Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
minus soundings | NULL | See SOUNDING. | NULL |
minute | 分 | The sixtieth part of an HOUR; sixty SECONDS. The sixtieth part of a DEGREE of arc; sixty SECONDS. | 1/60小时;60秒。
1/60弧度;60秒。 |
mirage | 海市蜃楼
| Optical PHENOMENON consisting essentially of steady or wavering, single or multiple, upright or inverted, vertically enlarged or reduced, IM... more | 由远处物体的影像构成的光学现象,此影像或稳定或摇晃,或单一或多样,或直立或倒置,或垂直扩大或垂直缩小。 |
mirage: inferior | 下现蜃景
| Particular case of MIRAGE, occurring over stretches of water, land, SHORES, roads, etc. strongly heated by INSOLATION, and in which the vir... more | 海市蜃楼的异常情况,由于暴晒的酷热,发生在延展水域、陆地、海岸和道路等处的上空,物体虚像出现在现实物体之下。这种位于或稍高于正常“地平线”的物体变成不易被视线所见的蜃景情况,一般把它叫做下现蜃景。 |
mirage: superior | 上现蜃景 | Special case of MIRAGE, observable over snow-fields, cold SEAS, etc., in which the virtual IMAGE is above the actual object. The case in whi... more | 海市蜃楼的特例,可在雪地、冰冷的海上等处上空观察到,其虚“像”出现在现实物体之上。在这种情况中位于正常水平线下及超过正常水平线范围的物体变成能看见,一般把它叫做上现蜃景。 |
mire | 泥沼
| A piece of wet swampy GROUND. | 潮湿松软的土地。 |
mirror | 镜
| Any surface which produces IMAGES by REFLECTION of LIGHT RAYS. | 任何通过光线反射产生影像的表面。 |
mist | 雾
| Suspension in the air of microscopic water droplets or wet hygroscopic particles, reducing the VISIBILITY at the EARTH's surface. | 空气中的微小水滴或潮湿吸湿颗粒的悬浮物,会降低地球表面能见度。 |
mixed current | 混合潮流
| See CURRENT. | 每个潮汐日出现的两次涨潮或落潮之间,在速度和持续时间上存在明显差别的潮流。 |
mixed layer | 混合层
| In OCEANOGRAPHY, the surface layer of virtually isothermal water, which frequently exists above the THERMOCLINE. The thickness of the laye... more | 在海洋学中,指等温水的表层,常存在于温跃层之上。层的厚度取决于温度梯度。 |
mixed seas | 混合海况
| The state of the sea resulting from the interaction of wind, waves, and swell. | 由风、浪和涌相的相互作用引起的海况。 |
mixed tide | 混合潮
| See TIDE. | 日波在连续高潮和/或低潮的高度和/或持续时间上产生较大不等现象的潮汐类型,该术语指介于正规半日潮和正规全日潮之间的过渡潮汐。 |
moat (or sea moat) | 海壕
| An annular DEPRESSION that may not be continuous, located at the base of many SEAMOUNTS, oceanic islands and other isolated ELEVATIONS. | 位于许多海山、洋岛及孤立高地底部的连续或非连续环状坳陷。 |
mobile rig | 移动钻塔
| See RIG. | 参见rig(钻塔)。 |
mobile station | 移动台
| A radiolocation station intended to be used at unspecified points. As opposed to FIXED STATION. | 用于非指定地点的无线电定位站。与Fixed station(固定台)相反。 |
mock moons | 幻月
| Name given sometimes to PARASELENAE, PARANTISELENAE and ANTISELENAE when they are bright. | 有时指特别明亮的近幻月(Paraselenae)、远幻月(Parantiselenae)和幻月(Antiselenae)。 |
mock suns | 幻日
| Name often given to PARHELIA, PARANTHELIA and ANTHELIA when they are particularly bright. | 常用来指特别明亮的幻日(parhelia,paranthelia,anthelia)。 |
mock-up | 实体模型
| A model of something to be used for testing or study. | 用于实验或研究的实物模型。 |
modulated wave | 调制波 | See WAVE. | 某些参数变化与调制波变化相一致的波。参见continuous wave(连续波)。 |
modulating wave | 调制波
| See WAVE. | 调制在载波上的波。 |