Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
expansion factor | 膨胀因数,膨胀系数
| In RADIOLOCATION, factor representing the degree to which the hyperbolae belonging to a given group of HYPERBOLIC LINES OF POSITION move apa... more | 在无线电定位中,表示当距基线的距离增加时属于给定双曲位置线组的双曲线移动程度的因子。 |
expert system | 专家系统
| A knowledge-based computer system which utilizes artificial intelligence to do some of the inferential computation/decision making. | 一种基于知识的计算机系统,它利用人工智能技术来做一些智能计算和决策。 |
exploration drilling | 钻探
| Drilling operations aimed at the exploration of resources. | 旨在勘探资源的钻井作业。 |
exploratory survey | 勘测
| See SURVEY. | 为获取关于某一区域总体信息(之前并没有这些信息的记录)而实施的测量或者调查。 |
explosive anchorage area | 爆炸物锚地 | An area set apart for anchored ships discharging or receiving explosives. | 用于装卸爆炸物货物的锚地区域。 |
explosive fog signal | 爆响雾号
| See FOG SIGNAL. | 在低能见度情况下用作航行警告的爆炸物的爆炸声。 |
exposure | 曝光
| In PHOTOGRAPHY, the act of exposing a light-sensitive material to a light source. The total quantity of light received per unit area on a se... more | 在摄影中,指使感光材料暴露在光源下的行为。在感光板或者胶片上每单位面积接收的光总量;也可以表达为光强度或者曝光时间。 |
exposure interval | 曝光间隔
| The time interval between the taking of successive PHOTOGRAPHS. | 在连续拍摄照片时相邻拍照之间的时间间隔。 |
exposure station | 摄影站
| See AIR STATION. | 参见air station(空中摄影站)。 |
exposure time | 曝光时间
| The time during which a light-sensitive material is subjected to the action of light. | 感光材料接受光照射的时间。 |
exterior orientation | 外定向
| See ORIENTATION. | 在摄影测量中,指确定(采用分析法或者摄影测量仪器)摄影时刻摄影站空间位置和航拍相机高度。在立体摄影仪作业中,外定向分为两个部分:相对定位和绝对定位。也称为outer orientation(外定向)。 |
exterior perspective centre | 外透视中心
| See PERSPECTIVE CENTRE. | 参见perspective centre(透视中心)。 |
external error | 外部误差
| See ERROR: THEORETICAL. | 参见theoretical error(理论误差)。 |
extinction coefficient | 消光系数
| A measure of the space rate of diminution or extinction, of any transmitted light. In OCEANOGRAPHY, the measure of ATTENUATION of downward d... more | 透射光的衰减率。在海洋学中,指直射光向下在海水中传播的衰减系数。 |
extrapolation | 外推法
| The process of estimating the value of a quantity beyond the limits of known values by assuming that the rate or system of change between th... more | 假设已知数据之间的变化率或者系统变化保持不变,超出已知数据的界限估计某一量值的过程。 |
extremely high frequency (EHF) | 极高频
| See FREQUENCY: RADIO. | (EHF)。参见radio frequency(无线电频率)。 |
extrusion | 破图廓
| In CARTOGRAPHY, the extension of detail outside the NEAT LINE. | 在制图学中,指详细地理信息延伸超出图边线。 |
eye base | 眼基距
| See INTERPUPILLARY DISTANCE. | 参见interpupillary distance(瞳孔间距离)。 |
eye of the storm | 暴风眼
| See TROPICAL CYCLONE. | 参见tropical cyclone(热带气旋)。 |
eyepiece | 目镜
| In an optical device, the lens group which is nearest the eye and with which the IMAGE formed by the preceding elements is viewed. | 在光学设备中,用来观察前方光学系统所成图像的、距离眼睛最近的透镜组。 |