Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
coherent electromagnetic wave | 相干电磁波 | See WAVE: ELECTROMAGNETIC. | 参见electromagnetic wave(电磁波)。 |
col | 山峡,山隘;低压带,鞍部
| A marked DEPRESSION in the summit line of a MOUNTAIN CHAIN, generally affording a PASS from one SLOPE to the other. In METEOROLOGY, a saddl... more | 山脉山脊线上明显的下凹处,可以通过其从一个坡到达另一个坡。
气象学中,两高压和两低压相对组成的中间鞍形气压区域。 |
colatitude | 余纬
| The complement of the LATITUDE, or 90° minus the LATITUDE. | 纬度的余数,90度减去纬度。 |
cold front | 冷锋
| Any non-occluded FRONT which moves in such a way that colder air replaces warmer air. | 按冷气团替换暖气团方式运动的一种非锢囚锋。 |
cold wave | 寒潮
| Marked cooling of the air, or the invasion of very cold air, over a large area. | 指大范围气温显著下降或受冷空气侵袭。 |
collector tracing | 测深记录
| A comprehensive record of the work compiled while the HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEY is in progress. | 海洋测量进行中所汇编的一种综合工作记录。 |
collimate | 校准,照准
| (v.t.). In physics and ASTRONOMY, to render parallel to a certain line or direction; to render parallel, as RAYS of light; to adjust the LIN... more | 物理学和天文学中,使设备平行于指定的线或方向;使光线平行;调整光学仪器视准轴使之与仪器其他部分的相关位置正确。
在摄影测量中,指调节相机的框标,从而确定像主点。 |
collimation: line of | NULL | The line through the OPTICAL CENTRE of the OBJECTIVE LENS of a TELESCOPE and the centre of the RETICLE. Also called LINE OF SIGHT, sight lin... more | NULL |
collimation adjustment | 视准校正
| The process of bringing the LINE OF COLLIMATION of a TELESCOPE into close agreement with the COLLIMATION AXIS. | 调整视准线与视准轴使二者密切重合的过程。 |
collimation axis | 视准轴
,照准轴 | The line through the OPTICAL CENTRE of the OBJECTIVE LENS perpendicular to the AXIS of ROTATION of the TELESCOPE. Also called axis of collim... more | 穿过物镜光学中心,并垂直于望远镜旋转轴的直线。也称作视准轴(axis of collimation)。 |
collimation error | 视准误差,准直差
| See ERROR OF COLLIMATION. | 参见error of collimation(视准差)。 |
collimator | 准直器
| An optical device for artificially creating a TARGET at infinite distance (a BEAM of parallel RAYS of light) used in testing and adjusting c... more | 测试和校正某些光学仪器时所使用的设备,它可以模拟在无限远距离处产生一目标(一种平行光的光束)。它通常由聚光透镜和瞄准具(置于主焦面上的一组十字丝)组成。 |
collimator: auto | NULL | A COLLIMATOR provided with a means of illuminating its CROSS HAIRS so that, when a reflecting plane is placed normal to the emergent LIGHT B... more | NULL |
collimator: vertical | 垂直准直仪,垂准器 | A TELESCOPE so mounted that its COLLIMATION AXIS can be made to coincide with the VERTICAL (or direction of PLUMB-LINE). The vertical collim... more | 一种用特殊形式安装的望远镜,它能使其视准轴与垂直线(铅垂线方向)重合。能利用它直接在仪器下设置地面标志或直接在地面标志上使仪器对中。 |
colour of sea water | 海(水颜)色
| See SEA WATER. | 海水表层的视在颜色,产生颜色的原因是:可见光谱的某些成分伴随着溶解物质、密集浮游生物、岩屑或其他物质的影响而引起的反射。水色从深蓝到黄色变化,以数值表示高低,用福莱尔水色计测定。浮游生物的聚集会使海水暂时呈红、白、绿或其他颜色。也称作水色。参见discoloured water(... more |
colour proof | 彩色打样
| The final proof for checking before printing utilizing all of the negatives involved to produce a copy of the final product with all of the ... more | 在印刷之前用于检查的最后校样,即利用所有相关的底片,使用所有需要颜色生产最终产品样张。亦可参见proof(校样)。 |
colour plate | 彩色印版
| A general term for a pressplate from which any given colour is printed. | 能印刷任何所需要颜色的印刷版的总称。 |
colour separation | 分色
| Either the process of preparing a separate drawing, engraving or negative for each colour required in the production of a chart or a photogr... more | 无论是在准备单独的绘图、刻图或生产海图所需要的每种颜色的底片过程中,还是在相片处理或电子扫描过程中,都要用滤色片将多色拷贝分成三种主色之一的单色图像。 |
colure: equinoctial | 二分圈
| The HOUR CIRCLE through the EQUINOXES. | 穿过二分点的时圈。 |
colure: solsticial | 二至圈 | The HOUR CIRCLE through the SOLSTICES. | 过二至点的时圈。 |