Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
left bank | 左岸
| Of a RIVER, the BANK of the left-hand side as one proceeds downstream. | 人顺着江河下游方向行进的左手一侧河岸。 |
left-right indicator | 航向偏差指示器
| An instrument indicating the orthogonal distance of a position from a pre-defined track. | 一种仪器,用来指示偏离预定航线的垂直距离。 |
leg | 边,导线边,航线的直线部分
| Each straight section of a TRAVERSE. One part of a craft's TRACK consisting of a single COURSE line. | 1、一条导线的每一直线部分。2、由单一航线组成的飞机(船)的航迹的一部分。3、在ECDIS中连接两个航路点的直线。 |
legend | 图例
| A description, explanation, table of SYMBOLS, and other information, printed on a MAP or CHART to provide a better understanding and interp... more | 印刷在地图或海图上的符号说明、解释、图表和其它信息。为更好了解和判读地图或海图地图或海图标题栏以前有部分图例,但现在这用法已淘汰。 |
length correction (tape) | 长度改正
| See TAPE: LENGTH CORRECTION. | 参见length correction tape(卷尺长度改正)。 |
lens | 透镜
| A plane, convex, or concave combination of glass or transparent material surfaces adapted for changing the direction of LIGHT RAYS to enlarg... more | 一种平面的,凸状或凹状玻璃或透光物质制成的组合镜,用于改变光的方向以放大或缩小物体的尺寸。参见achromatic lens(消色差透镜), apochromatic lens(复消色差透镜), objective lens(物镜), eyepiece(目镜), lens ele... more |
lens axis | 透镜光轴
| See AXIS OF LENS. | 参见axis of lens(透镜光轴)。 |
lens distortion | 透镜畸变
| See DISTORTION. | 参见distortion(失真)。 |
lens element | 透镜片,透镜件,透镜单元
| One LENS of a complex LENS SYSTEM. | 复合透镜系统中的一片透镜。 |
lens system | 透镜系统,光镜组
| The combination of two or more LENSES placed in series on the same PRINCIPAL AXIS. | 两个或以上透镜成串安装在同一主轴上的组合镜。 |
levee | 堤防,堤,导水堤,码头
| A depositional natural EMBANKMENT bordering a CANYON, VALLEY or SEA CHANNEL on the ocean floor. | 防止河水溢出的堤岸。码头、防波堤、埠头。在海底沿峡谷、山谷或海底峡谷的自然沉积堤岸。 |
level | 水平,水平面;平地;水准器,水准仪
| A horizontal plane or line; especially, such a plane taken as a basis for the measurement of ELEVATION. See SEA LEVEL, MEAN SEA LEVEL, HALF... more | 水平面或水平线;特别是作为测量高程基础的平面。参见sea level(海平面), mean sea level(平均海平面), half tide level(半潮面), still water level(静止水面)。
... more |
level | 放平,置平 | (v.t.). To make perfectly horizontal by means of a LEVEL. | 采用水准器使之完全达到水平。 |
level: bull's eye | NULL | See LEVEL: SPIRIT. | NULL |
level: circular | 圆水准器
| See LEVEL: SPIRIT. | 参见spirit level(气泡水准器)。 |
level: dumpy | 定镜水准仪
| See LEVELLING INSTRUMENT: DUMPY LEVEL. | 参见dumpy level levelling instrument(定镜水准仪)。 |
level: plate | 照准部水准器,圆盘水准器
| A SPIRIT LEVEL attached to the plate of a surveying instrument for the purpose of levelling the graduated CIRCLE or, indirectly, making the... more | 一种放置在测量仪器盘面的水平仪,用于使刻度盘水平或间接使垂直轴达到真正垂直。 |
level: self aligning | 自动安平水准仪 | See LEVELLING INSTRUMENT: SELF ALIGNING LEVEL. | 参见self-aligning level levelling instrument(自动照准水准仪)。 |
level: spirit | (气泡)水准器
| A small closed vessel of glass (vial), having the inside surface of its upper part curved in form; the vessel is nearly filled with a fluid ... more | 一种小型密封的容器(玻璃管),其内部表面上部是弯曲的,容器填充了低粘度的液体(酒精或乙醚),在容器顶部的位置上保留了足够形成气泡的自由空间,应用于测量方面有两种类型水准器,一种是球形曲面,产生圆形气泡,称为圆水准器(也称通用水准器或气泡圆水准器)。另一种是大多数情况下使用的类型,... more |
level: striding | 跨水准器 | A SPIRIT LEVEL so mounted that it can be placed above and parallel with the HORIZONTAL AXIS of a surveying or astronomical instrument, and s... more | 水准器安放在测量或天文仪器上方且平行于水平轴,因此可保证用于测量水平轴到水平面的倾斜。通常安放在仪器的望远镜上。 |