Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
pluviograph | (自计)雨量计
| RAIN GAUGE which includes an arrangement for the time recording of the depth of water from PRECIPITATION. | 装备按时记录降水水深装置的测雨计。 |
pocket compass | 袖珍罗经
| See COMPASS. | 一种轻便罗经(用于岸线测量或勘测中)。 |
Poincaré wave | 庞加勒波
| A long period gravity wave. The superposition of incident and reflected plane waves (Sverdrup Waves) such that the composite wave fronts ar... more | 一种长周期重力波。入射和反射平面波相叠加,当一组波节线垂直于锋时,而产生的波锋与海岸相垂直。本术语用于研究海洋、开阔海面和港湾的潮汐分析。 |
point | 刻点,罗经点;小岬,尖端
| One thirty-second of a circle, or 11 1/4 DEGREES. Also called COMPASS POINT when used in reference to COMPASS directions. The extreme end ... more | 度盘上圆周的1/32,或11.25°。在用于罗经指向时,亦称罗经方位点。
在数字制图中,指用于标明某个物标位置的0维地理原点。 |
pointing line | 瞄准线
| See COLLIMATION: LINE OF. | 参见line of collimation(视准轴)。 |
point of Aries | 平分点
| See EQUINOX. | 参见equinox(二分点)。 |
point of arrival | 到达点
| See ARRIVAL: POINT OF. | 参见point of arrival(到达点)。 |
point of destination | 到达点
| See DESTINATION: POINT OF. | 参见point of destination(到达点)。 |
point of origin | (坐标)原点
| See COORDINATES: ORIGIN OF. | 参见origin of coordinates(坐标原点)。 |
point of symmetry | 对称点
| The point in the FOCAL PLANE of a CAMERA about which all lens DISTORTIONS are symmetrical. If the LENS were perfectly mounted, the point of... more | 照相机焦面上的点。相对于该点,所有透镜畸变都是对称的。如果该透镜安装完善,该对称点应与像主点相重合。 |
polar aurora | 极(曙)光
| See AURORA. | 参见aurora(极光)。 |
polar axis | 极轴
| See AXIS. | 极坐标或球面坐标系中的主方向轴。 |
polar bearing | 极方位角
| See BEARING. | 在极坐标系或球面坐标系中,由基准子午面与过所求点的子午面相交所形成的夹角。 |
polar chart | 极地海图,极投影海图
| See CHART. | 极地区域的海图,或采用极投影的海图。 |
polar circle | 极圈
| Either the ARCTIC CIRCLE (north polar circle) or the ANTARCTIC CIRCLE (south polar circle). | 南极圈或北极圈。 |
polar coordinates | 极坐标
| See COORDINATES. | 一种描述空间点位的坐标系统。它以任意选定的原点为基准,用两个方向和一个距离来确定点位,即两个矢量角和一个矢径值。 |
polar distance | 极距
| ANGULAR DISTANCE from a CELESTIAL POLE; the arc of an HOUR CIRCLE between a CELESTIAL POLE, usually the ELEVATED POLE, and a point on the CE... more | 从天极起算的角距离;天极通常是上天极与天球上某点之间的时圈弧(从天极起算量到180°)。当赤纬与纬度同名时,余赤纬与从天极测得的极距相同。 |
polar front | 极锋
| Quasi-permanent FRONT of great extent, of middle latitudes, which separates relatively cold polar air and relatively warm tropical air, and ... more | 在中纬度上极大的准永久锋面,该锋面将较冷的极气团与较暖的热带气团隔开,在该锋面上产生波浪。 |
polar ice | 极地冰
| SEA ICE that is more than one year old (in contrast to WINTER ICE). The WMO code defines polar ice as any SEA ICE more than one year old and... more | 多年(相对于初冬冰)的海冰。世界气象组织(WMO)将极地冰定义为1年以上、厚度超过3米的海冰。 |
Polaris correction | 北极星改正
| A CORRECTION to be applied to the OBSERVED ALTITUDE of Polaris to obtain the LATITUDE. | 为了获得纬度而加在北极星观测高度上的改正量。 |