Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
axis: vertical | 竖轴,纵轴
| In a THEODOLITE or TRANSIT, the line through the centre of the instrument about which the ALIDADE rotates. | 在经纬仪或子午仪中通过仪器中心的线,仪器的照准部绕该线旋转。 |
axis of camera | 摄影机轴线
| A line perpendicular to the FOCAL PLANE of the CAMERA and passing through the emergent nodal point of the LENS SYSTEM. Also called camera ax... more | 垂直于焦平面且通过透镜系统像方节点的直线。也称作摄影机轴(camera axis)。参见nodal point(节点)。 |
axis of channel | 深泓线,河槽线 | The centre line of a CHANNEL. See also TALWEG. | 海峡或航道的中心线。也可参见talweg(谷底线)。 |
axis of collimation | 视准轴
| See COLLIMATION AXIS. | 参见collimation axis(视准轴,照准轴)。 |
axis of homology | 透射轴
| In PHOTOGRAMMETRY, the intersection of the plane of the PHOTOGRAPH with the horizontal plane of the MAP or the plane of reference of the GRO... more | 在摄影测量学中,像平面与地图水平面或参考地平面的交线。像平面与地图水平面上相对应的线均在透射轴上相交。也称作平行透视轴(axis of perspective)或图横线(map parallel)。 |
axis of lens | 透镜光轴
| The straight line which passes through the centres of curvature of the lens surfaces. Also called principal axis, optical axis or lens axis. | 穿过透镜曲面中心的直线,也称作主光轴(principal axis)或光轴(optical axis )或lens axis(透镜光轴)。 |
axis of optical system | 光学系统光轴
| The line formed by the coinciding principal axes of the series of optical elements. | 由一组光学元件的主轴重合而形成的线。 |
axis of perspective | 透视轴
| See AXIS OF HOMOLOGY. | 参见axis of homology(透射轴)。 |
axis of spirit level | 水准器水平轴线
| The line tangent to the surface of a spirit level tube against which the bubble forms, at the centre of the graduated SCALE of the LEVEL, an... more | 指与水准气泡管面相切的线,处于水准器刻度尺的中央,以及气泡管的平面和其曲率中心处。亦称level axis (水准轴)或spirit level axis(水准器轴)。 |
axis of tilt | 倾斜轴
| In PHOTOGRAMMETRY, a line through the PERSPECTIVE CENTRE perpendicular to the PRINCIPAL PLANE. | 指摄影测量学中,通过垂直于主平面的透视中心的线。 |
azimuth | 方位角
| A horizontal angle reckoned clockwise from the meridian. The horizontal direction of a celestial point from a terrestrial point, expressed a... more | 由子午圈按顺时针方向推算出的地平角度。自地面点到一个天体点的地平方向,表示为由基准方向起算的角距离。方位角的测量通常是从基准方向000°开始按顺时针360°进行。如果基准方向是真北方向、磁方向、罗经方向或坐标北方向,或航向方位,则通常分别称之为真方位角、磁方位角、罗经方位角、坐标... more |
azimuth (of a celestial body) | (天体)方位角
| The angle between the observer's MERIDIAN and the VERTICAL CIRCLE through the body, measured in the plane of the HORIZON. There is no univer... more | 观测者子午圈与过天体的垂直圈之间的夹角。该角是在水平的平面上进行测量。计算方位角尚无一种通用的方法。目前采用的方法有象限法、半圈法和圆周法。在圆周法中最好从北点起按顺时针方向测量。 |
azimuth: astronomic(al) | 天文方位角
| The angle between the astronomic meridian plane of the observer and the plane containing the observed point and the VERTICAL of the observer... more | 观测者所在的天文子午面与观测目标和过观测者位置点垂线所确定的平面之间的夹角。 |
azimuth: astronomic(al) determination of | NULL | The determination of the AZIMUTH of a line or BASE LINE by ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATIONS. | NULL |
azimuth: back | 反方位角
| An AZIMUTH 180° from a given AZIMUTH. In GEODESY, the DIRECTION of the line BA as distinguished from the forward azimuth AB. The two differ ... more | 指定方位角旋转180度得到的方位角。在大地测量中,BA线的方向不同于AB线的方向。二者相差180°加上AB两点的子午线收敛角。也叫reverse azimuth(反方位角)。参见geodetic azimuth(大地方位角)。 |
azimuth: forward | 前方位角
| See AZIMUTH: GEODETIC. | 参见geodetic azimuth(大地方位角)。 |
azimuth: geodetic | 大地方位角
| For the GEODESIC LINE from A to B, the angle between the tangent to the MERIDIAN at A and the tangent to the GEODESIC LINE at A. This AZIMUT... more | 指对于从A点到B点的大地线,A点的子午线的切线和A点大地线切线的夹角。该方位角可称之为AB线的前方位角。参见back azimuth(反方位角)。 |
azimuth: grid | 坐标方位角
| The angle in the plane of PROJECTION between a straight line and the Y-AXIS of a PLANE-RECTANGULAR COORDINATE system. See BEARING: GRID. | 某直线与平面直角坐标系的y轴在投影面内的夹角。参见grid bearing(格网方位角)。 |
azimuth: Laplace | 拉普拉斯方位角
| A GEODETIC AZIMUTH derived from an ASTRONOMIC AZIMUTH by means of the LAPLACE EQUATION. | 通过拉普拉斯方程从天文方位角推导得到的大地方位角。 |
azimuth: magnetic | 磁方位角
| At the point of OBSERVATION, the angle between the VERTICAL PLANE through the observed object and the VERTICAL PLANE in which a freely suspe... more | 在观测点,过观测目标的铅垂面与无瞬变人工磁扰影响下自由悬挂且均匀磁化的针逐渐静止时所处的铅垂面之间的夹角。 |