Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
latitude line | 纬度线
| A LINE OF POSITION extending in a generally east-west direction. | 向东西方向延伸的位置线。 |
latitude scale | 纬线分划,纬度尺 | See SCALE. | 墨卡托投影海图东西图廓的细分。
直线比例尺的变形,因为纬度的1′非常接近于1海里。 |
lattice | 位置线格网,图上格网
| A pattern formed by two or more families of intersecting lines, such as HYPERBOLIC LINES OF POSITION or parts of circles, drawn on CHARTS, P... more | 两组或两组以上相交线所形成的图形,如绘于海图、海图作业纸上或测深图板上的双曲位置线或圆弧。 |
launch | 汽艇
| Large open or half decked boat. | 大敞全开或半开甲板的小艇。 |
lava | 熔岩,火山岩
| The fluid or semi-fluid matter flowing from a volcano. The substance that results from the cooling of the molten ROCK. Part of the ocean bed... more | 从火山流出的流质或半流质物质。由熔融岩石冷却形成的物质。洋底某些部分由熔岩组成。 |
layer | 层,分层,地层
| A single thickness, coat, fold or STRATUM. | 1、在ECDIS中,作为整体来显示的一组相关信息。
2、一种单一厚度的层,褶皱或岩层。 |
layer depth | 层深,温跃层顶深度,混合层深度
| In OCEANOGRAPHY, the thickness of the MIXED LAYER; or the DEPTH to the top of the THERMOCLINE. | 在海洋学中,指混合层的厚度,或者指到温跃层顶部的深度。 |
layer depth prediction | 层深预报
| Predetermining the DEPTH to the top of the THERMOCLINE over a given ocean area. | 在某一给定洋区温跃层顶部深度的预报。 |
layering | 分层
| A method of emphasizing on a CHART differences in HEIGHT or DEPTH by use of varying tints. Also referred to as layer tinting. | 在海图上使用不同的色彩强调不同的高度或者深度的方法。也可称之为layer tinting(分层设色)。 |
layer of no motion | 无流层
| A LAYER, assumed to be at rest at some DEPTH in the OCEAN. | 在海洋中,在某一深度处假设处于静止状态的水层。 |
layer tinting | 分层设色
| See LAYERING. | 参见layering(分层)。 |
lead (lèd) | 铅;测锤;水砣;冰泾,人工水道;超前
| A heavy, soft, malleable, bluish-grey metallic chemical element. Anything made of this metal, such as a WEIGHT for sounding DEPTHS of water. | 一种重、软、可锻造的、蓝灰色化学元素。
某一个周期性运动在另一周期性运动超前的数量,以度表示。 |
lead (led) | 铅;测锤;水砣;冰泾,人工水道;超前
| A navigable PASSAGE through ICE. The amount one cyclic motion is ahead of another, expressed in DEGREES. | 一种重、软、可锻造的、蓝灰色化学元素。
某一个周期性运动在另一周期性运动超前的数量,以度表示。 |
lead: deep sea | NULL | A heavy SOUNDING LEAD the WEIGHT of which may be varied from about 15 to over 50 kilos depending on the DEPTHS to be sounded. Also called di... more | NULL |
lead: drift | 测走锚铅锤
,漂测锤 | SOUNDING LEAD dropped to BOTTOM, to indicate movement of a vessel. | 投放到海底的测深锤,用来指示船舶的移动。 |
lead: fish | 鱼形水砣,鱼形测锤
| A fish-shaped SOUNDING LEAD which reduces to a minimum the INCLINATION of the wire when trailed, making unnecessary its removal from the wat... more | 一种鱼形测深锤,它可最大限度的减小测绳的倾斜,并且在测深过程中不需要从水中将其提出水面。 |
lead: hand | 手锤,水砣、铅锤
| A light SOUNDING LEAD (3 to 5 kilos) having usually a line of not more than 40 to 50 METRES. | 轻型测深锤(重量约3-5千克,),通常绳长不超过40-50米。 |
lead: sounding | 测深锤,水砣 | A LEAD attached to a line used for measuring the DEPTH of water. Also called plummet. | 用于探测水体深度的重锤。亦称plummet。 |
leader cable | 引线电缆,主电缆,水底导航电缆
| See CABLE. | 位于海底用于输送电流的电缆,它可引导装配适当设备的船舶航行。 |
leading light(s) | 引导灯桩,叠标灯桩
| See LIGHT. | 两个或者两个以上灯标联合组成叠标线用于导航。 |