Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
map: hemispherical | 半球图
| A MAP of one half of the EARTH's surface, bounded by the EQUATOR, or by MERIDIANS. | 以赤道或者子午圈为界的包含地球表面面积的地图。 |
map: index | 索引地图
| In AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY, a MAP showing the location and numbers of FLIGHT STRIPS and PHOTOGRAPHS. | 在航空摄影测量中,指表示飞行条带和摄影像片位置、编号的图。 |
map: manuscript | 编绘原图 | The original drawing of a MAP as compiled or constructed from various DATA, such as GROUND SURVEYS, PHOTOGRAPHS, etc. | 用各种数据(如地面测量、航摄像片等)编辑或制作的地图原图。 |
map: planimetric | 平面图
| A MAP which presents only the horizontal positions for the features represented; distinguished from a TOPOGRAPHIC MAP by the omission of R... more | 对于图上要素仅表示出平面位置的地图;和地形图不同之处在于其不能显示地貌。 |
map: reconnaissance | 踏勘图
| The plotted result of a RECONNAISSANCE SURVEY. | 踏勘测量绘制的成果图。 |
map: relief | 立体地图,地势图
| A MAP emphasizing RELIEF or relative ELEVATIONS. See RELIEF MODEL. | 突出地貌或相对高程的地图。参见relief model(地形模型)。 |
map: sketch | 略图,示意图 | A MAP drawn freehand and greatly simplified which, although preserving the essential space relationships, does not truly preserve SCALE or... more | 非正规的、非常简单的地图,它虽然保持着必要的空间关系,但比例尺或方位并不真实。 |
map: special purpose | NULL | Any MAP designed primarily to meet specific requirements. | NULL |
map: substitute | 地图代用品,代用地图 | A hasty reproduction of wide-coverage AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS, PHOTOMAPS, or MOSAICS, or of provisional MAPS, or any document used in place of ... more | 当地图精度不能满足要求时,用一种快速复制的大面积覆盖航片,像片地图或镶嵌图,或临时地图或其它任何文件代替的地图。 |
map: thematic | 专题地图 | A MAP designed to demonstrate particular features or concepts. In conventional use, this term excludes TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS. | 为表示特殊要素或概念而设计的地图,在传统的用法方面,这个术语不包括地形图。 |
map: topographic | 地形图 | A MAP which represents the horizontal and vertical positions of the features represented; distinguished from a PLANIMETRIC MAP by the addit... more | 表示要素水平位置和垂直位置的地图,由于附加了可测量形式的地貌而区别于平面图。地形图使用等高线或类似的符号表示山脉、山谷和平原。 |
map nadir | 图幅天底点
| See NADIR. | 地面天底点在地图上所处的位置。 |
map parallel | 透射轴,图横线
| See AXIS OF HOMOLOGY. | 参见axis of homology(透射轴)。 |
map projection | 地图投影
| See PROJECTION. | 参见projection(投影)。 |
map scale | 地图比例尺
| See SCALE. | 参见scale(比例尺)。 |
Marcq St. Hilaire method | 马克圣·希莱尔法,截距法 | The establishing of a LINE OF POSITION from the OBSERVATION of the ALTITUDE of a CELESTIAL BODY, and the calculation of its ALTITUDE and AZI... more | 根据天体观测高度以及使用假定位置计算的高度角和方位建立位置线的方法。由法国海军军官Marcq St. Hilaire首次引入。也被称为Saint Hilaire method (圣.希莱尔法)或 intercept method(截距法)。 |
maregraph plongeur | 自记验潮仪
| An instrument for measuring changes in SEA LEVEL by automatically recording changes in pressure at sea bottom. Two BOURDON TUBES are open t... more | 一种通过自动记录海底压力变化而测量海平面变化的仪器,由两个易受压力的波登管和一个记录其自由端合成运动的机械装置组成。 |
margin | 图边,边缘
| In CARTOGRAPHY, that area of a MAP or CHART lying outside the border. 'Margin' is preferred to the term 'surround'. | 在制图学中,指在地图或海图图廓外的区域,较“surround(图廓)”常用。 |
marginal information (or data) | 图边注记 | The notations printed in the MARGINS or borders of MOSAICS, PLANS, or MAPS. | 印刷在镶嵌图、平面图或地图图边或图廓的注记。 |
marigram | 潮汐曲线
| See TIDE CURVE. | 参见tide curve(潮汐曲线)。 |