Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
passage | 航道,通道
| A narrow navigable CHANNEL, especially one through REEFS or ISLANDS. Sometimes called a PASS, or in New England waters a HOLE. | 狭窄的通航水道,尤指通过暗礁或岛屿的水道。有时称作pass(通道),在新英格兰水域称作hole(通道)。 |
passage: meridian | 中天
| See MERIDIAN TRANSIT. | 参见meridian transit(中天)。 |
passive system | 被动系统,无源系统
| A system which records energy emitted or reflected but does not produce or transmit energy of its own. | 记录发射或反射能量但自身不产生或传递能量的系统。 |
passometer | 计步器
| A pocket-size instrument which registers the number of steps taken by the pedestrian carrying it. See PEDOMETER. | 由步行者携带的可记录其步数的小型仪器。参见pedometer(步程计)。 |
pass point | 控制点
| In PHOTOGRAMMETRY, a point whose horizontal and/or vertical position is determined from PHOTOGRAPHS by photogrammetrical methods and whic... more | 在摄影测量学中,指通过摄影测量方法从像片确定其水平或垂直位置的点,该点作为辅助控制点为其他像片定向。 |
patch | 小块浮冰
| In ice terminology, a collection of PACK ICE, less than 10 km across. | 在有关冰的术语中,指直径小于10千米的流冰群。 |
patent log | 拖曳式计程仪,专用计程仪
| See LOG. | 旧称towed log(拖曳式计程仪)。
机械计程仪,特指拖曳式计程仪。 |
path | 路径,径迹,轨迹,行程
| A line of movement; course taken, as the path of a METEOR. A line connecting a series of points in space and constituting a proposed or trav... more | 运动路线;经过的轨迹,如流星轨迹。
空间中构成计划或已航航线的一系列点的连线。 |
pattern | 格网
| See LATTICE. | 参见lattice(位置线格网)。 |
P-code | 精码,P码
| The Precise (or Protected) GPS code; a very long (about 1014 bit) sequence of pseudo-random binary biphase modulations on the GPS carrier at... more | 全球定位系统(GPS)的精确码。GPS载波上的非常长(约1014比特)的二进制伪随机双相调制序列,其码速率为10.23兆赫,约267天循环一次。每颗全球定位系统卫星都有各自的一星期精码程序段,每周复位一次。参见C/A Code(C/A码)。 |
peak | 山峰,尖端;最高点
| A prominent elevation either pointed or of very limited extent across the SUMMIT. Also called pike. | 顶点较尖或具有限面积的突起的高地。亦称pike(顶峰)。 |
pebble | 卵石,砾石
| A small STONE worn smooth and rounded by the action of water, SAND, ICE, etc. ranging in diameter between 4 and 64 millimetres. | 由于水、沙、冰等作用而被磨光、磨圆的小石头,直径在4至64毫米之间。 |
pecked line | 虚线
| In CARTOGRAPHY, a SYMBOL consisting of a line broken at regular intervals. | 在制图学中,指由按一定间隔断开的线所构成的符号。 |
pedometer | 步程计
| A pocket-size instrument which registers in linear units the distance traversed by the pedestrian carrying it. See PASSOMETER. | 由步行者携带的通过线性装置记录走过距离的小型仪器。参见passometer(计步器)。 |
pelagic-abyssal sediments | 远洋深海沉积物
| Deep sea SEDIMENTS that are free of terrestrial material except for a small proportion of very fine CLAY. | 除小部分细粘土外,不含其他地表物质的深海沉积物。 |
pelagic division | 海洋部分,水层区
| In the classification of the marine environment and its inhabitants, a primary division of the SEA which includes the whole mass of water. T... more | 在海洋环境及其生物分类中,指包括整个水体的海的基本部分。该部分由200米以内水深的浅海区和200米以上水深的大洋区组成。另一基本部分是海底区。 |
pelorus | 哑罗经,罗经刻度盘
| A COMPASS CARD in the form of a metal plate mounted in GIMBALS to maintain a horizontal position and fitted with SIGHT-VANES for observing B... more | 一种金属平板罗经刻度盘,安装在万向支架上以保持一定的水平位置。在不能直接通过罗盘进行定向的地方,可用它与瞄准器组合来观方位,亦称dumb compass(哑罗经)或bearing plate(方位分度器)。亦见alidade(照准部)。 |
pencil | 光锥
| In optics, a set of RAYS coming to or spreading out from a point. See LIGHT PENCIL. | 在光学中,指从一点射出或汇聚于一点的光线束。参见light pencil(光束)。 |
pencil beam | 锥形光束,锥形射束
| A BEAM in which the RADIANT ENERGY is concentrated in an approximately conical or cylindrical portion of space of relatively small diameter... more | 辐射能集中在直径很小的近似圆锥或圆柱形空间内的射束,多用于旋转型导航灯标。 |
pendulum | (钟等的)摆,摆动锤;摆仪
| A body so suspended from a fixed point as to swing freely to and from under the combined forces of GRAVITY and MOMENTUM. A vertical bar so ... more | 悬挂在某一固定点上,在重力和动量的综合作用下自由地往复摆动的物体。
由牵引弹簧在下面支撑,在重力和弹簧回复力的共同作用下往复振动的竖杆。 |