Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
autocollimator | 自准直仪
| See COLLIMATOR. | 参见collimator(自准直仪)。 |
automated cartography | 自动制图
| The performance of cartographic functions in a fully automatic mode. | 采用全自动模式实现的制图功能。 |
automatic floating station | 自动记录浮标 | A BUOY equipped with instruments automatically recording oceanographic and meteorological DATA. Also called automatic buoy. | 一种装有自动记录海洋和气象数据设备的浮标。也称作automatic buoy(自动浮标)。 |
Automatic Identification System (AIS) | 自动识别系统
| An automatic communication and identification system intended to improve the safety of NAVIGATION by assisting the efficient operation of ... more | 一种通过提供船舶交通服务(VTS)、船舶报告、船船或船岸之间运行的有效辅助操作,以提高航海安全的自动通信与识别系统。 |
automatic gain control | 自动增益控制
| A circuit which automatically maintains a constant output volume regardless of input signal strength. Also called automatic volume control. | 无论输入信号的强弱,都可以自动保持恒定输出强度的一种电路。亦称为automatic volume control(自动强度控制)。 |
automatic plotter | 自动绘图仪
| See PLOTTER. | 参见plotter(绘图机)。 |
Automatic Radar Plotting Aid (ARPA) | 自动雷达标绘仪
| A system wherein RADAR targets are automatically acquired and tracked and collision situations computer assessed and warnings given. | 自动获取、跟踪雷达目标并作出碰撞态势评估,以给出避碰警告的计算机系统。 |
automatic tide gauge | 自动验潮仪
| See GAUGE: TIDE. | 参见tide gauge(验潮仪)。 |
automatic volume control | 自动强度控制
| See AUTOMATIC GAIN CONTROL. | 参见automatic gain control(自动增益控制)。 |
automation | 自动化
| The technique of improving human productivity in the processing of materials, energy and information, by utilizing in various degrees elemen... more | 指不同程度地利用各种自动控制设备处理材料、能量和信息以及自动执行生产计划,提高人类生产力的技术。 |
autopositive | 直接正像材料
| A material which gives a positive copy from a positive TRANSPARENCY (or a negative from a negative) by direct processing. | 通过直接处理从透明正片得到阳片的材料。 |
autumnal equinox | 秋分
| See EQUINOX. | 参见equinox(二分点)。 |
avulsion | 冲裂 | Rapid EROSION of shoreland by WAVES during a STORM. | 在风暴期间海浪对沿岸陆地的快速侵蚀。 |
awash | 被波浪冲击地;被波浪淹没的
| (adj. and adv.). Flush with, or washed by the WAVES. | 被海浪冲洗或淹没的。 |
axis | 轴线
| The line, real or imaginary, about which something centres or revolves. | 某物体的中心线或绕其旋转的线。它可以是实线,也可以是假想线。 |
axis: horizontal | 水平轴
| In a THEODOLITE or TRANSIT, the AXIS about which the TELESCOPE of the instrument rotates when moved vertically. Also called trunnion axis, o... more | 在经纬仪或子午仪中,仪器望远镜垂直旋转的轴。也称为trunnion axis 或transit axis。 |
axis: optical | 光轴
| See AXIS OF LENS. | 参见axis of lens(透镜光轴)。 |
axis: polar | 极轴
| In a system of POLAR or SPHERICAL COORDINATES, the primary AXIS of DIRECTION. | 极坐标或球面坐标系中的主方向轴。 |
axis: principal | 主轴
| See AXIS OF LENS. | 参见axis of lens(透镜光轴)。 |
axis: trunnion | 水平轴
| See AXIS: HORIZONTAL. | 在经纬仪或子午仪中,望远镜俯仰纵转的旋转轴。 |