Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
barometric pressure | 大气压
| See PRESSURE: BAROMETRIC. | 气压计指示的大气压力。 |
barotropy | 正压性 | The condition and type of motion in which pressure is constant on surfaces of constant density, e.g. surface tides. | 指某种运动对密度固定的面产生恒定的压力这一性质。如表面潮汐。 |
barrel buoy | 桶状浮标
| See BUOY. | 参见buoy(浮标)。 |
barrier reef | 堡礁 | A CORAL REEF fronting the SHORE, at some distance from it, and separated from it by a LAGOON or a navigable CHANNEL of moderate DEPTH. See a... more | 海岸前方一定距离的珊瑚礁,与海岸之间有泻湖或可通航的中等深度的水道。参见fringing reef(裙礁)。 |
barye | 微巴;巴列
| Pressure unit in the CGS SYSTEM. | 厘米–克–秒制中压强的基本单位。 |
barysphere | 地心圈
,地核 | See CENTROSPHERE. | 参见centrosphere(地核)。 |
basal coplane | 像对共面
| See COPLANE: BASAL. | 在摄影测量学中,指像对的一种曝光条件,即两像片处在平行于航摄基线的同一平面上。如这个摄影基线是水平的,则称这两张像片是水平共面曝光像片。 |
basal orientation | 摄影基线定向
| See ORIENTATION. | 摄影测量学中,确定航摄基线两端点相对于地面坐标系的位置。总共需要六个元素,至少需要包括基线每个端点的三维坐标。 |
basal plane | 基面
,核面,基线平面 | See EPIPOLAR PLANE. | 参见epipolar plane(核面)。 |
base | 基线
| In a TRIANGULATION, the side of one of a series of connected triangles, the length of which is measured directly and with prescribed ACCURAC... more | 在三角测量中,指三角网中按规定精度直接测量出长度的那一条边,其他所有边长都是利用该边长计算求得。也称作三角测量基线。亦可参见base terminals(基线端点)。 |
base apparatus | 基线仪器
| Any apparatus designed for use in measuring with ACCURACY and PRECISION the length of a BASE in TRIANGULATION, or the length of a line in TR... more | 三角测量或导线测量中专门用于精确测量基线或导线边长度的仪器。 |
base course (of a vessel) | (船舶)主航向
| The true course between a vessel's point of departure and arrival. | 船舶出发点和到达点之间的真航向。 |
base direction | 基线方向
| See DIRECTION. | 在摄影测量中,包含摄影基线的垂直平面的方向。可用方位或者方位角表示。 |
base extension triangulation | 基线扩展三角网
| (British terminology). A part of a TRIANGULATION NET starting with a measured BASE and expanding that relatively short distance to a larger ... more | 三角网的一部分,它开始于已测基线,并将这个相对较短距离扩展到与三角网所有边的平均长度相比相对较长的距离。美国术语中称作base net(基线网)。 |
base height ration | 基高比
| In PHOTOGRAMMETRY, the ratio between the AIR BASE and the FLIGHT ALTITUDE of a STEREOSCOPIC PAIR of PHOTOGRAPHS. | 在摄影测量中,立体像对的空中基线和飞行高度的比。 |
base line | 领海基线
;基线 | The line from which the outer limits of the territorial sea and certain other outer limits are measured. In RADIOLOCATION, the GEODESIC LINE... more | 领海和其它外部界线量算的起始线。
在无线电定位中,为确定位置线而联合工作的两台站间的大地线。 |
baseline: archipelagic | NULL | Archipelagic baselines are straight lines joining the outermost points of the outermost islands and drying reefs of an archipelago. | NULL |
baseline: normal | 正常基线
| The low-water line along the coast as marked on large-scale charts officially recognized by the coastal State. | 经沿海国家正式认可的,在大比例尺海图上标出的沿海岸低潮线。 |
baseline: straight | 直基线 | Straight baselines are a system of straight lines joining specified or discrete points on the low-water line, usually known as straight base... more | 直基线是连接低潮线上指定或离散点的直线系统,这些点通常被称为直基线转折点。直基线用于划界。 |
base line extension | 基线扩展
| In RADIOLOCATION, the extension of the BASE LINE beyond the TRANSMITTERS. | 在无线电定位中,指基线向两端台站以外方向延伸。 |