Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
omnidirectional range | 全向信标
| See OMNIRANGE. | 参见omnirange(全向导航系统)。 |
omnirange | 全向导航系统
| A radio AID TO NAVIGATION providing direct indication of the MAGNETIC BEARING (OMNIBEARING) of that STATION from any direction. Also calledo... more | 直接指示测站任意方向磁方位的无线电助航设备。亦称omnidirectional range(全向信标)或omnidirectional beacon(全向无线电信标)。 |
one-way traffic lane | 单向航路
| See TRAFFIC LANE. | 参见traffic lane(通航分道)。 |
onshore wind | 向岸风
| WIND blowing from SEA toward the LAND. See SEA BREEZE. | 由海洋吹向陆地的风。参见sea breeze(海风)。 |
on soundings | 在100英寻等深线内航行的船
| Said of a vessel navigating within the 100-FATHOM LINE. In earlier times, said of a vessel in water sufficiently shallow for sounding by HAN... more | 指在100英寻等深线内航行的船舶。早期是指在可用手持测锤测深的浅海航行的船舶。 |
on the beam | 正横
| Bearing approximately 090° relative (on the starboard beam) or 270° relative (on the port beam). The expression is often used loosely for br... more | 相对右舷约90°或左舷约270°的方位。该词常用于表示正横方向,或相对右舷、左舷精确方位为90°或270°的方向。亦称abeam(正横向),亦见broad on the beam(正横方向)(左右舷角90°的方向)。 |
on the bow | 在首方向,船首向方位
| Bearing approximately 045° relative (on the starboard bow) or 315° relative (on the port bow). The expression is often used loosely for broa... more | 相对右舷约45°或左舷约315°的方位。该词常用于表示船首前八字方向,或相对右舷、左舷精确方位为45°或315°的船首方向,亦见broad on the bow(前八字方向)。 |
on the quarter | 在船尾部,船尾方位
| Bearing approximately 135° relative (on the starboard quarter) or 225° relative (on the port quarter). The expression is often used loosely ... more | 相对右舷约135°或左舷约225°的方位。该词常用于表示船尾后八字方向,或相对右舷、左舷精确方位为135°或225°的船尾方向。亦见broad on the quarter(后八字方向)。 |
ooze | 软泥,淤泥
| A soft MUD or SLIME. A fine-grained pelagic SEDIMENT containing undissolved SAND- or silt-sized, calcareous or siliceous skeletal remains o... more | 软泥或粘泥。
细颗粒远海沉积物,由不可溶或粉屑状沙,含量超过30%的钙质或硅质小型海洋生物骨骼残骸,以及非晶质粘土状物质组成。 |
opacity (optical) | 阻光度
| The ratio of the incident to the transmitted (or reflected) light. It varies with the use of scattered or specular light. | 入射光与透射光或反射光之比。当入射光为散射光或镜面反射光时,阻光度不同。 |
opalescence | 乳光,蛋白光
| Whitish colour of the ATMOSPHERE and a slight change of the apparent colour of objects with respect to normal (for example, bluish colour of... more | 因大气中悬浮的细小微粒的散射引起的大气发白现象及物体表观色相较正常色轻微变化的现象(如蓝色物体实际为黑色)。 |
open coast | 开阔海岸
| A COAST that is not sheltered from the SEA. | 海面无障碍物遮挡的海岸。 |
open end traverse | NULL | See TRAVERSE: OPEN. | NULL |
opening | 缺(开,裂)口,孔(通)道
| A break in a COASTLINE or a PASSAGE through a REEF, between SHOALS, etc. Any break in SEA ICE which reveals the water. | 海岸线开口或穿过暗礁、位于浅滩之间的通道等。
任何露出水面的海冰缺口。 |
open pack ice | 稀疏浮冰
| FLOES seldom in contact with many LEADS and POOLS. ICE CONCENTRATION 4/10th to 9/10th. | 很少与人工水道及水潭相接的大块浮冰,冰密度在4/10至9/10之间。 |
open port | 不冻港
| A PORT which is not ICEBOUND during winter. | 冬季不封冻的港口。 |
open roadstead | 开敞锚地
| A ROADSTEAD with relatively little protection from the SEA. | 海上掩护相对较少的锚地。 |
open sea | 远海
| That part of the OCEAN not enclosed by HEADLANDS, within narrow STRAITS, etc. See HIGH SEA. | 海洋中不被狭窄海峡的岬角等隔绝的部分。参见high sea(公海)。 |
open sound | 开敞海湾
| A BAY similar to a LAGOON but with large OPENINGS between the protecting ISLANDS. | 一种与泻湖相似的海湾,但在岛屿之间的开口大。 |
open traverse | 开导线,不闭合导线
| See TRAVERSE. | 起始于已知测站或选定位置,但不在该测站或位置终止的导线。亦称hanging traverse(开导线)。 |