Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
focal distance | 焦距
| See FOCAL LENGTH. | 参见focal length(焦距)。 |
focal length | 焦距
| The distance from the rear NODAL POINT of a LENS to the FOCAL PLANE for an object at infinity. The distance from the surface of a MIRROR to ... more | 指透镜后节点到焦平面的距离。反射镜焦距指镜面到焦点的距离。也称为focal distance(焦距)。 |
focal length: calibrated | NULL | An adjusted value of the EQUIVALENT FOCAL LENGTH computed to distribute the effect of lens DISTORTION over the entire field used in an AERIA... more | NULL |
focal length: equivalent | NULL | The distance measured along the AXIS OF LENS from the rear NODAL POINT to the plane of best average DEFINITION over the entire field used in... more | NULL |
focal plane | 焦平面
| A plane parallel to the plane of a LENS or MIRROR and passing through the FOCUS. In PHOTOGRAPHY, the plane (perpendicular to the axis of th... more | 过焦点与透镜或者反射镜镜面平行的平面。在摄影学指透镜物方视场像点聚焦的平面(与透镜主光轴垂直)。 |
focal-plane plate | 压片玻璃,接触压平板
| A glass plate set in the CAMERA so that the surface away from the LENS coincides with the FOCAL PLANE. Its purpose is to position the EMULSI... more | 装在摄影机里的玻璃板。其中离透镜较远的压平玻璃表面与焦平面重合。其目的是当胶片被压到玻璃板上时使胶片的乳胶面位于焦平面内。也称为contact glass,contact plate。 |
focal-plane shutter | 焦面快门,帘式快门
| See SHUTTER. | 位于焦面附近的快门,一般由带缝隙的遮光帘构成,遮光帘拉离焦平面产生曝光。 |
focal point | 焦点
| See FOCUS. | 参见focus(焦点)。 |
focus | 焦点、震源
| (pl. foci). That point at which parallel RAYS of light meet after being refracted by a LENS or reflected by a MIRROR. Also called focal poin... more | 在光学中指平行光线经透镜折射或者经反光镜反射后聚焦的点。也称为focal point。
在地震学中指地震波的发源地。某一地震的中心,在这里地球的应变能首次转换成地震波。 |
focus | 聚焦 | (v.t.). The process of adjusting an optical instrument, PROJECTOR, CATHODE-RAY TUBE, etc., to produce a clear and well-defined IMAGE. | 调节光学仪器、投影机、阴极射线管等形成清晰影像的过程。 |
fog | 雾
| Suspension of very small water droplets in the air, generally reducing the horizontal VISIBILITY at the EARTH's surface to less than 1 kilom... more | 悬浮在空气中的微小水珠群。通常能使地球表面的水平能见度小于1千米。 |
fog: advection | 锋面雾,平流雾
| FOG which forms in the lower part of a moist AIR MASS which moves over a colder surface. | 潮湿、温暖的空气团在较冷表面移动时,在其底部形成的雾。 |
fog: ice | 冰雾
| Suspension of numerous minute ice crystals in the air, reducing the VISIBILITY at the EARTH's surface. | 悬浮在空气中的大量的细小冰晶群,它能减小地表的能见度。 |
fog: sea | 海雾 | ADVECTION FOG which forms over the SEA. | 海面上形成的平流雾。 |
fog: wet | 湿雾
| FOG formed of droplets sufficiently large to deposit water on objects. | 水珠较大的易湿物体的雾。 |
fog bank | 雾堤
| FOG, generally caused by local conditions, which extends over a small area some hundreds of METRES wide. | 通常由当地环境影响形成的、在宽度只有几百米的小范围内扩散的雾。 |
fog bell | 雾钟
| A bell used as a FOG SIGNAL. | 一种作为雾信号的钟。 |
fog detector light | 雾情探测灯
| A light used to automatically determine conditions of visibility which warrant the turning on or off of a sound signal. | 一种用于自动探测能见度状况的灯,以便根据探测结果确定打开或者关闭声信号。 |
fog gong | 雾锣
| A gong used as a FOG SIGNAL. | 作为雾信号使用的锣。 |
fog gun | 雾炮
| A gun used as a FOG SIGNAL. | 作为雾信号使用的炮声。 |