Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
amplitude | 天体出没方位角;振幅
| In ASTRONOMY, the arc of the HORIZON, between a CELESTIAL BODY at rising or setting and true east or west point. In tide terminology, the se... more | 在天文学中指天体出没时与地平正东点或正西点之间的夹角。
在物理中,指一个波或其它周期性现象从平均位置或零位置起算的最大偏离。 |
amplitude modulation | 调幅
,波幅调制 | See MODULATION. | 根据调制波变化而改变载波振幅的过程。 |
anaglyph | 立体影像,互补色立体图
| A STEREOGRAM in which the two views are printed or projected superimposed in complementary colours, usually red and green. By viewing throug... more | 将两组图像用互补色(通常用红色或绿色)套印或透射所形成的立体图或立体影像。用相应的滤光眼镜观察这种互补色图时,能产生立体效果。 |
anaglyphic map | 互补色立体地图
| See under MAP. | 专门用两种互补色套印的地图,当通过两个互补色目镜观察时能看到三维地形效果。 |
analemma | 地球正投影仪,8字形分度标,日晷,赤纬时差图
| A SCALE of the SUN's daily DECLINATION drawn from TROPIC OF CANCER to TROPIC OF CAPRICORN on TERRESTRIAL GLOBES. An ORTHOGRAPHICAL PROJECTIO... more | 绘制在地球仪上表示从北回归线到南回归线之间的太阳日赤纬的标度。
假定视点位于地平东点或西点无穷远处,将地球球面投影到子午面上的一种正射投影。 |
anallatic lens | 测距透镜
| A convergent LENS fitted between the OBJECTIVE LENS and the DIAPHRAGM of TELESCOPES of instruments for direct measurements of distances betw... more | 在光学仪器中,安装在望远镜的物镜和光圈之间的一种聚光透镜,用来直接测量光学仪器中心和标有刻度的视距尺之间的距离。 |
analogue | 模拟
| The way of representing information by continuous data. | 用连续数据表示信息的方法。 |
analogue computer | 模拟计算机
| See under COMPUTER. | 一种物理设备或系统,通常是一个电子系统。它以类似所研究的某些系统的方式工作,模拟其过程和并产生以物理量度量的结果。通常是一种电子系统。 |
analytical (or analytic) photogrammetry | 解析摄影测量
| See under PHOTOGRAMMETRY. | 通过数学方法获得结果的摄影测量。 |
anastigmatic | 消像散性的,正像的
| (adj.). Free from ASTIGMATISM. Corrected for ASTIGMATISM. | 没有像散的,对像散进行了改正的。 |
anchor berth | 锚地泊位
| A designated area of water where a vessel, seaplane, etc. may anchor. | 设计用于船舶、水上飞机锚泊的水上区域。 |
anchorage | 锚地
| An area in which vessels anchor or may anchor. | 船舶可以锚泊的区域。 |
anchorage buoy(s) | 锚地浮标
| BUOY(S) marking the limits of an ANCHORAGE. | 用于标志锚地界线的浮标。 |
anchor buoy | 锚位浮标
| A BUOY marking the position of an anchor. | 用于指示抛锚位置的浮标。 |
anchor ice | 底冰
| ICE which is attached to the BOTTOM, irrespective of the nature of its formation. Also called bottom ice, depth ice, ground ice, lappened ic... more | 附在海底的冰,不论其形成的性质。英文也称作bottom ice、depth ice、lappened ice 、underwater ice。 |
anemometer | 风速计
| Instrument used in the measurement of wind speed or of wind speed and direction. See also ANEMOGRAPH. | 用于测量风速和风向的仪器。亦可参见anemograph(风速记)。 |
anemogram | 风速自记曲线
| Record of the ANEMOGRAPH. | 风速计产生的记录。 |
anemograph | (风向)风速计 | An instrument which records WIND speed and direction. See also ANEMOMETER. | 一种记录风速和风向的仪器。亦可参见anemometer(风速计)。 |
aneroid barometer | 空盒气压表,无液气压计
| See BAROMETER. | 传感部件由一个或一系列真空膜盒构成的气压计。 |
aneroid capsule | 无液压力传感器,真空膜盒
| Metallic capsule, of thin sides, partially evacuated by a fixed amount, carrying an arrangement to prevent its collapsing under ATMOSPHERIC ... more | 一种薄片金属盒,装有防止大气压损坏的装置。从盒中抽出一定量的空气,盒子的形状随气压变化而变化。 |