Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
marigraph | 自动验潮仪
| A recording TIDE GAUGE. | 自动记录水位的验潮仪。 |
marina | 小艇船坞
| A harbour facility for small boats, yachts, etc., where supplies, repairs, and various services are available. | 适用于小船、游艇等的港湾设施,提供供给、修理和各种服务。 |
marine | 海(上,中,底,洋,事)的,航海的
| An adjective meaning relating to navigation or shipping; relating to or connected with the sea; used, or adopted for use at sea. Sometimes c... more | 关于航海或海运的;关于海或与海有关的;适于在海上使用或采用的。有时称maritime(海上的),但maritime更常用于与海接界的情况。 |
marine barometer | 船用气压计
| See BAROMETER. | 船上使用的水银气压表,其特点为管内有缩颈结构,能减弱因船只运动而引起的水银振动。 |
marine biology | 海洋生物学
| See BIOLOGY. | 研究海洋及咸水中动、植物的生命、历史和生态的学科。 |
marine borer | 海洋穿孔动物 | Any marine invertebrate that excavates tunnels, holes, or depressions in one or more of a variety of materials by abrasive, chewing, or che... more | 任何通过磨蚀、咀嚼或化学作用对一种或多种材料挖掘坑道、孔洞或凹陷的海洋无脊椎动物。 |
marine chart | 海图
| See CHART: NAUTICAL. | 参见nautical chart(航海图)。 |
marine farm | 海洋养殖场
| See FISH FARM. | 参见fish farm(养鱼场)。 |
marine light | 航海用灯标
| See LIGHT. | 主要用于海上导航的灯标。 |
marine navigation | 航海,海上导航
| See NAVIGATION. | 水上航行器的导航。 |
marine nature reserve | 海洋自然保护区 | (U.S. marine sanctuary). An officially designated area in which there may be restrictions on entry, fishing, anchoring, and other activities... more | (美国的海上禁捕区)。为了保护海洋环境,由官方指定的限制船舶进入、捕鱼、锚泊及其他活动的区域。 |
marine railway | 船台
| A track, cradle, and winding mechanism for hauling vessels out of the water so that the hull can be exposed as in a dry dock. This is also c... more | 为把船拖出水面以便船身可像在干船坞中一样暴露出来而设的轨道、支架和卷扬装置。在英国术语中亦称patent slip(升船滑道)。 |
marine sextant | 航海六分仪
| See SEXTANT. | 主要为海上导航设计的六分仪。 |
marine stabilizer | 船用平衡器,船用稳定器
| See STABILIZER. | 装配在船上以减弱横摇的装置。 |
maritime | 海(上,岸,事)的,靠(近,沿,航)海的
| Bordering on, concerned with, or related to the sea. | 相邻、涉及或有关海的。 |
maritime boundary delimitation | 海洋划界
| The process of establishing LINE(S) OF DELIMITATION at sea. | 确立海上边界线的过程。 |
maritime meteorology | 海洋气象学
| Branch of the METEOROLOGY which is concerned with the interaction between the SEA and ATMOSPHERE. | 研究海洋与大气相互作用的气象学分支。 |
Maritime Safety Information (MSI) | 海上安全信息
| Navigational and meteorological warnings, meteorological forecasts, distress alerts and other urgent safety related messages broadcast to... more | 向船舶播发的航海气象警报、气象预报和灾难告警等信息。 |
mark | 标记,标志
| One of the bits of leather, cloth, etc. indicating a specified length of a LEAD LINE. A charted conspicuous object, structure, or LIGHT ser... more | 表明测深索特定长度的小皮片、布片等。
一种用于指明测量点,有时指明永久测量标石的明确物体,如铸有记号的金属盘。常与限定术语一起使用,如测站标志、参考标志(或基准标志)、方位标或水准点标志。亦可参见bench mar... more |
mark: geodetic | 大地测量标志
| See MARK. | 参见mark(标志)。 |