Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
swash mark | 冲痕 | The thin wavy line of fine SAND, mica scales, bits of SEAWEED, etc., left by the UPRUSH when it recedes from its upward limit of movement on... more | 当冲岸浪自其在岸滩上运动的最高界限后退时,所留下的细沙、云母片、海藻碎片等构成的薄层波纹线。 |
swashway | 冲刷航道 | See SWASH. | 在沙滩上或沙滩与海岸间的窄水道。亦称冲刷航道。海水冲刷成的沙坝。紧随波浪破碎后,海水冲上岸滩。 |
swath(e) | 条带,宽行 | The strip or lane on the ground or SEAFLOOR scanned by the SWATH(E) SOUNDING SYSTEM when the SURVEY platform proceeds along its COURSE. | 当船只在其航线上工作时,多波束测深仪在海底扫描的条带或发射带。 |
swath(e) sounding system | 条带测深系统 | A multi-beam system which is capable of obtaining a lane of soundings from a single ship's track. | 在单一航迹上获得条带形测深资料的多波束系统。 |
swath(e) system | 条带系统 | Any of a number of systems which are capable of obtaining a strip or lane of ELEVATIONs or SOUNDINGs from a single SURVEY PLATFORMS’s TRACK.... more | 一套能够从单一测量平台轨道获取条带状高程或水深的系统。在海道测量系统中,属于这一类型的有多波束测深仪(MBES)、干涉式测深仪和激光雷达。 |
sway | 横摆,左右摇 | The side-to-side bodily motion of a ship, independent of ROLLING, caused by uniform pressure being exerted all along one side of the hull. | 由均匀作用于船体一侧的压力引起的船只左右侧整体摆荡,与船的横摇不同。 |
sweep | 扫测,扫海 | (v.t. & i.). To tow a line or object below the surface, to determine the least depth in an area or to insure that a given area is free from ... more | 在海面拖曳绳索或物体,用以测定区域内最浅深度,或保证在给定区域的一定深度内免遭航行危险;或清除这种危险。 |
sweeping | 扫海 | The process of towing a line or object below the surface, to determine whether an area is free from isolated submerged dangers to vessels an... more | 在海面下拖曳绳索或物体,用以测定区域内是否使船只不受水下孤立危险物威胁,并测定任何存在危险物的位置,或测定区域内最浅深度的过程。 |
swell | 涌浪,海涌;上涨;小山包 | Ocean waves which have travelled out of their generating area. Swell characteristically exhibits a more regular and longer PERIOD and has fl... more | 超出其产生区域的海洋波浪。涌浪的特性是在其吹程内比波浪呈现出更规则和更长的周期,其波峰较扁平。江河水面升至其正常水位之上。缓和隆起的地面或高于周围地面的圆形山丘。 |
swept area | 扫测水域 | An area that has been determined to be clear of navigational dangers to a specified DEPTH | 关于一个特定深度,已经精确确定区域内水深可安全航行的区域。 |
swing | 旋角 | In PHOTOGRAMMETRY, a rotation of a PHOTOGRAPH in its own plane about its camera axis. | 在摄影测量中,像片本身的平面绕其摄影机轴线的旋转角度。 |
swinger | 回转定位,无效定位 | See FIX: CIRCULAR. | 当观测两个角得出三个位置圆重合时,则定位为无效位置,亦称revolver或swinger。 |
swinging buoy | 旋回浮标 | See COMPASS ADJUSTMENT BUOY. | 设置在适当位置,以帮助船只校正罗经的浮标。亦见swinging ship(旋回船)。 |
swinging ship | 自差校正 | The process of placing a vessel on various HEADINGS and comparing MAGNETIC COMPASS readings with the corresponding magnetic DIRECTIONS, to... more | 以各种船艏方向安置船只,并用相应的磁方向比较磁罗经读数,用以测定磁偏差的过程。这个过程紧接着罗经校正,用于获得编制自差表的资料,亦称compensation of magnetic compass或calibration of compass。参见compensation of ... more |
swirl error | 漩涡误差 | See ERROR. | 液体磁罗经转向期间由于液体摩擦所产生的外加读数误差。 |
symbol | 符号,图例 | A CHARACTER, letter, or similar graphic representation used on a CHART, MAP, HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEY SHEET, or DIAGRAM to represent some objec... more | 用于海图、地图、海道测量原图或示意图上的标志、字符、或图形,代表实地的一些物体、数量、特征等。 |
synodical month | 朔望月 | See MONTH. | 月亮相继两次合或冲所经历的时间,朔望月的周期是29.5305888个平太阳日。亦称lunation或lunar month。 |
synodic (or synodical) period | 朔望(交合)周期 | The interval of time between any planetary configuration of a CELESTIAL BODY, with respect to the SUN, and the next successive same configur... more | 对于太阳来说天体(行星)的某种相对位置与下一次再现同一种相对位置的时间间隔,即内合与内合之间的时间间隔。 |
synoptic analysis | 天气图分析 | Sea WEATHER ANALYSIS. | 对于天气图而言,研究一个区域大气的整体状况。也叫synoptic analysis。 |
synoptic chart (or map) | 天气图 | See CHART (or MAP): WEATHER. | 用数字、符号或等值线表示气象条件和要素的地图。亦称synoptic chart (or map)。 |