Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
isobathytherm | 等水温深度线,等水温面
| A line or surface showing the DEPTHS in OCEANS or LAKES at which points have the same temperature. Isobathytherms are usually drawn to show... more | 在海洋或湖泊某些深度处由温度相同的点组成的线或面。其通常用来显示水团交叉界面。 |
isobront | 等雷暴日数线;初雷等时线
| Line joining, on a CHART, places on the EARTH's surface where, on a given day, the first clap of THUNDER has been heard simultaneously. In ... more | 在海图上,将地球表面在某一给定时期同时能听到第一声雷鸣的地点的连线。在气候学中,绘制在地图上的在给定期间内能听到雷声的平均天数同样多的地点的连线。 |
isocentre | 等角点
| The unique point common to the plane of a PHOTOGRAPH, its PRINCIPAL PLANE, and the plane of an assumed truly VERTICAL PHOTOGRAPH taken from ... more | 指像主距相同且来自于同一摄站的像平面、像主平面和假设的真垂直像片平面的唯一公共点。真正的主纵线和等比线的交叉点,像片上的这一点与铅垂线和照片垂线之间夹角的平分线相交。等角点是重要的,因为它是由于倾斜所引起的影像位移的辐射中心。 |
isoclinal (or isoclinic) | 等倾斜的、等伏角的 | (adj.). Of or pertaining to equal MAGNETIC DIP. | 磁倾角相等的或关于等磁倾角的。 |
isoclinal | 等磁倾线 | n.). See ISOCLINAL LINE. | 参见isoclinal line(等磁倾线)。 |
isoclinal (or isoclinic) line | 等倾线、等磁倾线
| A line connecting points of equal MAGNETIC DIP. Also called isoclinal. | 连接等磁倾角点的线。也称为isoclinal(等磁倾线)。 |
isodynamic | 等力的
| (adj.). Of or pertaining to equality of force. | (形容词)。磁力相等或力相等的。 |
isodynamic line | 等磁力线
| A line connecting points of equal MAGNETIC INTENSITY, either the total or any component. | 将全部或任一部分磁场强度相等的点连接起来的线。 |
isogon | 等风向线
| Line which is the locus of points at which the DIRECTION OF WIND is the same. | 风向相同点的轨迹线。 |
isogonal (or isogonic) | 等角的 | (adj.). Having equal angles. | (形容词)。形容具有相等角度的。 |
isogonal (or isogonic) | 等角,等磁偏线 | (n.). See ISOGONIC LINE. | (名词)。参见isogonic line(等磁偏线)。 |
isogonic line | 等磁偏线,等磁差线
| A line connecting points of equal magnetic VARIATION. Also called isogonal (or isogonic). | 磁差相等点的连线。也称为isogonal或 isogonic。 |
isogram | 等(值)线图
| That line on a CHART or DIAGRAM connecting points having equal values of same PHENOMENON. | 海图或图表上同一现象的值相等点的连线。 |
isogriv | 等磁针坐标偏角线,地磁等偏线
| A line connecting points of equal GRID VARIATION. | 格网磁偏角相等的点的连线。 |
isohaline (or isohalsine) | 等盐度线
| A line connecting points of equal SALINITY in the OCEAN. | 海洋中盐度相等点的连线。 |
isohalsine | NULL | See ISOHALINE. | NULL |
isolated danger mark | 孤立危险物标志
| In the IALA Maritime Buoyage System a NAVIGATION MARK erected on, moored over, or placed immediately adjacent to an isolated danger of limi... more | 在国际航标协会海上浮标系统中,竖立在或者系泊在或者即刻布置在紧邻孤立危险物的有限范围内(四周)的航行标志,其外围都是可航行水域。 |
isoline | 等值线
| A line representing the intersection of the plane of a VERTICAL PHOTOGRAPH with the plane of an overlapping OBLIQUE PHOTOGRAPH. If the VERTI... more | 表示垂直摄影像片的平面与重叠的倾斜摄影像片的平面之间的交线。如果垂直摄影像片是无倾斜的,则等值线就是倾斜摄影像片的等比线。 |
isomagnetic | 等磁力线的 | (adj.). Of or pertaining to lines connecting points of equality in some MAGNETIC ELEMENT. | (形容词)。与一些磁力要素相等的点连接起来的线有关的。 |
isomagnetic | 等磁力线 | (n.). See ISOMAGNETIC LINE. | (名词)。参见isomagnetic line(等磁力线)。 |