Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
modulation | 调制
| VARIATION of some characteristic of a WAVE, called the CARRIER WAVE, in accordance with instantaneous values of another WAVE, called the MOD... more | 使载波某些参数的变化与调制波瞬时值相一致。振幅的变化为调幅,频率的变化为调频,相位的变化为调相。参见pulse modulation(脉冲调制)和space modulation(空间调制)。 |
modulation: amplitude | 调幅
,波幅调制 | The process of changing the amplitude of a carrier wave in accordance with the variations of a modulating wave. | 根据调制波变化而改变载波振幅的过程。 |
modulation: frequency | 调频
| Angle modulation of a sine-wave carrier in which the instantaneous frequency of the modulated wave differs from the carrier frequency by an ... more | 对正弦载波的角度调制。调制波的瞬时频率与载波频率的差值,与调制波(幅度)瞬时值成正比。 |
modulation: pulse | 脉冲调制
| The process of forming very short bursts of a CARRIER WAVE, separated by relatively long periods during which no CARRIER WAVE is transmitte... more | 形成超短脉冲载波的过程,中间通过相对较长的时间加以分隔,在这段时间里不发射载波。 |
modulation: sideband | 侧带调整 | A particular kind of amplitude modulation in which one of the two frequency bands on both sides of the carrier (and possibly the carrier its... more | 一种特定类型的调幅,其中,在载体(也可能是载体本身)两侧的两个频带中的一个被抑制,从而大大减少了信号的谱宽。 |
modulation: space | 空间调制 | The combining of SIGNALS in space to form a SIGNAL of desired characteristics. | 信号在太空中组合,构成一个期望性能的信号。 |
moire | 龟纹
| Undesirable patterns occurring when REPRODUCTIONS are made from halftone PROOFS or steel ENGRAVINGS, caused by conflict between the RULING ... more | 用网目版打样或钢凹版生产复制品时因网目片划线和印刷原图的点或线错位而形成的不应有的图案。多色网目版的复制品也会出现类似的图案,多是由于印刷时网目角度不正或彩色印版对版不准。 |
moiré effect | 莫尔效应 | The effect created by transmitting light through two separate, overlapping families of parallel lines. See also INOGEN LIGHT. | 透射光通过两组独立而重叠的平行线传播而产生的效应。亦可参见inogen light(光干涉导航标)。 |
mole | 防波堤;摩尔
| A massive structure of masonry or large stones serving as a PIER or BREAKWATER, or both. Unit of quantity of matter in the SI system. | 用作突码头或防波堤的大规模砌石或大石块建筑。
国际单位制中物质的量单位。 |
moment | 力矩
| The tendency or degree of tendency to produce motion about an AXIS. Numerically it is the quantity obtained by multiplying the force, SPEED... more | 绕轴运动的趋向或趋向程度。数值上,它是力、速度或质量与作用点或重心到轴的距离的乘积。参见magnetic moment(磁矩)。 |
moment of inertia | 转动惯量
| The quantity obtained by multiplying the mass of each small part of a body by the square of its distance from an AXIS, and adding all the r... more | 物体各小部分的质量与其到转轴的距离平方的乘积和。 |
momentum | 动量
| Quantity of motion. That property of a particle which is given by the product of its mass with its VELOCITY. | 运动的量。粒子的动量由质量与速度的乘积表示的。 |
monitoring | 监控,监视,监测
| Checking of the operation and performance of an electronic system through reception of its SIGNALS. | 通过接收电子系统的信号,对其运转和性能的检查。 |
monochromatic | 单色的 | (adj.). Of, or having one colour. Of, or producing light of one WAVE LENGTH. | (形容词)。具有一种颜色的。产生一种波长光的。 |
monsoon | 季风
| WIND of the general circulation of the ATMOSPHERE, typified by the seasonal persistence of a given wind direction and by a pronounced chang... more | 大气环流形成的风,其特征为风向季节性保持固定且随季节显著改变。此术语通常限于主要由大陆及其邻近海洋的热量差异(随冬夏改变)形成的情况。 |
montage | 剪辑画面
| A series of related pieces of copy appearing as one to tell a complete story. | 一系列组接在一起形成完整情节的相关片段。 |
month | 月
| A measure of TIME based on the motion of the MOON in its ORBIT. | 以月球轨道运行为基础的时间量度。 |
month: anomalistic | 近点月
| The interval of time between two successive passages of the MOON in its ORBIT through PERIGEE. The length of the anomalistic month is 27.55... more | 指月球绕地球公转连续两次经过近地点(或远地点)的时间间隔。近点月为27.55455平太阳日。 |
month: dracontic | 交点月
| See MONTH: NODICAL. | 参见nodical month(交点月)。 |
month: lunar | 太阴月,朔望月
| See MONTH: SYNODICAL. | 参见synodical month(朔望月)。 |