Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
band of frequency | 频带
,波动 | The RANGE of FREQUENCY between two specific limits. Also called frequency band. | 介于两个特定界限之间的频率范围。亦称作frequency band(频带)。 |
bandwidth | 带宽
| The number of units (HERTZ, kilohertz, etc.) of FREQUENCY required for transmission. | 需要发射的频率单位(赫兹、千赫兹等)数。 |
bank | 堤(岸) | An ELEVATION of the SEAFLOOR over which the DEPTH of water is relatively shallow. | 水深相对较浅的海床高地。 |
bar | 沙洲,沙坝;巴
| A RIDGE or succession of RIDGES of SAND or other substances extending across the MOUTH of a RIVER or HARBOUR and which may obstruct NAVIGATI... more | 1. 挡在河口或海港入口处的单个沙脊或多个连续的沙脊或有其他物质构成的脊,可能有碍航行。
2. 厘米–克–秒制中的压强单位。 |
bar buoy | 沙洲指示浮标
| A BUOY marking the location of a BAR. | 指示沙坝位置的浮标。 |
bar check | 杆校准
| An on-site calibration method for echo sounders. | 回声测深器的一种现场校准方法。 |
bar scale | 直线比例尺
| See SCALE. | 地图、平面图、图像、镶嵌图上的刻度线,用于确定实际地面距离。也称作图解比例尺(graphic scale )或线性比例尺(linear scale)。 |
bar sweeping | 杆(式)扫海
| A sweeping procedure using a beam suspended horizontally under a vessel. The sweep passing over the bottom may be equipped with rockers or o... more | 在船下以水平方向悬挂横杆实施扫海的方法。掠过海底时,扫海杆上安装的振荡器或其他传感器,可记录与海底的接触。 |
baroclinity | 斜压性
| The condition and type of motion in which pressure is not constant on surfaces of constant density, e.g. internal waves. | 指某种运动,由于其条件和类型的关系,对等密度面产生的压力不等这一特性。如内波。 |
barogram | 气压自记曲线
| Record made by a BAROGRAPH. | 气压计形成的记录。 |
barograph | 气压自动记录仪 | RECORDING BAROMETER. | 自动气压计。 |
barometer | 气压计
| Instrument for measuring ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE. | 用于测量大气压的仪器。 |
barometer: aneroid | 空盒气压表,无液气压计
| BAROMETER whose sensitive element comprises one or a series of ANEROID CAPSULES. | 传感部件由一个或一系列真空膜盒构成的气压计。 |
barometer: marine | 船用气压计
| MERCURY BAROMETER used on board ships, characterized by a constriction in the tube in order to damp out OSCILLATIONS of the mercury caused b... more | 船上使用的水银气压表,其特点为管内有缩颈结构,能减弱因船只运动而引起的水银振动。 |
barometer: mercurial (or mercury) | NULL | A BAROMETER in which ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE is balanced against the pressure exerted by a column of mercury. | NULL |
barometer: recording | 自记气压计
| BAROMETER which gives a continuous graphic representation of the atmospheric pressure variations with TIME. | 气压计的一种,它能以连续曲线的形式表示气压的瞬时变化。 |
barometric altimeter | 气压测高计,气压高度表
| See ALTIMETER. | 一种灵敏的空盒气压计,其根据标准大气压的压力高度关系读取相对于压力基准面的高度。 |
barometric elevation | 气压高程
| See ELEVATION. | 通过气压计获得的高程。 |
barometric gradient | 气压梯度
| See PRESSURE GRADIENT. | 参见pressure gradient(压力梯度)。 |
barometric levelling | 气压计高程测量;气压水准测量
| See LEVELLING. | 通过气压计观测大气压差确定高差的方法。 |