Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
error: polarization | 极化误差
| ERROR in a RADIO BEARING or the COURSE indicated by a RADIOBEACON, due to horizontally-polarized components of the electric field under cert... more | 无线电指向标在一定的发射条件下,由于电场分量被水平极化引起的无线电定向或无线电指向标波束的误差。有两个术语现已不用,即夜间误差或夜间效应。 |
error: probable | 或然误差,概差
| An ERROR (or deviation from the mean) of such magnitude that the likelihood of its being exceeded in a set of OBSERVATIONS is equal to the l... more | 指某量值的误差(或与平均值的偏差),其在一组观测值中被超出的可能性等于其不被超出的可能性;其值等于标准误差乘以0.6745。在统计学中,有时还是推荐使用标准误差。 |
error: random | 偶然误差,随机误差 | See ERROR: ACCIDENTAL. | 参见accidental error。
error: regular | 固定误差
| See ERROR: SYSTEMATIC. | 参见system error(系统误差)。 |
error: residual | 残差 | The difference between any value of a quantity in a series of OBSERVATIONS, corrected for known SYSTEMATIC ERRORS, and the value of the quan... more | 指在一系列观测中,任何一个已经进行了已知系统误差改正的值与该观测平差后获得的值之差。有时也称residual(残差)。 |
error: root mean square | NULL | See ERROR: STANDARD. | NULL |
error: sextant | 六分仪(读数)误差 | The ERROR in the reading of a SEXTANT, due either to lack of proper ADJUSTMENT or to imperfection of manufacture. | 六分仪由于未作适当的改正或者由于产品本身的缺陷所产生的读数误差。 |
error: standard | 标准误差,均方根差,中误差 | The square root of the arithmetic mean of squared deviations from the mean. Also calledstandard deviation,when the deviations do not represe... more | 离差平方的算术中数平方根。当离差不代表误差时,亦称standard deviation或root mean square error。 |
error: station | 垂线偏差 | See DEFLECTION OF THE VERTICAL. | 地球(大地水准面)上一点垂线(沿垂线方向)与在参考椭球面上对应点的法线方向之间的夹角,亦称deflection of the plumb line, deviation of the vertical 或station error。 |
error: swirl | 漩涡误差 | The additional ERROR in the reading of a MAGNETIC COMPASS during a turn, due to friction in the compass liquid. | 液体磁罗经转向期间由于液体摩擦所产生的外加读数误差。 |
error: systematic | 系统误差 | Component of measurement ERROR that remains constant or varies in a predictable manner. Also called regular error. | 其值的变化与已知观测条件变化成比例的一种误差。亦称regular error。 |
error: theoretical | 理论误差 | A SYSTEMATIC ERROR arising from natural physical conditions, beyond the control of the observer. Also called external error. | 由固有的物理条件所引起的系统误差,这种误差是观测者无法控制的。亦称external error。 |
error equation | 误差方程
| See EQUATION. | 表示偶然误差事件规律的概率方程。误差方程是最小二乘法的基础。最小二乘法在测量平差中使用,用来确定观测结果的最或然值。 |
error of closure | 闭合差
| The amount by which a quantity obtained by a series of related measurements differs from the true or fixed value of the same quantity. Also ... more | 通过一系列观测获取的某一量的值和该量真值或者固定值的差。也称为closing error(闭合误差)。 |
error of closure of horizon | 圆周角闭合差
| The amount by which the sum of a series of adjacent measured horizontal angels around a point fails to equal exactly 360°. | 围绕某一点的一系列水平角观测值之和减去360度的差。 |
error of closure of triangle | 三角形闭合差
| The amount by which the sum of the three observed angles of a triangle fails to equal exactly 180° plus the SPHERICAL EXCESS of the triangle... more | 三角形各内角观测值之和减去180度所得的差;还指球面三角形的球面角超。可参见closure of triangle(三角形闭合差)。 |
error of collimation | 视准差
| The angle between the LINE OF COLLIMATION (LINE OF SIGHT) of a TELESCOPE and its COLLIMATION AXIS; i.e., the angle by which the LINE OF SIGH... more | 望远镜视准轴和水平轴之间夹角;也就是光线仪器视准线与理论上应具有的观测方向之间的夹角。 |
error of graduation | 刻度误差
| Inaccuracy in the GRADUATIONS of the SCALE of an instrument. Also called graduation error. | 仪器刻度的误差。也称作graduation error(刻度误差)。 |
error of magnetic compass | 罗经误差
| The angle by which a compass direction differs from the true direction; the algebraic sum of VARIATION and DEVIATION. | 罗经方向和真方向之间的夹角;磁差和自差的代数和。 |
error of run (micrometer) | 测微器行差
| The difference in SECONDS of arc, between the intended value of one turn of the MICROMETER SCREW and its actual value as determined by measu... more | 测微器的测微螺旋转动一圈的理论值和实际值的差。实际值通过测量测微器度盘两个相邻刻度间的间隔确定。也称作run of micrometer(测微器行差)。 |