Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
altimetry | 测高法
| The process of determining the difference of ELEVATION by the use of ALTIMETERS. | 使用高度计确定高差的过程。 |
altitude | 高程,高度
| The vertical distance of a LEVEL, a POINT or an object considered as a POINT (but not affixed to the surface of the EARTH), measured from a ... more | 1.从某一指定基准面(通常是海平面)测定的一点(或可视作一个点的物体)的垂直距离。亦可参见elevation和height(高度)。
2.在天文学中,地平面与天体连线之间的垂直角。亦可参见angle of depression (俯角)和angle of elevation(仰... more |
altitude: apparent | 视高度
| The SEXTANT ALTITUDE of a CELESTIAL BODY corrected for INDEX ERROR, DIP (HEIGHT of EYE), and (for SUN or MOON only) SEMIDIAMETER. Also calle... more | 指经过指标差、俯角(眼睛的高度)和半径(仅对太阳和月亮)改正后的天体六分仪高度。也称作rectified altitude(视高度)。 |
altitude: ex-meridian | 近中天高度,近子午圈高度
| An ALTITUDE of a CELESTIAL BODY near the CELESTIAL MERIDIAN of the observer, to which a CORRECTION is to be applied to determine the MERIDIA... more | 位于观测者所在的天球子午圈附近的天体的高度。对近中天高度进行修正来确定中天高度值。也称为circummeridian altitude(拱子午线高度)。 |
altitude: flight | 飞行高度,航高
| The vertical distance above a given DATUM, usually MEAN SEA LEVEL, or an aircraft in flight. | 飞机飞行时至某一基准面(通常是平均海平面)的距离。 |
altitude: meridian | 中天高度
| The ALTITUDE of a CELESTIAL BODY when it is on the CELESTIAL MERIDIAN of the observer. | 天体经过观测者天球子午圈时的高度。 |
altitude: observed | 观测高度
| The SEXTANT ALTITUDE of a CELESTIAL BODY after all corrections (see ALTITUDE: APPARENT) have been applied. In American terminology the term ... more | 经所有改正后的天体六分仪高度,参见apparent altitude(视高度)。在美国术语中,通常指真高度。 |
altitude: rectified | 视高度
| See ALTITUDE: APPARENT. | 参见apparent altitude(视高度)。 |
altitude: sextant | 六分仪高度 | The ALTITUDE as indicated by a SEXTANT before CORRECTIONS are applied. | 在进行改正之前六分仪所指示的高度。 |
altitude: true | 真高度
| The APPARENT ALTITUDE of a CELESTIAL BODY after all corrections have been applied. In American terminology usually referred to as OBSERVED A... more | 经过所有的改正之后的天体视高度。在美国,该术语通常称为observed altitude(观测高度)。 |
altitude difference | 高度差
| See INTERCEPT. | 参见截距(intercept)。 |
altocumulus | 高积云
| See CLOUD GENERA. | 参见cloud genera(云属)。 |
altostratus | 高层云
| See CLOUD GENERA. | 参见cloud genera(云属)。 |
aluminium sheet | 铝(图)板
| An aluminium-mounted paper sheet occasionally used for BOAT-SHEETS, SMOOTH SHEETS, or plane table boards. | 一种将纸裱贴在铝板上的图板,有时用于外业测量原图、印刷原图或平板仪图板。 |
ambient noise | 环境噪声
| The erratic electromagnetic or sonic background noise emitted by natural or artificial sources contaminating the proper signal. | 由自然或人工源发出的、干扰正常信号的无规律的电磁或背景噪声。 |
ambiguity | 模糊度,多义性
| Uncertainty of value or meaning because of the possibility of two or more interpretations. The condition when navigational COORDINATES defin... more | 由于存在两种或两种以上解释的可能性,造成数值或含义的不确定性。例如,导航坐标定义一个以上的位置、方向、位置线、位置面的情况。 |
Amici prism | 阿米西棱镜
| A prism which deviates the RAYS of light through 90° and because of its shape inverts the IMAGE. See ROOF PRISM. | 一种能折光90°并因为其形状能使图像呈倒像的棱镜。参见roof prism(脊形棱镜)。 |
amidships | 船中
| At, near, or toward the middle of a ship. | 在船的中部或接近船的中部处。 |
ampere | 安培
| The unit of density of electric current in the SI SYSTEM. | 国际单位制中的电流密度单位。 |
amphidromic point | 无潮点
| A no-tide point, from which COTIDAL LINES radiate. | 没有潮汐的点,等潮线由此向各个方向伸展。 |