Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
blow up | 放大
| Enlarge photographically. | 用照相的方法放大。 |
bluff | 陡岸,悬崖 | A CLIFF or HEADLAND with an almost perpendicular face. | 几乎垂直于地面的悬崖或岬角。 |
blunder | 粗差,误差
| See ERROR: GROSS. | 参见gross error(总误差、粗差)。 |
boat compass | 艇用罗经 | See COMPASS. | 便于小船使用的安装在盒内的一种袖珍罗盘。 |
boat grid | 船架
,船台 | See CAREENING GRID or GRIDIRON. | 参见careening grid (船架)。 |
boat sheet | 外业图板
| (U.S. terminology). The work sheet used by the HYDROGRAPHER in the field for plotting the details of a HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEY as it progresses.... more | 美国术语。海洋测量人员在外业测量中用来标绘详细测量内容的图板。亦可见field board(外业图板)。 |
boat slip | 小船滑道
| A SLIPWAY designed specifically for boats. | 专为小船设计的船台滑道。 |
bog | 沼泽
| Wet spongy ground consisting of decaying vegetation, which retains stagnant water, too soft to bear the weight of any heavy body. | 由腐烂植物形成的潮湿海绵状地面,在这种地方滞留有大量的水分,地面太软而难以承受任何物体的重压。 |
bold coast | 陡岸
| A prominent land mass that rises steeply from the SEA. | 自海上陡峭隆起的显著陆块。 |
bollard | 系缆柱,带缆桩
| Small shaped post, mounted on a wharf or dolphin used to secure ship's lines. Also see MOORING. | 固定在码头或护墩桩上的小柱子,用于船舶系缆。亦可参见 mooring(系泊处)。 |
boom | 水栅,浮栅栏
| A floating barrier used to protect a river or harbour mouth or to create a sheltered area for storage purposes. | 一种木质浮动栅栏,用于保护河流或海港出口,或用于为存储目的设置屏障区。 |
boomer | 浅地层剖面仪
| Seismic instrument for shallow penetration work. The boomer TRANSDUCER produces acoustic pulses by the motion of a metal plate in the water. | 一种用于探测浅地层的仪器,其换能器在水中通过机械振动发出声脉冲。 |
border | 边界
| The district lying along the edge of a country or territory; a frontier. The boundary line which separates one country from another, the fro... more | 国家或领土的边沿地带;将国与国分开的边界线。 |
border break | 破图廓
| A cartographic technique to extend cartographic detail of a map or chart beyond the neatline into the margin to show important features. Thi... more | 将地图或海图的内容超出内图廓线,绘至幅边以表示重要要素的一种制图技术。使用此技术就不需要绘制附加的海图。 |
border of chart | 海图图廓
| The NEATLINE defining the limits of the area charted. | 限定海图制图范围的内图廓线。 |
borderland | 边缘地带,交界地区
| A region adjacent to a CONTINENT, normally occupied by or bordering a SHELF and sometimes emerging as islands, that is irregular or blocky i... more | 毗邻大陆的地区,通常与礁石或岛屿接壤,或被其占据。多为不规则的块状,高差较大。 |
border scale | 图廓比例尺
| See SCALE. | 沿着海图边界绘制的分划比例尺。 |
bore | 涌潮,怒潮
| A high breaking WAVE of water, advancing rapidly up an ESTUARY. Bores can occur at the MOUTHS of shallow RIVERS if the TIDE RANGE at the MOU... more | 潮水迅速涌入河口时产生的高破碎浪。如河口潮差大,则涌潮可能发生在浅河口处。
海啸进入近岸浅水区或沿河流传播时,也可能引起涌潮。也称作急潮、怒潮或涌潮。 |
boring | 破冰航行
| Forcing a vessel under power through ICE. | 船舶在动力作用下强行穿过冰区。 |
bottom | 河底,海底,水底 | Any GROUND covered by water. | 任何被水覆盖的地面。 |