Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
fog horn | 雾号角
| A HORN used as a FOG SIGNAL. | 用作雾信号的号角。 |
fog patches | 碎雾
| FOG in banks irregularly distributed. | 雾堤中不规则分布的雾。 |
fog signal | 雾号
| A warning SIGNAL transmitted by a vessel or AID TO NAVIGATION during period of low VISIBILITY. Also the device producing such a SIGNAL. | 在海面能见度不良期间,船舶或者助航设备发出的警告信号。 |
fog signal: explosive | NULL | Detonation of an explosive used as a navigational warning during low VISIBILITY. | NULL |
fog signal: radio | NULL | A regularly recurring distinctive SIGNAL sent out by a RADIOBEACON during thick WEATHER. | NULL |
fog siren | 雾笛
| A siren used as a FOG SIGNAL. | 用作雾号的笛声。 |
fog trumpet | 雾喇叭
| A trumpet used as a FOG SIGNAL. | 用作雾号的喇叭。 |
fog whistle | 雾哨
| A whistle used as a FOG SIGNAL. | 用作雾号的哨声。 |
following sea | 顺浪区
| A SEA in which the WAVES move in the general direction of the HEADING. | 海浪运动方向同船首方向一致的海域。 |
following wind | 顺风
| WIND blowing in the general direction of a vessel's COURSE. | 风向与船舶的航行一致的风。 |
font | 字体
| Complete assortment of all the different characters of a particular size and style of type. | 所有不同的字号和字型的完整分类。 |
Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) | 联合国粮食与农业组织
| Aims at the improvement of the standard of living, especially of the rural population of third world countries, by increasing the production... more | 旨在通过提高农产品产量和改善分配,提高人民(特别是第三世界国家农村人口)生活标准的组织。 |
foot | 英尺
| (pl. feet). A unit of length equal to 12 INCHES, 1/6 of a FATHOM, or 30.480 centimetres. | 长度单位,1英尺等于12英寸,1/6英寻或者30.480厘米。 |
foot of the continental slope | 大陆坡角
| The point of maximum change of gradient at the base of the CONTINENTAL SLOPE. | 在大陆坡底梯度变化最大的点。 |
footscrew | 脚螺旋
| See LEVELLING SCREW. | 参见levelling screw(水准螺旋)。 |
forced convection | 强迫对流
| See CONVECTION. | 在大气中指由机械力引起的对流,例如空气在粗糙或者倾斜表面上运动所产生对流。 |
forced wave | 强迫波
| See WAVE. | 由连续力产生和保持的波,与停止受力仍然继续存在的波相反。 |
foreland | 前陆,岬角
| A CAPE or PROMONTORY. | 岬或者海角。 |
Forel scale | 福莱尔水色等级
| A colour scale employed as a means of determining the COLOUR OF SEA WATER. | 用来确定海水颜色的一种色标度。 |
foreshore | 前滩,干出滩
| That part of SHORE which lies between HIGH and LOW WATER MARK at ordinary TIDE. | 位于平均高潮线和平均低潮线之间的岸滩。 |