Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
horizontal plane | 水平面
| See PLANE. | 与重力方向垂直的平面;任何与大地水准面相切或平行的平面。在测量学中,指与铅垂线垂直的平面,在该平面或其上进行角度和距离测量。 |
horizon trace | 像地平线,地平迹线
| In PHOTOGRAMMETRY, an imaginary line, in the plane of a PHOTOGRAPH, which represents the IMAGE of the TRUE HORIZON; it corresponds to the i... more | 在摄影测量学中,在像平面内代表真水平线影像的一条虚线;它相当于像平面和包含内部透视中心或透镜尾节点的水平面的交线。也称为horizon line。 |
horn | 雾角,雾号
| FOG SIGNAL using compressed air or electricity to vibrate a diaphragm. Horns exist in a variety of types which differ greatly in their SOUND... more | 用压缩空气或电流振动膜片产生的雾警信号。存在各种类型的雾号,它们的声音和功率有很大不同。英国海道测量人员逐步使用通用术语雾号涵盖诸如电雾号、膜式号及其它类似的术语。 |
horn buoy | 雾角浮标
| See BUOY: SOUND. | 参见sound buoy(音响浮标)。 |
hour | 小时
| A 24th part of a DAY. | 一天时间的二十四分之一。 |
hour angle | 时角、相位角
| ANGULAR DISTANCE west of a CELESTIAL MERIDIAN, the arc of the CELESTIAL EQUATOR, or the angle at the CELESTIAL POLE, between the UPPER BRANC... more | 从天球子午线开始向西测量的角距,天球子午线的上半部和天体或春分点的时圈在天极处的夹角,或在天球赤道上所对应的弧长,向西量0-24小时(0-360°)量度。另外,若分别以当地或格林尼治子午线,或春分点的时圈为两侧起始点,也常常以地方时、格林尼治时间或恒星时来表示。 |
hour circle | 时圈
| A GREAT CIRCLE on the CELESTIAL SPHERE passing through the CELESTIAL POLES. Also called declination circle, circle of declination, or circl... more | 在天球上过天极的大圆。也称为called declination circle, circle of declination, 或circle of right ascension。 |
hulk | 废船
| The hull of a wrecked or condemned ship, from which the fittings and superstructure have usually been removed, which is MOORED in a permane... more | 通常指失事或报废船舶的船体。设备和船舶上层建筑通常已经从船体移除,并系泊在固定位置。 |
humidity | 湿度
| Atmospheric water vapour content, expressed in any of several measures, such as relative humidity. | 大气中水蒸气的含量,可用几种量度表示,例如相对湿度。 |
humidity of the air | 空气湿度
| Water vapour content of the air. | 大气水蒸汽含量。 |
hummock | 圆丘,小岗;冰丘,冰排
| A natural ELEVATION of the EARTH's surface resembling a HILLOCK, but smaller and lower. In ice terminology, a mound of ICE raised by pressu... more | 地球表面类似于小山丘,但更小、更低的自然高地。在冰的术语中,指被挤压而隆起的冰堆。可以是新产生的或已风化的。 |
hummocked ice | 冰丘冰、堆积冰
| SEA ICE piled haphazardly one piece over another, and which may be weathered. | 一块压一块杂乱堆积形成的海冰,它可能是经过风化的冰。 |
hummocking | 浮冰拥塞
| Pressure process by which LEVEL ICE becomes broken up into HUMMOCKS. | 平坦海冰断裂进入冰丘的挤压过程。 |
Hunter short base apparatus | 横基尺测距仪
| A BASE APPARATUS designed for measuring short BASES by the subtended method. It consists of a jointed STEEL TAPE made up of four sections su... more | 用横基尺测距法测量短基线的测量器械。它由四段连接的钢带尺组成,悬挂在规则间隔的三角架间的悬链线上。这种仪器可用于不适宜卷尺量测的凹凸不平的地形区。 |
hunting | 不规则摆动,震荡
| Fluctuation about a midpoint due to INSTABILITY, as OSCILLATIONS of the needle of an instrument about the zero point, or alternate LEAD an... more | 由于不稳定而在中心点附近摆动,如仪器指针在零点附近的震荡或同步电动机相对于交流电的超前或滞后。 |
hurricane | 飓风,热带气旋
| Term, derived from a Caribbean word, first applied to TROPICAL CYCLONES of the Caribbean Sea. WIND with a speed equal to or greater than 58 ... more | 从加勒比海词语中衍生出的术语,首次应用于加勒比海的热带气旋。风速等于或大于58节的风(蒲福风力等级12级)。 |
hurricane warning | 飓风警报
| See WARNING. | 旨在警告在某指定地区出现或预计出现蒲福风力等级为12级风的气象信息。与飓风相关的热带气旋警告。 |
hydrograph | 水文图
| Used in oceanography. The tidal current vector hydrograph is the figure traced out by the tip of a vector representing the current over the ... more | 用于海洋学。潮流矢量水文图是用矢量箭头描绘的图形,表示在潮汐周期的水流。 |
hydrographer | 海道测量员,海道测量部官员,水道测量员
| A person who studies and practices the science of HYDROGRAPHY; the term is often applied to the person in charge of a hydrographic departmen... more | 研究和执行海道测量科学事务的人;这个术语常用于称谓一个国家的海道测量部门或局的负责人。 |
hydrographic airborne laser sounder | 海道测量机载激光测深仪
| A system for measuring the depth of water by sending a LASER pulse from an aircraft and recording the time difference between the sea surfac... more | 通过从飞机上发射激光脉冲,并记录海面和海底反射激光的时间差来测量水深的系统。 |