Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
covers and uncovers (or discovers) | 干出
| Expression intended to indicate an area of a REEF or other projection from the BOTTOM of a body of water which periodically extends above an... more | 指礁石或水底其它突出部分周期性的露出水面和没入水下。亦称作dries 或uncovers。 |
crab | 偏航,偏差
| The condition caused by failure to orient a CAMERA with respect to the TRACK of the airplane. In vertical PHOTOGRAPHY, crab is indicated by... more | 由于根据飞机的航线对摄影机定向失败导致的情况。在垂直摄影中,偏航可通过影像边缘不平行于航空基线发现。 |
crack | 冰间裂缝,冰隙 | Any fracture or RIFT in SEA ICE not sufficiently wide to be described as a LEAD. | 其宽度不足以通航的海冰裂缝或空隙。 |
crag | 悬崖
| A steep or precipitous rugged ROCK. | 陡峭或险峻嶙峋的岩石。 |
crater | 火山口
| Bowl-shaped cavity, at the SUMMIT or on the side of a volcano. | 在火山山顶或一侧的碗状凹坑。 |
creek | 小溪;小湾
| A comparatively narrow INLET, of fresh or salt water, which is tidal throughout its whole course. A small TRIBUTARY. A small, narrow BAY whi... more | 1.指较窄的淡水或咸水进水道,整个水道受潮汐的影响,或称小支流。
2.一种狭窄的小海湾,其从陆地伸入的部分比海湾(cove)多。 |
crescent | 新月形的
| (adj.). See PHASES OF THE MOON. | 形容词。参见phase of the moon(月相)。 |
crest | 波峰;顶峰
| The highest part of a WAVE, SWELL, RIDGE, etc. | 波、涌、海底山脉的最高部分。 |
crib | 框形物;叠木框;木笼
| A permanent marine structure usually designed to support or elevate pipelines; especially a structure enclosing a screening device at the of... more | 一种用于支撑或架高管道的永久海洋建造物;特别是饮用水进水管近海端的筛分设备装置。该结构通常是一种用石头和其它粗沙沉入海底的很重的木料箱。 |
critical sounding | 临界水深
| The least depth in proximity to a known or potential navigational route. | 接近某已知航道或潜在航道的最小水深。 |
cross bearings | 交叉方位线 | Two or more BEARINGS used as intersecting LINES OF POSITION for fixing the POSITION of a craft. | 作为相交位置线确定船位用的两个或者更多方位。 |
cross hairs | NULL | See CROSS WIRES. | NULL |
crossing angle | 交叉,交叉角
| See ANGLE. | 两个位置线交叉的角度。亦可称为angle of cut(交角)。 |
crosslines | 交叉线
| Sounding lines that cross the main system of lines at either right angles or at an oblique angle to serve as a check on the accuracy of the ... more | 垂直或斜穿过主深线线系统的测深线,用以检查测量工作的精度。 |
cross lines of sounding | 补充测深线,横交测深线
| SOUNDING LINES run approximately at right angles to those of normal direction, frequently useful when examining SHOALS. Cross lines are also... more | 基本垂直于正常测深线的测深线,在探测浅滩时经常使用。在完成主测深线测量后,还要测量检查线,主要目的是进行水深检查。 |
cross sea | 交叉浪,混浪,恶浪
| A series of WAVES or SWELL crossing another wave system at an angle. | 以一定角度横穿其它波浪的一系列波浪或涌系。 |
cross section lines of soundings | 横断面测深线
| SOUNDING LINES run in a SURVEY perpendicular to the FLOW of a STREAM and from BANK to BANK in a RIVER. | 垂直于水流方向,或从河流一岸向另一岸施测的测深线。 |
cross wind | 横风
| WIND which blows in a direction perpendicular to that of the motion of a moving object, relative to the EARTH's surface. | 相对于地球表面,风向与物体运动方向垂直的风。 |
cross wires (or hairs) | 十字丝,十字线
| Wires or etched lines, at right angles, held at the FOCAL PLANE of an astronomical or sighting TELESCOPE. See also RETICLE. | 固定于天文望远镜或瞄准镜焦平面上相互垂直的金属线或蚀刻线。亦可参见reticle(十字线)。 |
cruise line of sounding | 巡航测深线
| See TRACK LINE OF SOUNDING. | 参见track line of sounding(测深线)。 |