Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
inversion layer | 逆温层
| Atmospheric LAYER, horizontal or approximately so, in which the temperature increases with increasing HEIGHT. See TEMPERATURE INVERSION. | 水平的或者近似水平的大气层。在该大气层中,温度随高度增加而增加。参见temperature inversion(逆温)。 |
inverted compass | 倒置罗经
| See COMPASS: HANGING. | 参见hanging compass(悬挂式罗经)。 |
inverted image | 倒像
| See IMAGE. | 相对物体颠倒显示的图像。 |
inverting eyepiece | 倒像目镜
| See EYEPIECE: ERECTING. | 参见erecting eyepiece(正像目镜)。 |
ionosphere | 电离层
| That part of the ATMOSPHERE, extending from about 70 to 500 km, in which ions and free electrons exist in sufficient quantities to reflect ... more | 大气层的一部分,其范围大约70-500公里,在电离层中存在足够的离子和自由电子反射电磁波。 |
ionospheric disturbance | 电离层扰动
| A sudden outburst of ultraviolet light on the sun, known as a Solar Flare, which produces abnormally high ionization in the region of the ... more | 太阳表面紫外线辐射突然爆发,即众所周知的太阳耀斑,会在D层区域产生异常地高电离化,结果导致其对无线电波的吸收增加,这对较高的中频段和较低的高频段影响特别严重。太阳耀斑对反射层和折射层高度的影响可以忽略,但是在临界频率上能进行大量的传播。 |
ionospheric storm | 电离层风暴
| Violent changes in the state of the IONOSPHERE. | 电离层状态的剧烈变化。 |
ionospheric wave | 电离层波,天波
| See WAVE: SKY. | 参见sky wave(天波)。 |
ironbound | 坚硬的,岩石围绕的
| (adj.). Said of a rugged, rocky COAST which affords no ANCHORAGE. | (形容词)。形容多坚固岩石的海岸,无法进行锚泊。 |
irradiance (at a point of a surface) | 辐照度,辐照率(表面上一个点的)
| Quotient of the FLUX of RADIATION incident on an infinitesimal element of surface containing the point under consideration, by the area of t... more | 通过包含所研究的点的表面微元的辐射通量除以该微元的面积的商。 |
irradiation (at a point of a surface) | 辐照度,光渗(表面上一个点的)
| Product of an IRRADIANCE and its duration. | 辐照度和它持续时间的乘积。 |
irregular error | 偶然误差
| See ERROR: ACCIDENTAL. | 参见accidental error(偶然误差)。 |
island | 岛
| A piece of LAND completely surrounded by water. | 完全被水围绕的一块陆地。 |
island harbour | 岛港,岛式港口
| See under HARBOUR. | 由岛屿构成或主要被岛屿防护的港口。 |
island shelf | 岛架
| See CONTINENTAL SHELF. | 邻接大陆(或环绕岛屿)的地带,由低潮线延伸至坡度显著增加的深水处。参见shelf(陆架)。 |
island slope | NULL | See CONTINENTAL SLOPE. | NULL |
isle | 小岛
| An ISLAND. Now more usually applied to an ISLAND of smaller size, except in established appellation, as the 'British Isles'. | 岛屿的一种,除像不列颠群岛等已命名的岛屿之外,目前更多用于面积较小的岛。 |
islet | 小岛,屿
| A small ISLAND. | 比较小的小岛。 |
isobar | 等压线
| Line joining points of equal pressure on a given surface (level surface, vertical cross section, etc.). | 在给定的表面(水平面、垂直截面等)上压力相等的点的连线。 |
isobath | 等深线
| See DEPTH CURVE, FATHOM LINE. | 参见depth curve(等深线),fathom line(等深线)。 |