Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
nodal point: incident | NULL | See NODAL POINT. | NULL |
nodal point: rear | NULL | See NODAL POINT. | NULL |
node | 中心点,交点,节点
| A point that is the start or end point of a line segment. In ASTRONOMY, one of the two points of intersection of the ORBIT of a PLANET, PLAN... more | 1. 指线段的起点或终点。
2. 在天文学中,指行星、小行星或慧星的轨道与黄道的两个交点之一,或卫星轨道与其主星轨道平面的两个交点之一。天体经过参考面北边时的点为升交点,另一个为降交点。两点连线被称为交点线。亦称Nodal point(交点)。参见regression of t... more |
nodical month | 交点月
| See MONTH. | 月球相继两次通过其运行轨道上同一交点所经历的时间。交点月平均长为27.21222个平太阳日。亦称dracontic month(交点月)。 |
nodules | 瘤状体
| In OCEANOGRAPHY, concretionary lumps of manganese, cobalt, iron, and nickel found widely scattered on the ocean floor. ROCKS of various siz... more | 在海洋学中,指广泛分散在海底的锰、钴、铁和镍的结核块。不同大小和形状的岩石常具有这些金属的外壳。 |
noise | 噪声
| Any undesired SOUND. By extension, noise is any unwanted disturbance within a useful FREQUENCY BAND, such as undesired electric WAVES in a t... more | 任何非期望的声音。其引伸意义指任何有用频带中无用的干扰,如传输信道或装置中的干扰电波。 |
nominal range | 标称范围(射程)
| See RANGE. | 在气象能见度为10海里的均匀大气下,光的可视距离。 |
nomogram (or nomograph) | 诺模图,列线图
| A DIAGRAM showing, to SCALE, the relationship between several variables in such manner that the value of one which corresponds to known valu... more | 表示或衡量几个变量之间的关系的图表,可用其确定对应于已知变量值的某一未知变量值。参见conversion scale(换算比例)和conversion table(换算表)。 |
nonharmonic constants | 非调和常数
| Tidal or tidal current constants such as LUNITIDAL INTERVALS, ranges, and inequalities, which can be derived directly from OBSERVATION with... more | 不需考虑调和分潮,直接由观测数据推算出的潮汐常数或潮流常数,如月潮间隙、潮差及不等性。 |
nonharmonic method | 非调和法
| In TIDE PREDICTION, an approximate method based on the principle that 'the TIDE follows the MOON'. It makes use of the close relationship th... more | 在潮汐预报中,指一种利用多数地区的潮时与月亮中天的紧密关系,以“月亮引潮”原理为基础的近似方法。 |
nontidal current | 非潮汐流
| See CURRENT. | 非引潮力引起的海流。亦见stream(水流)。 |
noon | 正午
| The instant at which a time reference is over the UPPER BRANCH of the reference MERIDIAN. | 时间基准通过基准经线上子午圈的瞬间。 |
noon: apparent | 视正午
| Twelve o'clock APPARENT TIME. | 视时十二点。 |
noon: local apparent | NULL | Twelve o'clock LOCAL APPARENT TIME. Sometimes called high noon. | NULL |
noon: mean | 平正午
| Twelve o'clock MEAN TIME. | 平均时十二点。 |
normal | 垂直;正交,法线
| In general, a straight line perpendicular to a surface or to another line. In GEODESY, a straight line perpendicular to the surface of the S... more | 通常指垂直于某一平面或另一条线的直线。
在大地测量学中,指垂直于椭球体表面的直线。 |
normal equation | 法方程
| See EQUATION. | 由观测方程、条件方程或相关方程导出的一组联立方程中的某一方程。在最小二乘法平差中,用法方程解得的值(直接求解或通过相关方程求解)代入观测方程或条件方程中以求得所需的改正值。 |
normal water | 标准海水
| A standard SEA WATER preparation, the CHLORINITY of which lies between 19.30 and 19.50 per mille (0/00) and has been determined to within ± ... more | 由丹麦哥本哈根海道测量实验室配置的标准海水,其氯度为19.30~19.50‰,测定精度在±0.001‰以内。标准海水被用作滴定法测量海水水样氯度的简便比较标准。亦称为standard sea water(标准海水)。 |
north: compass | 罗经北 | The direction north as indicated by a MAGNETIC COMPASS. | 磁罗经指示的北方向。 |
north: grid | 坐标北,格网北
| An arbitrary REFERENCE DIRECTION used with GRID NAVIGATION. The northerly or zero direction indicated by the grid datum of directional refer... more | 格网导航中使用的任一参考方向。格网方向基准指示的北方向或者零方向。 |