Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
logarithmic scale | 对数尺
| See SCALE. | 按照等间隔的连续数字的对数进行标记的比例尺。 |
log book | 航海日志
| Book in which events connected with the ship are entered. Also written as one word. | 记录与船舶有关的事件的日记。也可写作一个单词。 |
log boom | 水栅,吊杆
| Heavy logs chained or lashed together and moored or anchored so as to enclose and contain rafted logs. See also BOOM. | 重型栅木连接或捆绑在一起,系留或锚泊以便包围和存放筏运的木材。亦可参见boom(水栅)。 |
log chip | 计程仪托板,扇形计程板
| The wooden quadrant forming part of a CHIP LOG. Also called log ship. | 计程仪的木质扇形板部分。亦可称为 log ship(测速板)。 |
log factor | 计程仪因子
| The ratio represented by the true distance divided by the LOG distance. | 实际航程与计程仪航程之比。 |
log factor scale | 计程仪系数比例尺 | See SCALE. | 在海道测量中,一种为测量原图比例尺而设计的比例图表,以此能很快确定计程仪因子。 |
logging | 记录
| 1. Gauging ship's speed with a log. 2. Record events. | 1、用计程仪测量船速。2、记录事件。 |
log line | 计程线
| A graduated line used to measure the SPEED of a vessel through the water or to measure the SPEED of a CURRENT from a vessel at anchor. The l... more | 有刻度的线,用以记录船通过水域的速度,或测量船锚位处的流速。该线与计程仪固联。参见current pole(测流杆)。 |
log ship | 测速板
| See LOG CHIP. Also written as one word. | 参见log chip(计程仪托板)。也可写作一个单词。 |
long baseline acoustic system | 长基线水声系统
| An underwater position fixing system which consists of an array of seabed transponders with baselines of several kilometres. | 水下的定位系统,由一组具有数千米基线的海底应答器组成。 |
longitude | 经度
| ANGULAR DISTANCE, along a PRIMARY GREAT CIRCLE, from the adopted REFERENCE POINT. One of COORDINATES used to describe a POSITION the other b... more | 从采用的参考点起沿基本大圆的角距。用于描述位置的坐标之一,另一个是纬度。 |
longitude: astronomical | NULL | The angle between the plane of the CELESTIAL MERIDIAN and the plane of an INITIAL MERIDIAN, arbitrarily chosen. Astronomical longitude is th... more | NULL |
longitude: celestial | 黄经
| ANGULAR DISTANCE east of the VERNAL EQUINOX, along the ECLIPTIC; the arc of the ECLIPTIC or the angle at the ecliptic pole between the CIRCL... more | 沿黄道春分点向东的角距离。春分点的纬度圈与天球上一点的纬度圈之间的黄极角度或黄道弧,从春分点纬度圈向东量算360°。 |
longitude: geodetic | 大地经度
| The angle between the plane of the GEODETIC MERIDIAN and the plane of an INITIAL MERIDIAN, arbitrarily chosen. | 大地子午线平面与任意选定的初始子午线平面之间的夹角。 |
longitude: geographic(al) | 地理经度
| A general term, applying alike to ASTRONOMICAL and GEODETIC LONGITUDE. | 天文经度和大地经度的统称。 |
longitude: terrestrial | 地面经度 | The intercepted arc of EQUATOR, or the angle at the POLE, between the MERIDIAN of a point on the EARTH, and the PRIME MERIDIAN, measured eas... more | 地球上某点的子午线与起始子午线在极点处的夹角或与赤道相交的弧,向东或向西各量至180°,以符号E或W表示测量的方向。 |
longitude factor | 经度因子
| The change in LONGITUDE along a CELESTIAL LINE OF POSITION per 1' change in LATITUDE. | 沿天体位置定位线纬度每变化1′时经度的变化。 |
longitude line | 经线 | A LINE OF POSITION extending in a generally north-south direction. | 沿南北方向延伸的位置线。 |
longitude signal | 经度信号
| See SIGNAL. | 表示时间的信号,可在不同台站观测到,用于这些台站地方时的比较,并测定它们所处的不同经度。 |
longitudinal wave | 纵波
| See WAVE. | 介质中每个质点位移方向与波传播方向同向的波。 |