Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
declinometer | 磁倾仪,方位计,偏角计
| A magnetic instrument similar to a SURVEYOR'S COMPASS, but arranged so that the LINE OF SIGHT can be rotated to conform with the NEEDLE or t... more | 一种类似于测量罗盘的磁性仪器,仅结构上有差别。该仪器的照准线可旋转到磁针或其它水平度盘内任何指定点方向,用于测量磁偏角。参见variation(磁差)。 |
declivity | 坡降,坡度
| A downward SLOPE or sloping of a HILL; as opposed to ACCLIVITY. | 山的一个向下倾斜的斜坡或坡度;与上斜相对应。 |
deep | 深处、深渊
| In OCEANOGRAPHY, an obsolete term which was generally restricted to DEPTHS greater than 6,000 m. An unmarked fathom point on a LEAD LINE. | 1.在海洋学中的一个过时的术语,一般仅指深度大于6000米的地方。
2.在测深绳上没有英寻标记点的报告用语。 |
deep-draught route | 深水航路
| A route which is primarily selected for use by ships which, because of their deep DRAUGHT, may not be able to navigate safely outside such r... more | 主要用于深吃水船舶航行的航路,它们在这条航道以外航行可能是不安全的。 |
deep ocean floor | 洋底,深海底
| The surface lying at the bottom of the deep ocean. | 深海海底表面。 |
deep scattering layer (DSL) | 深海散射层,深散射层
| See PHANTOM BOTTOM. | 参见phantom bottom(假海底)。 |
deep-sea camera | 深海相机
| See CAMERA. | 一种经过特殊设计,用于在海底获取影像的相机。 |
deep sea lead | 深海测深锤
| See LEAD. | 一种重量在15至50公斤的测深重锤,其重量大小取决于待测水深的深度。也称为dipsey lead(深水砣)。 |
deep sea thermometer | 深海温度计
| See THERMOMETER. | 一种用于测量任何深度海水温度的温度计。参见protected reversing thermometer(闭管颠倒温度表)、reversing thermometer(颠倒温度计)、unprotected reversing thermometer(无保护颠倒温度计)。 |
deep water route | 深水航道
| A route in a designated area within defined limits which has been accurately surveyed for clearance of sea bottom and submerged obstacles to... more | 指定区域内满足定义限制的航路,在该区域内海底和水下障碍物已进行过精确测量,并确定了最小水深。 |
defile | 峡谷,隘路
| A narrow PASS or GORGE between MOUNTAINS. | 山之间的狭窄通道或峡谷。 |
definition | 清晰度;分辨率
| In PHOTOGRAPHY, and electronic equipment, the degree of clarity and sharpness of an IMAGE. See RESOLUTION and RESOLVING POWER. | 在摄影测量和电子设备中,图像的清晰度和锐度,参见resolution(分辨率)和resolving power(分辨能力)。 |
deflection of the plumb line | 垂线偏差
| See DEFLECTION OF THE VERTICAL. | 参见deflection of the vertical(垂线偏差)。 |
deflection of the vertical | 垂线偏差
| The angle at a point on the EARTH (GEOID) between the VERTICAL (direction of the PLUMB LINE) and the direction of the NORMAL to the SPHEROID... more | 地球上一点铅垂线方向与参考椭球体法方向的夹角。也称作deflection of the plumb line(垂线偏差),deviation of the vertical(垂线偏差),station error(垂线偏差)。 |
deflector | 偏转角,磁罗经校正仪 | An instrument for measuring the directive force acting on a MAGNETIC COMPASS on different HEADINGS, for use in COMPASS ADJUSTMENT. | 用于测量不同船首方向上作用于磁罗经上的指向力的仪器。这种仪器主要用于罗经校正。 |
degaussing | 消磁,退磁,去磁 | Neutralization of the strength of the MAGNETIC FIELD of a vessel, by means of suitably arranged electric coils permanently installed in the ... more | 安装在船上不同位置的、永久的线圈,用于抵消船舶磁场强度。亦可参见 degaussing cable(消磁电缆)。 |
degaussing cable | 消磁电缆 | See CABLE. | 用于船上消磁的带电电缆。 |
degree | 度
| A unit of angular or circular-arc measurement, equal to 1/360 of a circle. A unit of measurement of temperature in any SCALE. | 1.角度或圆弧测量单位,等于圆的1/360。
2.表示温度的测量单位。 |
Delambre's spheroid | 德朗布尔椭球体
| See REFERENCE SPHEROID. | 见“参考椭球体”。 |
delimitation | 划界
| The process of establishing the LINE(S) OF DELIMITATION in the context of the United Nations' Law of the Sea Convention. | 在联合国海洋法公约框架下,确定分界线的过程。 |