Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
level: tilting | 微倾水准仪 | See LEVELLING INSTRUMENT: TILTING LEVEL. | 水准仪,其最后水准测量结果是通过望远镜绕水平轴作较小控制转动获得。 |
level: universal | 圆水准器;通用水准器
| See LEVEL: SPIRIT. | 一种小型密封的容器(玻璃管),其内部表面上部是弯曲的,容器填充了低粘度的液体(酒精或乙醚),在容器顶部的位置上保留了足够形成气泡的自由空间,应用于测量方面有两种类型水准器,一种是球形曲面,产生圆形气泡,称为圆水准器(也称通用水准器或气泡圆水准器)。另一种是大多数情况下使用的类型,... more |
level axis | 水准轴
| See AXIS OF SPIRIT LEVEL. | 参见axis of spirit level(水准器水平轴线)。 |
level ice | 平坦海冰
| SEA ICE with a flat surface which has never been hummocked. | 具有平坦表面且无冰丘的海冰。 |
levelling (or leveling) | 水准测量
| The operation of determining differences of ELEVATION between points on the surface of the EARTH; the determination of the ELEVATION of poi... more | 测量地球表面上点间高程差的操作;确定某点相对于任意的或自然的水平面高程的测量。也称为differential levelling(高差测量)。 |
levelling: barometric | 气压计高程测量;气压水准测量
| A method of determining differences of ELEVATION from differences of ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE observed with a BAROMETER. | 通过气压计观测大气压差确定高差的方法。 |
levelling: direct | 直接水准测量
| The determination of differences of ELEVATION by a continuous series of short horizontal lines. Vertical distances from these lines to adjac... more | 通过一系列连续的短水平线确定两点间的高程差。短水平线同附近的地标高差通过配备水平仪的水准测量设备直接观测标有刻度的标尺来确定。 |
levelling: geodetic | 大地水准测量
| SPIRIT LEVELLING of a high order of ACCURACY, usually extended over large areas, to furnish accurate VERTICAL CONTROL as a basis for the CO... more | 高精度水准测量,通常在较大范围内进行,为所有的测量和制图工作提供精确的高程控制,作为高程尺度的控制基础。 |
levelling: indirect | 间接水准测量
| The determination of differences of ELEVATION from (a) vertical angles and horizontal distances, as in TRIGONOMETRIC LEVELLING; (b) compar... more | 使用下列方法测定高程差:(a)三角高程测量中用根据垂直角和水平距离;(b)气压高程测量用气压计测定大气压力而推导出相对高程;(c)用沸点测高计测量水的沸点获得高程,如沸点高程测量。 |
levelling: reciprocal | 往返水准测量
| TRIGONOMETRIC LEVELLING wherein vertical angles have been observed at both ends of the line to eliminate ERRORS. | 在测线两端点对向观测垂直角以消去误差的三角高程测量。 |
levelling: spirit | 几何水准测量 | The determination of ELEVATIONS of points with respect to each other or with respect to a common DATUM, by use of a LEVELLING ROD and an ins... more | 测量各点之间的相对高程或各点相对于一个通用基准的高程,通过使用水准尺并用水准器将视线整至水平。 |
levelling: thermometric | 沸点高程测量 | The determination of ELEVATIONS above SEA LEVEL from observed values of the boiling point of water. See HYPSOMETER. | 由观测水的沸点来测量至海平面的高程。 |
levelling: trigonometric | 三角高程测量 | The determination of differences of ELEVATIONS by means of observed vertical angles, combined with lengths of lines. | 用观测垂直角并结合测线长度的方法来确定高差。 |
levelling: water | 静水面高程测量
| A method of obtaining relative ELEVATIONS by observing HEIGHTS with respect to the surface of a body of still water, such as a LAKE. The re... more | 根据观测目标相对于静止水平面(如潮面)高度以获得相对高程的方法。沿岸目标的相对高程是根据它相对于静止水平面的高差来获得的。 |
levelling instrument | 水准测量仪器
| An instrument designed for the accurate measurement of height differences by the process of LEVELLING. Its essential parts are a TELESCOPE ... more | 为利用水准测量方法精确测量高度差而设计的仪器,其主要部分是望远镜和水准器。也称之为 level(水准仪)。 |
levelling instrument: dumpy level | 定镜水准仪,水准测量仪器
| A LEVELLING INSTRUMENT which has its TELESCOPE permanently attached to the levelling base, either rigidly or by a hinge that can be manipul... more | 一种水准测量设备,它的望远镜直接或者采用可通过螺旋千分尺操纵的铰链永久地固定在水平基座上。 |
levelling instrument: self-aligning level | 自动照准水准仪 | A LEVEL in which a sensitive prism element inside the TELESCOPE acts on the principle of the PENDULUM and ensures that the LINE OF SIGHT is ... more | 水准仪望远镜内部有灵敏的棱镜部件,其作用是根据锤摆的原理而设计的,即使望远镜轴偏离水平面几分,也可确保视线水平。 |
levelling instrument: tilting level | 微倾水准仪器具 | A LEVELLING INSTRUMENT in which the final LEVELLING of the instrument is obtained by small controlled amounts of rotation of the TELESCO... more | 水准仪,其最后水准测量结果是通过望远镜绕水平轴作较小控制转动获得。 |
levelling instrument: Y level | NULL | A LEVELLING INSTRUMENT having the TELESCOPE, with attached SPIRIT LEVEL, supported in Y's. The TELESCOPE can be rotated about its longitudi... more | NULL |