Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
long range navigation | 远程无线电导航系统
| See NAVIGATION. | 只在远距离航行时使用的导航系统,不能覆盖全球。相对的词是short range navigation(近程无线电导航系统)。 |
longshore current | 沿岸流
| A current paralleling the shore largely within the surf zone. It is caused by the excess water brought to the zone by the small net mass tra... more | 在碎浪带内大规模的与岸平行的水流。这是由于风浪小规模的水体转移,将过量的水带至该区域而形成的。沿岸流汇入离岸流。 |
lookout station | 瞭望台
| A distinctive structure or place on SHORE from which personnel keep watch upon events at SEA or along the COAST. | 海岸上一种突出的建筑或场地,从瞭望台值班人员守望海上或沿岸活动。 |
lookout tower | 瞭望塔
| Any tower surmounted by a small house in which a watch is habitually kept, as distinguished from an OBSERVATION TOWER in which no watch is ... more | 小屋顶上建造的塔,在塔中可保持经常性观察,与 observation tower (观测塔)的区别是 observation tower 不进行经常性观察。 |
loom | 昏光,首次出现
| The glow of a light which is below the HORIZON, caused by REFLECTION by solid particles in the air. Vague first appearance of LAND at SEA. | 在空气中,经过固体颗粒反射而在地平线以下发出的光。
在海上首次出现的不清晰的陆地。 |
looming | 上现蜃景,朦胧出现
| An apparent ELEVATION of distant terrestrial objects by abnormal ATMOSPHERIC REFRACTION. Because of looming, objects below the HORIZON are ... more | 由于不正常的大气折射出现的地面较远处物体影像。因为是上现蜃景,因此物体低于地平线时仍能看到。其反义词是sinking(下现蜃景)。在低能见度期间,目标外貌模糊不清。 |
loop | 回路,环路;波腹,腹点
| In OCEANOGRAPHY, that part of a STANDING WAVE where the vertical motion is greatest and the horizontal VELOCITIES are least. Loops (sometim... more | 在海洋学中,驻波的一部分,其垂直运动最大而水平运动为最小。
波腹(有时亦称为腹点)是与海港或海湾反射的共振波而产生的激流碎波和假潮作用相关联的。 |
loop antenna | 环状天线
| A DIRECTIONAL ANTENNA consisting essentially of one or more complete turns of wire. | 一种方向性天线,主要由一个或以上的金属丝线圈组成。 |
lost' station | 不可恢复站,丢失站 | See STATION: UNRECOVERABLE. | 参见unrecoverable station(不可恢复站)。 |
lough | 湖,狭长海湾
| Irish equivalent of the Scottish LOCH. | 爱尔兰语,与苏格兰的loch(湖)等同。 |
louver shutter | 隔栅快门,百叶窗式快门
| See SHUTTER. | 由数个薄金属条或格栅组成的快门,以操纵百叶窗方式曝光。一般位于紧挨透镜的前部或后部。 |
love wave (or Q-wave) | 勒夫波
| See WAVE. | 沿具有刚性的两种弹性介质的边界传播的横波,即两种介质都必须能传播横波。
表面地震波,其中弹性介质的每个质点沿波传播方向横向振荡,垂直方向则没有振荡分量。 |
low | 洼地,低地;低气压
| See DEPRESSION. | 参见depression(低地;低气压)。 |
lower branch | 下(半)子午圈
| That half of a MERIDIAN or CELESTIAL MERIDIAN from POLE to POLE which passes through the ANTIPODE or NADIR of a place. | 子午圈的一半或两极点间子午圈,经过某地的对极或天底点。 |
lower culmination | 下中天
| See MERIDIAN TRANSIT. | 参见meridian transit(中天)。 |
lower high water (L.H.W.) | 低高潮 | The lower of two HIGH WATERS occurring during a TIDAL DAY if the DIURNAL INEQUALITY prevails. | (L.H.W.)。日潮不等盛行时在某一潮汐日期间两个高潮中的较低者。 |
lower high water interval | 低高潮间隙
| See LUNITIDAL INTERVAL. | 参见lunitidal interval(月潮间隙)。 |
lower limb | 下边缘
| See LIMB. | 参见limb(边缘)。 |
lower low water (L.L.W.) | 低低潮 | The lower of two LOW WATERS occurring during a TIDAL DAY if the DIURNAL INEQUALITY prevails. | (L.L.W.)。日潮不等盛行时在某一潮汐日期间两个低潮中的较低者。 |
lower low water interval | 低低潮间隙
| See LUNITIDAL INTERVAL. | 参见lunitidal interval(月潮间隙)。 |