Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
tide: falling | 落潮
| The portion of the TIDE CYCLE between HIGH WATER and the following LOW WATER. Also called ebb tide. The opposite is RISING TIDE. | 在潮汐周期中处于高潮和随后低潮之间的部分。也称为退潮。反义词是rising tide(涨潮)。 |
tide: flood | 涨潮
| See TIDE: RISING. | 参见rising tide(涨潮)。 |
tide: half | 半潮
| The condition or TIME of the TIDE when at the level midway between any given HIGH TIDE and the following or preceding LOW TIDE. | 当海面到达某给定高潮和其后或之前低潮之间的居中潮位时的潮况或者潮时。 |
tide: high | 高潮
| See HIGH WATER. | 参见high water(高潮)。 |
tide: leeward (or lee) | NULL | A TIDAL CURRENT setting in the same direction as that in which the WIND is blowing. Also called leeward tidal current. | NULL |
tide: low | 低潮
| See LOW WATER. | 参见low water(低潮)。 |
tide: lunar | 月潮,太阴潮
| That part of the TIDE due solely to the TIDE-PRODUCING FORCES of the MOON, as distinguished from that part caused by the forces of the SUN. ... more | 指仅受月亮引潮力影响的那部分潮汐,它与太阳引潮力影响的那部分潮汐不同。参见solar tide(太阳潮)。 |
tide: meteorological | 气象潮
| A change in water level caused by local meteorological conditions, in contrast to an ASTRONOMICAL TIDE caused by the attraction of the SUN a... more | 局部地区气象条件引起的水位变化,与太阳及月球引力引起的天文潮不同。 |
tide: mid-extreme | 极中潮位
| A level midway between the extreme HIGH WATER and extreme LOW WATER occurring at a place. See HALF-TIDE LEVEL. | 介于某地极高潮位与极低潮位中间的水位。参见HALF-TIDE LEVEL(半潮面)。 |
tide: mixed | 混合潮
| The TYPE OF TIDE in which a diurnal WAVE produces large INEQUALITIES in HEIGHTS and/or durations of successive HIGH and/or LOW WATERS. This... more | 日波在连续高潮和/或低潮的高度和/或持续时间上产生较大不等现象的潮汐类型,该术语指介于正规半日潮和正规全日潮之间的过渡潮汐。 |
tides: mixed diurnal | 混合全日潮
| Diurnal tides which become semidiurnal with a considerable decrease of range when the moon's declination is small. | 当月赤纬较小时,随着潮差显著减小,逐渐变为半日潮的全日潮。 |
tides: mixed semidiurnal | 混合半日潮
| Semidiurnal tides with noticeable inequality in corresponding extremes. | 相应潮位极值明显不等的半日潮。 |
tide(s): neap | NULL | The TIDES of decreased RANGE occurring near the TIMES of FIRST and LAST QUARTER. | NULL |
tide: oceanic | 海洋潮汐
| The periodic rise and fall of the earth's oceans resulting from gravitational interactions between the sun, moon, and earth. | 由太阳、月亮和地球之间的引力作用引起的地球海洋面的周期性涨落。 |
tide: partial | 分潮
| One of the harmonic components comprising the TIDE at any point. The periods of the partial tides are derived from various combinations of ... more | 组成某点潮汐的某一调和分量。分潮的周期由地球、太阳、月亮及相关星体的角速度的各种组合得出。参见harmonic constituent(调和分潮)。 |
tide(s): perigean | NULL | TIDES of increased RANGE occurring when the MOON is near PERIGEE. | NULL |
tide(s): predicted | NULL | The expected TIMES and HEIGHTS of the TIDE as given in the TIDE TABLES in advance of their occurrence. | NULL |
tide: primary | 主潮
| That part of a tidal UNDULATION that is the direct response to a TIDE-PRODUCING FORCE. | 直接反应于引潮力的那部分潮振动。 |
tide(s): quarter-diurnal | NULL | The TIDE resulting from the distortion of the normal TIDE in SHALLOW WATER with four HIGH WATERS and four LOW WATERS during one day. See als... more | NULL |
tide: rising | 涨潮
| The portion of the TIDE CYCLE between LOW WATER and the following HIGH WATER. Also called flood tide. The opposite is FALLING TIDE. | 潮汐周期介于低潮与其后的高潮之间的那部分。亦称flood tide。反之为falling tide(落潮)。 |