Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
delineation | 描绘;清绘;勾绘
| In CARTOGRAPHY, the visual selection and distinguishing of mapworthy features on various possible source materials by outlining the features... more | 在制图中,在原始资料或地图原图上(当操作一个立体测绘仪时),直观地选择并标出对制图有价值的要素。这是编图的初始步骤。 |
delta | 三角洲
| An area of alluvial DEPOSIT, usually triangular in outline, near the MOUTH of a RIVER. | 河口附近的冲积区,通常呈三角形。 |
demagnetize | 消磁
| (v.t.). To remove MAGNETISM. The opposite is MAGNETIZE. | 动词,去除磁性。反义词是magnetize(磁化)。 |
densitometer | 显像密度计
| An electric instrument designed to accurately measure optical DENSITY or tone values and used in place of the human eye for such purposes. | 一种可代替人眼进行光密度值或色调值测量的电子仪器。 |
density | 浓度,密度
| In PHOTOGRAPHY, a measure of the degree of blackening of an exposed film, PLATE or paper after development, or the direct IMAGE (in the case... more | 1.在摄影学中,度量经过曝光、显影的胶卷、底片及相纸或者直接图像变黑程度的量,严格定义为阻光度的对数值。
2.在海洋学中,指海水的比重,表示为大气压力下给定体积海水重量与同体积的4.0°C蒸馏水重量的之比。 |
density layer | 密度层
| A LAYER of water in which DENSITY increases with DEPTH enough to increase the BUOYANCY of a submarine. | 随着深度增加,其密度量足以提高潜艇浮力的水层。 |
density of soundings | 测深密度
| Intervals between LINES OF SOUNDING and SOUNDINGS in the same line. Density of soundings mostly depends on the SCALE and nature of the SURVE... more | 测深线与测深线之间和同一测深线水深点与水深点之间的间隔,主要取决于测量比例尺和性质。也称作 frequency of soundings(测深密度)。 |
departure | 横距
,经差,东西距 | The distance between two MERIDIANS at any given PARALLEL OF LATITUDE expressed in linear units, usually NAUTICAL MILES. The distance to the ... more | 1.任意给定纬度平行圈上两条经线之间的距离,采用线性单位表示(通常是海里)。
2.一个点到另一个正东方或正西方的点的距离。 |
departure: point of | 起航点,出发点
| The point from which the initial COURSE to reach the point of destination begins. | 至目的地的初始航向的起点。 |
deposit | 沉积物
| Accumulations of solid material (of any type or from any source) on the sea bottom which eventually may become compacted and consolidated an... more | 所有海底的固体物质(任何来源、任何类型),最终将被压实和固结,并形成沉积岩。 |
depressed pole | 俯极
| See POLE. | 在地平线下的天极,与纬度计量符号命名相反。 |
depressor | 压板
| A device to maintain a towfish at a given depth. | 将拖鱼保持在指定深度的设备。 |
depression | 深坑,洼地;低气压区,气旋
| Any HOLLOW or relatively sunken area. In METEOROLOGY, a region of the ATMOSPHERE in which the pressure is low relative to the surrounding re... more | 1.一个坑或一个相对凹陷的区域。
2.在气象学中,在同一高度比周围气压相对较低的区域。在天气图上,该区域采用指定高度的等压线,或相对封闭的低气压等压线表示。 |
depression: angle of | NULL | See ANGLE OF DEPRESSION. | NULL |
depression contour | 洼地等高线,负向地貌等高线
| See CONTOUR. | 一种闭合等高线,等高线内部高程比外面高程低。亦可参见form line(地形线)。 |
depression of the horizon | 地倾角
| See DIP. | 参见dip(倾角)。 |
depth | 深度
| The vertical distance from a given water level to the BOTTOM. | 指定水准面到海底的垂直距离。 |
depth: charted | 海图水深
| The vertical distance from the CHART DATUM to the BOTTOM. | 从海图基准到海底的垂直距离。 |
depth: compensation | 补偿深度
| The DEPTH at which the light intensity is just sufficient to bring about a balance between the oxygen produced by ALGAE through PHOTOSYNTHES... more | 在某深度,光强正好使得海藻光合作用产生的氧与呼吸作用消耗的氧保持平衡,这一深度称为补偿深度。 |
depth: controlling | (航道的)限制水深,控制水深
| The least DEPTH in the approach or CHANNEL to an area, such as a PORT or ANCHORAGE, governing the maximum DRAFT of vessels that can enter. | 进入某区域(如港池或锚地)的最小水深,它决定着进入船舶的最大吃水。 |