际运动距离成正比的测距元件,提供固定基准方向的罗盘元件,以及将运动方向分解为方向分量并对距离分量求和或积分的积分器。
亦用来记录运载工具或行人行进的距离。 |
odometer (or hodometer) | 里程计
| An instrument for measuring the distance travelled by a craft. See also SPEEDOMETER. | 测量航行器运动距离的仪器,亦见speedometer(测速计)。 |
oersted | 奥斯特
| The CGS unit of MAGNETIC FIELD INTENSITY in the SI system. | 国际单位制中磁场强度的CGS(厘米/克/秒)单位。 |
offing | (从海岸可看到的)海面,海上
| That part of the visible SEA a considerable distance from the SHORE, or that part just beyond the limits of the area in which a pilot is nee... more | 可观测到的离岸一定距离的海面,或刚超出该区边缘,需引航的海面。 |
offset | 支距
| In SURVEYING, a short line perpendicular to a surveyed line, measured to a line or point for which DATA are desired, thus locating the secon... more | 在测量中,指垂直于测线的短线,测量至所需数据的直线或点,进而可参照第一条线或点亦或测线定位第二条线或点。支距亦是测线或其它线的弯曲,线在过此弯曲的前后具有近似相同的方向。测量支距即测定测线或直线到不规则水体边缘或任意不规则曲线的距离。 |
offset lithography | 胶版印刷术,胶印
| A method of printing in which an image is transferred from a printing PLATE on to a rubber-surfaced blanket and thence on the paper. The ima... more | 将图像从印刷版转印至胶面膜,再转印到纸上的印刷方法。印刷版上的图像为正像图像。 |
offshore | 近海的,近海地(形容词和副词) | (adj. and adv.). Away from the SHORE. | 离开海岸的。 |
offshore | 近海(名词) | (n.). The comparatively flat zone of variable width which extends from the outer margin of the rather steeply sloping shoreface to the edge ... more | 宽度不同的较为平坦的海区,由坡度陡峭的岸面外缘延伸至大陆架边缘。 |
offshore navigation | 近海航行
| See NAVIGATION. | 在离岸一定距离的区域航行,区别于coastwise navigation(沿岸航行)。 |
offshore wind | 离岸风
| WIND blowing from the LAND toward the SEA. See LAND BREEZE. | 由陆地吹向海洋的风,参见land breeze(陆风)。 |
off soundings | 深于100英寻水域的航船
| Said of a vessel navigating beyond the 100-FATHOM LINE. In earlier times, said of a vessel in water deeper than could be sounded with the HA... more | 指在超过100英寻等深线航行的船舶。早期指在手持测锤无法测及的深度航行的船舶。 |
ohm | 欧姆
| The unit of electrical resistance in the SI system. | 电阻的国际单位。 |
oil field | 油田
| An area in which oil occurs in quantities worthy of exploitation. | 存贮大量石油,具开采价值的区域。 |
old ice | 多年冰
| Any SEA ICE more than 1 year old. | 任何长于1年的海冰。 |
omnibearing | 全向方位
| The MAGNETIC BEARING of an OMNIRANGE. | 全向导航系统的磁方位。 |
omnidirectional antenna | 全向天线
| See ANTENNA. | 在水平方向灵敏度基本相同,在垂直方向具方向性的天线。 |
omnidirectional beacon | 全向无线电信标
| See OMNIRANGE. | 参见omnirange(全向导航系统)。 |