Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
ice | 冰
| The solid form of water. | 水的固体形式。 |
iceberg | 冰山
| A large mass of floating or stranded ICE broken away from a GLACIER or from an ICE SHELF. Often of considerable HEIGHT (in any case more tha... more | 冰川或者冰架破裂而形成的漂浮或者搁浅的大冰块。通常具有相当的高度(至少高于海平面5米)。 |
ice blink | 冰映光
| A typical whitish glare on low CLOUDS above an accumulation of distant ICE. It is especially glowing when observed on the HORIZON. | 处于远处聚积的冰上方的低云映出的一种典型的白色炫目的光。当在地平线观测时尤其强烈。 |
icebound | 冰封的
| (adj.). Said of a HARBOUR, INLET, etc. when NAVIGATION by ships is prevented due to ICE, except possibly with the assistance of an icebreake... more | (形容词)指港口、口门等区域由于结冰使船舶无法航行的状态,除非在破冰船的帮助下。船舶被冰紧密包围,以致于失去航行能力。 |
ice cake | 板冰
| A FLOE smaller than 10 m across. If less than 2 m, it is termed BRASH ICE or small ice cake. | 宽度小于10米的浮冰块。如果宽度小于2米,则称之为碎冰或者小板冰。 |
ice cap | 冰盖,冰冠
| See ICE SHEET. | 参见ice sheet(冰盖)。 |
ice cluster | 大冰堆,冰群
| A concentration of SEA ICE covering hundreds of square kilometres, which is found in the same region every summer. | 每年夏季均在同一区域出现的覆盖数百平方公里的海冰聚集。 |
ice concentration | 海冰密集度,冰覆盖率
| In SEA ICE reporting, the ratio of the areal extent of ICE present to the total areal extent of ICE and water. Concentration is usually repo... more | 在海冰报告中,某一区域冰占的面积与冰和水所占总面积之比。通常用十分之几来报告密集度。亦可称为ice cover(冰盖层)。 |
ice cover | 冰覆盖量率 | See ICE CONCENTRATION. | 参见ice concentration(冰密集度)。 |
ice edge | 冰缘线,冰界
| The BOUNDARY at any given time between the open sea and SEA ICE of any kind, whether drifting or fast. | 在任何给定时间远海与任何种类海冰之间的界线,无论海冰是浮冰还是固定冰。 |
ice field | 冰原
| Area of PACK ICE consisting of any size FLOES, which is greater than 10 km across. | 由任何尺寸的浮冰组成的浮冰块区域,它的跨度大于10公里。 |
ice floe | 浮冰
| See FLOE. | 参见floe(浮冰)。 |
ice fog | 冰雾
| See FOG. | 悬浮在空气中的大量的细小冰晶群,它能减小地表的能见度。 |
icefoot | 冰脚
| A narrow strip of ICE attached to the COAST, unmoved by TIDES and remaining after the FAST ICE has broken free. | 依附于海岸的狭长的冰带。冰脚在潮汐作用下不移动,并且在固定冰破裂后仍保持在原位置上。 |
ice free | 不冻水域
| Water surface completely free of ICE. | 表面完全无冰的水域。 |
ice front | 冰崖面,冰壁
| The vertical CLIFF forming the seaward face of an ICE SHELF. See ICE WALL. | 冰架向海一侧形成的垂直峭壁。参见ice wall(冰壁)。 |
ice island | 冰岛,浮冰岛
| A form of tabular BERG found in the Arctic Ocean, with a thickness of 30 to 50 m and from a few thousand square metres to 500 sq. km in are... more | 在北冰洋发现的平顶冰山,厚度在30-50米,面积在几千平方米到500平方千米。冰岛的特征是具有规则起伏表面。从空中看,这一特征使它们外观呈棱纹状。 |
ice limit | 冰限、冰区界线
| The average position of the ICE EDGE in any given month or period based on OBSERVATIONS over a number of years. | 根据多年观测确定的任一给定月份或时期冰缘线的平均位置。 |
ice piedmont | 冰麓
| ICE covering a coastal strip of low-lying LAND backed by MOUNTAINS. The surface of an ice piedmont slopes gently seawards and may be anythin... more | 覆盖的背靠大山沿岸狭长低地冰。冰麓的表面缓缓向海洋一侧倾斜,可能宽度在50米至50千米之间,形成带有冰崖的海岸线延伸的边缘。通常将冰麓归于冰架。 |
ice rind | 冰壳,冰皮
| A thin, elastic, shining crust of ICE, formed by the freezing of SLUDGE on a quiet sea surface. Thickness less than 5 cm. | 冰的一层薄的、有弹性的、发亮的外壳,通常由平静海面上的泥状物冻结而成。厚度小于5厘米。 |