Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
list of lights | 灯标表,航标表
| A publication tabulating navigational LIGHTS, with their locations, CANDLE POWERS, CHARACTERISTICS, etc. to assist in their identificatio... more | 以表的形式列出导航灯标的出版物,包括灯标位置、光强度、灯质等,以便对它进行辨别,且附有雾号的内容。航标表还包含其它有用的导航资料。也称light list(航标表)。 |
list of radio signals | 无线电信号表
| A publication tabulating and combining particulars of: coast radio stations, port radio stations, RADIO DIRECTION FINDING STATIONS, RADIOBEA... more | 编制和综合下列资料的出版物:沿岸无线电台、港口无线电台、无线电测向站、无线电信标等,及其它对航海者有用的有关无线电服务方面的资料。 |
lithification | 岩化
| The process of induration, cementation, petrification, consolidation, and crystallization which convert MAGMA and newly deposited SEDIMENTS ... more | 指硬化、粘结、石化、固结、结晶的过程,这一过程可使岩浆和新沉积物转换成岩石。 |
lithographic image | 石印文,平版印文,平板印刷图
| An ink-receptive image on the lithographic press plate, either photographic or direct hand or transfer image. The design or drawing on stone... more | 一种在石印板上的墨汁印像,可用摄影方法或直接用手工方法或转印。原稿是设计和绘制在石板或金属版上。 |
lithographic transfer | 石板转印,平版转印
| A PROOF of design or type matter pulled with special transfer ink on transfer paper from a LITHOGRAPHIC IMAGE or a relief image. Such PROOFS... more | 设计的或打印的样稿,从平板印象或凸纹印象以专门转印油墨转换在纸上,这种校样稿用来将印象转印到金属或石板上。 |
lithography | 石印术,平版印刷术
| The art or process of printing from a flat stone or metal PLATE by a method based on the repulsion between grease and water. The original l... more | 根据油和水相互排斥的原理,采用石板或金属板印刷的工艺或过程。当初石印原料为巴伐利亚石灰岩,但目前使用的是锌和铝。 |
lithology | 岩石学
| The scientific study of ROCKS. Literally, the science of STONES. | 研究岩石的学科。字面上讲是研究石头的学科。 |
lithosphere | 岩石圈
| The solid, rocky part of the EARTH; EARTH's CRUST distinguished from ATMOSPHERE, HYDROSPHERE. | 地球的固体、岩石部分;与大气层、水圈相区别的地壳。 |
litre (or liter) | 公升
| The basic unit of capacity in the METRIC SYSTEM. It is equal to one cubic decimetre. | 在公制系统中容积的基本单位。等于1立方分米。 |
littoral | 沿岸的 | (adj.). Of or pertaining to a SHORE, especially of the SEA. | 附属于岸的,特别是海岸的。 |
littoral | 沿(海)岸地区 | (n.). A coastal region. INTERTIDAL ZONE. | 指沿岸区域。潮间带区域。 |
local apparent noon | 地方视正午
| See NOON. | 地方视时12点,有时称为high noon(正午)。 |
local apparent time | 地方视时
| See TIME. | 以观测者所在子午线为基准的视太阳时。 |
local attraction | 局部引力,磁力异常
| LOCAL MAGNETIC DISTURBANCE. Also deflection of the PLUMB LINE due to a MOUNTAIN or other irregularity in EARTH's CRUST. | 磁力异常区域。也指由于山体或地壳的其它不规则性引起的垂线偏差。 |
local frequency oscillator | 本地频率振荡器
| An oscillator used to derive an intermediate frequency by beating with the signal carrying frequency in Superheterodyne reception. | 一种振荡器,用于在超外差式接收中以信号载频跳动获得中频。 |
local horizon | 视地平
| See HORIZON: APPARENT. | 参见apparent horizon(视地平)。 |
local hour angle | 地方时角
| See HOUR ANGLE. | 参见hour angle(时角)。 |
localizer | 指示器,定位器,无线电信标
| A radio facility which provides SIGNALS for lateral GUIDANCE of aircraft with respect to a RUNWAY centre line. | 为飞机盲降跑道中心线提供导航信号的一种无线电设备。 |
local magnetic disturbance | 局部磁干扰,磁力异常
| An ANOMALY of the MAGNETIC FIELD of the EARTH, extending over a relatively small area, due to local magnetic influences. Also called local a... more | 地球磁场的异常,由于局部磁力的干扰引起一个相对比较小区域的磁场异常。也称magnetic anomaly(磁力异常)。 |
local mean time | 地方平时
| See TIME. | 以观测者所在子午线为基准的平太阳时。 |