Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
leading line | 叠标线,导航线
| (British terminology). A line passing through two or more clearly defined charted objects, and along which a vessel can approach safely. | (英国术语)通过海图上标绘的两个或多个确定目标的连线,船舶沿该线航行可以保证安全。 |
leading marks | 导标
| (British terminology). AIDS TO NAVIGATION or other indicators so located as to indicate the path to be followed. Leading marks identify a ... more | (英国术语)助航设备或其它指示器,用于标示航道。当通过它们时,导标作为导航线的标志。亦可参见range(排列)。 |
lead line | 测深索
| A line, graduated with attached MARKS and fastened to a SOUNDING LEAD, used for determining the DEPTH of water when making SOUNDINGS by hand... more | 系在测深锤上的标有刻度的绳子。当手工测深时用于测定水深。通常用于深度小于45米的水域(25英寻)。测深索编织成穗带或左捻。也称为sounding line(侧深索)。 |
lead line correction | 测深索改正
| A CORRECTION to be applied to the DEPTHS taken with a rope LEAD LINE to take into account the shrinking and stretching. This difficulty has... more | 考虑到测深索的收缩和扩张因素,对使用测深索测量的水深实施的改正。这个问题目前已经通过在测深索中插入金属丝解决。 |
leadsman | 水砣手
| A person using a SOUNDING LEAD to determine DEPTH of water. | 使用测深锤测量水深的人。 |
league | 里格
| A varying measure of distance, usually about three MILES. | 测量距离的单位,通常1里格约为3英里。 |
leaper | 小浪花
| See LIPPER. | 参见lipper(小浪花)。 |
leap year | 闰年
| See YEAR: CIVIL. | 参见civil year(民用年)。 |
least count | 最小读数
| The finest reading that can be made directly (without estimation) from a VERNIER or MICROMETER. | 直接由游标千分尺或测微器读取(不是估计)的最小读数。 |
least depth | 最浅水深
| The shoalest sounding value obtained on a feature. | 获得的海底地貌的最浅水深。 |
least squares | 最小二乘
| A method of adjusting OBSERVATIONS in which the sum of the squares of all the deviations or residuals derived in fitting the OBSERVATIONS to... more | 对观测值进行平差的一种方法。在这种方法中,观测值拟合于一种数学模型而得出的所有偏差或残差的平方和为最小。最小二乘亦称为minimum square(最小平方)。 |
ledge | 石梁,石滩,暗礁,壁架
| A shelf-like projection, on the side of a ROCK or MOUNTAIN. A rocky formation continuous with and fringing the SHORE. | 处于岩石或山旁的架状突出物。
与海岸相连的岩礁。 |
lee | 下风,背风,背浪
| That side towards which the WIND blows; the sheltered side. | 风吹向的那一侧;避风面。 |
lee shore | 下(背,顺)风岸
| SHORE that is to leeward of a vessel. See WEATHER SHORE. | 处于船的下风方向的海岸。参见weather shore(上风岸)。 |
lee tide | NULL | See TIDE: LEEWARD. | NULL |
leeward | 下风,背风,顺风
| (adj. and adv.). Toward the LEE, or in the general direction toward which the WIND is blowing. The opposite is WINDWARD. | (形容词和副词)。朝下风方向,或朝向风吹向的大致方向,反义词为 windward(上风)。 |
leeward tidal current | 顺风潮流
| See TIDE: LEEWARD. | 参见leeward tide(顺风潮流)。 |
leeward tide | 顺风潮流
| See TIDE. | 流向与风向相同的潮流。亦可称为leeward tidal current(顺风潮流)。 |
leeway | 风压差,航差角,偏流角
| The leeward motion of a vessel due to WIND. It may be expressed as distance, SPEED, or angular difference between COURSE steered and COURSE ... more | 由于风的作用使船朝下风方向运动,它以距离、速度,或罗经航向与水流方向的角度差表示。偏航角。亦可称为drift(漂流角)。 |
leeway angle | 风流压差角,偏航角
| The angle between true heading and track of a vessel caused by wind action. | 真航向与因风作用的航向之间的角度。 |