Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
AIS | 自动识别系统
albedo | 反射率,反照率
| The ratio of radiant energy reflected to that received by a surface, usually expressed as a percentage. | 表面反射辐射能和接收辐射能的比率,通常采用百分比表示。 |
alga | 水藻,海藻,藻类
| A plant of simple structure which grows chiefly in water, such as the various forms of seaweed. | 主要生长于水中的一种简单结构植物,如各种形式的海藻。 |
aliasing | 混叠 | An occurence in tidal analysis when the sea level varies with a period that is less than the sampling period. Due to the varying position of... more | 当海平面按比抽样周期小的周期变化时,在潮汐分析中出现的一种现象,由于曲线上抽样的位置变化,在分析中会出现一个伪潮汐频率。通常情况下,只是在观测场地有假潮或观测间隔大于1小时才会出现此种现象。 |
alidade | 照准仪,照准部
| Pivoted sight bar that moves over a graduated arc. The upper part of a THEODOLITE. The alidade used in topographic SURVEYING consists of a s... more | 经纬仪顶部能在刻度盘上绕枢轴旋转的照准器。用于地形测量的照准仪包含一个携带望远镜或其它瞄准装置的直尺,用于在平板仪外业原图上记录照准方向。该术语也用于描述配备望远镜的方位圈,以便于观察方位。如果仪器上装有望远镜则称为望远镜照准仪。 |
alignment | 校直,对准;定线
| The placing of objects along a straight line. In NAVIGATION, the bringing into line of two or more conspicuous objects, such as LIGHTS, BEAC... more | 沿直线设置目标。在航海中,把两个或两个以上显著物标(如灯标、信标等)排列成行。也指观测者从海上看到的目标方位。 |
alignment correction (tape) | NULL | See TAPE: ALIGNMENT CORRECTION. | NULL |
alignment of base | 基线定线
| The laying out of a BASE LINE in correct ALIGNMENT by means of a THEODOLITE and range poles, before the length of the line is measured. | 在测量基线的长度之前,用经纬仪和测距标杆按正确的定线布设一条基线。 |
alkalinity | 碱度
| The number of milliequivalents of hydrogen ions that are neutralized by 1 KILOGRAM of SEA WATER at 20°C when a large excess of acid is added... more | 一千克海水在20℃时加入过量酸所能中和的氢离子的毫克当量数。 |
almanac | 天文年历
| A periodical publication of astronomical data useful to a navigator. It contains less information than an ephemeris, and values are generall... more | 一种用于航海的天文资料定期出版物,它包含的信息比星历表少,数据精度通常不高。如果数据的精度和形式满足空中导航,则称为航空天文年历。 |
almanac: air | 航空天文年历
| A periodical publication containing various computed astronomical DATA primarily intended for use in AIR NAVIGATION. See also EPHEMERIS. | 一种用于空中导航的定期出版物,包含各种天文数据。也可参见ephemeris(星历表)。 |
almanac: nautical | 航海天文历 | An annual publication containing various computed astronomical DATA primarily intended for use in MARINE NAVIGATION. See also EPHEMERIS. | 提供多种测算后的天文数据,主要用于海上导航的年度出版物。亦可参见ephemeris(星历表)。 |
almucantar | 等高圈
| Any SMALL CIRCLE on the CELESTIAL SPHERE parallel to the HORIZON. Also called parallel of altitude. | 天球上任何平行于地平圈的小圈。也称为地平纬圈(parallel of altitude)。 |
alphanumeric | 文字数字的
| Contraction of alphabetic-numeric. Characters including letters of the alphabet and numbers. | alphabetic-numeric的缩写。字符包含字母表中的字母和数字。 |
alt-azimuth instrument | 地平经纬仪
| An instrument equipped with both horizontal and vertical graduated CIRCLEs, for the OBSERVATION of horizontal and vertical DIRECTIONS or ang... more | 同时装有水平和垂直刻度盘的仪器,用于观测水平和垂直方向或角度。 |
altimeter | 高度计,测高仪
| An instrument that indicates directly the HEIGHT above a reference surface. | 一种直接指示相对于参考面高度的仪器。 |
altimeter: barometric | 气压测高计,气压高度表
| A sensitive ANEROID BAROMETER calibrated to read the HEIGHT above a pressure datum according to the standard atmospheric pressure-to-height ... more | 一种灵敏的空盒气压计,其根据标准大气压的压力高度关系读取相对于压力基准面的高度。 |
altimeter: pulse radio | NULL | See ALTIMETER: RADIO. | NULL |
altimeter: radar | 雷达测高仪
,雷达高度计 | See ALTIMETER: RADIO. | 参见radio altimeter(无线电测高仪)。 |
altimeter: radio | 无线电测高仪
| Any instrument used for determining an aircraft's flight altitude by the measurement of time intervals between the emission and return of el... more | 通过测量电磁波脉冲发射和返回的时间间隔以确定飞机飞行高度的仪器。亦称pulse radio altimeter (脉冲无线电测高仪)或radar altimeter(雷达测高仪)。参见flight altitude(航高)。 |