Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
corer: piston | 活塞式采样器
| A CORER equipped with a piston inside the core tube that is connected to the lowering cable. When the CORER penetrates the ocean bottom the ... more | 采样管内装有活塞的一种采样器,它连接在一根下降的缆绳上。当采样器穿入海底时,停止下降的缆绳和活塞实际上产生一种吸引力来克服作用在沉积物和取样管内壁之间的摩擦力。 |
corer: polyvinyl | 聚乙烯取芯(采样)器
| See CORER: HYDROPLASTIC. | 参见hydroplastic corer(氢化塑料取芯器)。 |
core sample | 岩芯样品 | See CORE. | 参见core(岩芯)。 |
coring instrument (or device) | 取芯仪
| See CORER. | 参见Corer(采样管,取样管)。 |
coring (or core) tube | 采样管 | See CORE BARREL. | 参见core barrel(采样管)。 |
Coriolis force | 科里奥利力
| Composite CENTRIFUGAL FORCE, due to the ROTATION of the EARTH, which acts on moving particles, whose motion is considered relative to that o... more | 由于地球旋转产生的作用于相对地球运动物体上的复合离心力。 |
corona | 日冕
,华,光环 | PHOTOMETEOR formed by one or more sequences (seldom more than three) of coloured rings of relatively small radius, centred on the SUN or MOO... more | 一种大气现象。在日、月周围形成一层或多层(很少超过三层)半径相当小的彩色光环。 |
corrected establishment | 平均朔望高潮间隙
| See LUNITIDAL INTERVAL. | 参见lunitidal interval(月潮间隙)。 |
correction | 改正,校正,修正,改正量
| A quantity which is applied to an OBSERVATION or function thereof, to diminish or eliminate the effects of ERRORS and obtain an improved val... more | 为了减小或消除观测或操作的误差影响并获得更精确的结果所应用的一种改正量。利用这种改正值可将观测结果化算成某种任意标准。改正量应与已知误差相对应,其大小相等,符号相反。参见chronometer correction(天文钟改正量)、dip correction(倾角改正)、ind... more |
correction: atmospheric | 大气改正
| The statistical removal of meteorological effects from mean sea level changes. | 从平均海平面变化中去除气象因素的影响。 |
correction: ionospheric | 电离层改正
| A correction for errors introduced by ionospheric refraction occurring when signals travel through the ionosphere. | 对信号通过电离层时由于电离层折射所产生的误差的改正。 |
correction: relativistic | 相对论性改正
| A correction for errors introduced by relativistic effects of the clock rates of positioning systems. | 定位系统时钟速率的相对论效应所引起的误差改正。 |
correction: sky-wave | 天波校正 | The correction to be applied to the signals received via the ionosphere to convert them to their groundwave equivalent. | 加在天波接收时间差上的校正。即把天波接收信号读数转变为等值的地波读数的校正。 |
correction(s): tape | NULL | See TAPE CORRECTION(S). | NULL |
correction of soundings | 水深改正,测深校正
| The CORRECTION of the observed DEPTHS for any departure from true DEPTH due to the method of SOUNDING or to a fault in the measuring apparat... more | 观测水深的改正。由于测深方法或测量设备缺陷,往往使得观测深度偏离实际水深,故而进行水深改正。亦可参见 reduction of soundings(水深归算)。未见相关词汇。 |
corrector magnet | 磁差校正器 | See COMPENSATOR: MAGNETIC. | 参见magnetic compensator(磁差校正器)。 |
correlate equation | 联系数方程 | See EQUATION: CORRELATE. | 由观测方程或条件方程导出的一种方程。其导出方法是:使用不定因子,将不定因子引入观测方程或条件方程中,然后求出由这些方程所得剩余误差的平方和为最小时的条件表达式。 |
correlation | 相关性
| The removal of discrepancies that may exist among survey data, so that all parts are interrelated without apparent error. | 去除测量数据之间可能存在的差异,以确保所有的部分相互关联而没有明显误差。 |
correspondence | 符合,一致
| In STEREOSCOPY, the condition that exists when corresponding IMAGES on a pair of PHOTOGRAPHS lie in the same EPIPOLAR PLANE; the absence of ... more | 在立体观测法中,指像对上对应的图像处于同一核面上,无上下视差。 |
cosmic dust | 宇宙尘埃
| Very fine particles of solid matter in any part of the universe, including METEORIC DUST and zodiacal light particles in the SOLAR SYSTEM, i... more | 宇宙任何地方的极细的固体物质颗粒,包括太阳系中的流星尘和黄道带光粒子、银河系中来源不明的星际物质,以及其它星系聚集的暗物质。 |