Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
synoptic forecast | 天气预报 | WEATHER FORECAST based on SYNOPTIC OBSERVATION. | 基于天气观测进行的天气预报。 |
synoptic hour | 天气观测时间 | Hour, expressed in terms of UT, at which, by international agreement, METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS are made simultaneously throughout the glo... more | 根据国际协议,在全球范围内进行连续气象观测的时间间隔为一小时,采用UT表达。 |
synoptic meteorology | 天气学 | Branch of METEOROLOGY which is concerned with the study of METEOROLOGICAL ELEMENTS in space. It is based on the analysis of the SYNOPTIC CHA... more | 气象学的分支,涉及太空气象要素的研究。它是基于分析所绘制的天气观测图,天气观测的目的是气象分析或气象预报。 |
synoptic observation | 天气观测 | METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATION made at the same time (SYNOPTIC HOUR) at numerous stations to obtain general representation of the state of the a... more | 气象观测是同时(天气小时)在很多地方获取特定时间内大气状况的一般表象。 |
synthetic aperture radar (SAR) | 合成孔径雷达 | A RADAR with a synthetic aperture antenna which is composed of a large number of elementary transducing elements. The signals are electroni... more | 带有合成孔径天线的雷达,其天线由大量的基本传感单元组成。在规定方向上,信号经电子仪器组合为合成信号,该信号等效于给定孔径的单一天线信号。 |
syntony | 谐(共)振,调振 | The situation of two or more oscillating circuits having the same RESONANT FREQUENCY. | 两个或更多振荡电路具有相同谐振频率的情况。 |
systematic error | 系统误差 | See ERROR. | 其值的变化与已知观测条件变化成比例的一种误差。亦称regular error。 |
system development | 系统研制 | The development of a program system comprising analysis, design, programming, testing, and implementation. | 程序系统的研制,包括:分析、设计、编程、测试和执行。 |
systems of sounding lines | 测深线系统 | The predetermined lines that the SURVEY platform is to follow for the best development of the DEPTH CONTOURS in an area. | 为了最有利于等深线的测绘,测量船必须遵循的预定测线网。 |
Système International (SI System) | NULL | System of metric measures consisting of seven basic units which are METRE, KILOGRAMME, SECOND, AMPERE, Kelvin, MOLE and CANDELA. | NULL |
syzygy | 朔望 | In ASTRONOMY, either of two opposing points in the ORBIT of a PLANET or SATELLITE, especially of the MOON, at which it is in CONJUNCTION wi... more | 在天文学中,行星或卫星轨道上两相对点中的任何一个。特指月亮在两点上,位于与太阳的合点或冲点。 |
syzygy tide | 朔望潮 | See TIDE. | 在太阳与月亮处于朔望的这天下午所发生的潮汐。 |
table | 表,表格 | An orderly, condensed arrangement of numerical or other information, usually in parallel vertical columns. See CONVERSION TABLE, CURRENT TA... more | 数据等信息按一定次序的紧凑排列,通常采用平行的竖栏形式。 |
tableland | 高原,台地,海台 | An elevated region of LAND with a generally level surface of large or considerable extent; a lofty PLAIN; a PLATEAU. | 面积较大的高原地区;坡度小的平原;海底高原。 |
tablemount | 桌状山 | A SEAMOUNT having a comparatively smooth flat top. Also called guyot. | 顶部比较平坦的海山。亦称guyot。 |
tabular berg | 平顶冰山 | A flat-topped ICEBERG. Most tabular bergs form by breaking from an ICE SHELF and show horizontal banding. | 顶部平坦的冰山。该平坦冰山由冰架破碎形成并呈卧式。 |
tabulation | 表列 | Orderly arrangement as in a TABLE. | 像表那样有次序地排列。 |
tachometer | 转速计 | A device that indicates or measures the revolutions per MINUTE of a revolving shaft or the VELOCITY of a machine. | 一种指示或测定机器旋转轴每分钟的旋转次数或机器速度的设备。 |
tachymeter (or tacheometer) | 速测仪 | A surveying instrument designed for use in the rapid determination of distance, DIRECTION, and difference of ELEVATION from a single OBSERV... more | 根据单次观测快速获得距离、方向及高差的一种仪器。观测用的短基线可以是仪器的一部分。 |
tachymetry | 视距法;准距快速测定法 | A method of SURVEYING for the rapid determination of distance, DIRECTION, and relative ELEVATION of a point with respect to the instrument... more | 通过对目标点的标尺等进行一次性观测,而快速测定测点与测站之间距离、方向及相对高程的一种测量方法。测量中的视距尺法即是视距法的一个例子。 |